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Original Skunk#1 at 7 weeks


Active member
Dutch skunk has a sweeter taste and smell, American skunk smells like you hit a skunk while driving down the road. Unfortunatly i think alot of american skunk has been edged out by the over abundance of Dutch skunk in seed form, making it more available to the masses. To this day I have never found anyone with anything close to what i remember skunk could be like... : /
I remember skunk so strong smelling someone could walk in with it in their pocket, pass by and into another room or up the stairs before you shut the door... then turning into a trail of ass-end-O-skunk smell thick like chemicals evaporating burning your nose as you followed it back to the source...
you really cant seem to find that in commercial beans.


Elevator Man

Active member
Well I'd hoped that these were the American version - they're the original Sacred Seeds line supposedly from Sam the Skunkman. Maybe they're not actually the original line, but just modern skunks supplied by Sam. I guess someone's gonna have to ask him soon...:)

Oh, for a Seedsman forum! ? :chin:


Active member
it's not American vs. Dutch version. Sam has stated that there were 2 distinct pheno's of Sk#1, one being the skunkier(not roadkill however) and the other being more on the sweet side. Sam preferred the sweet one. I believe Shanti has the stronger smelling one. Hopefully when he gets back from holiday he can give us a time frame when they will be ready. Most of what people are referring to when they say roadkill Sk was not Skunk at all or was a hybrid with Skunk in it.


Elevator Man - digging the multiple tops and even canopy. I can tell a lot of love goes into your work. If you ever do an LST or Topping thread, count me in.


Active member
people must not understand the point....why would u call a strain skunk if it has nothing to do with skunk? oh i know...to copy the name of a real skunk strain to try and make money off the name. it makes absolutly no sense to name a strain skunk when it smells like fruit. whats the point? you wouldn't name a strain that smells like diesel "Roses".

so lets pretend the roadkill we are looking for isn't a skunk strain at all.....brings me back to my original question of why would u call a strain skunk if it has no resemblence of anything to do with a real skunk? oh i know...to make money off the name.

Elevator Man

Active member
There's certainly a lot of love goes in - and probably a little too much time too, but it beats watching TV any day! These skunks are the most symmetrical plants I could imagine - they branched into eight, and although the 'A' pheno has stretched out to different lengths, 'B' and 'C' are almost perfectly even. I'll take some more pics of 'A' and 'C' this weekend, as they have at least a week to go - I wish they'd finish...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
Wasn't it named 'skunk' originally just because it smelled strong? Compared to the imported weed, Hazes, and all the other sativas, it was the addition of the Afhgani/Kush side that made weed (relatively) stink. I think the term 'skunk' was just to convey the strength of the smell, not the type.

I have a pic of a Sacred Seeds pack of their Hindu Kush from about '79 - it's in the 'Great Books of Cannabis Vol. II'. They were already using the 'Skunk on the flying carpet' logo back then, and the only varieties they offered (I think) were 'Skunk No.1', 'Hindu Kush', and 'Afghani No.1'. Maybe what everyone refers to as the roadkill skunk is actually pure Afghani or Kush?

I was in SF a few times around 89-91, and I think I know now what weed folks are referring to, but it wasn't sold to me as 'skunk' - it didn't have any name as such. Somewhere, in a box, I even have photos of some buds from a San Francisco warehouse I stayed in...no scanner, but I can borrow one...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
Harvest update at 68 days...

Harvest update at 68 days...

I just chopped the earliest and frostiest pheno 'B' at 67 days - this is the super-sweet and fruity version, and is easily the most resinous plant I've ever grown. I held off from using flash except for one, as I'm fed up with that 'startled' look, although it does make them look frostier still. So this is the first and last daylight this beauty has ever seen since she was born...ahhh...

Anyway, looking good - should be dry in enough to sample in a week or so, by which time I'm really hoping the other two will be done. They're at ten weeks on Saturday, and still going strong...:(



Active member
Very, very nice EM. You have done them justice my friend. Let us know just how good I know they are going to be;).

- ezra -

Hey great job Elevator Man, looks fantastic! be sure to give them a good cure eh. I take these were grown organically? Great job on the pruning too.

- Ez

Elevator Man

Active member
Well...semi-organically to be truthful...:)

As for the pruning, when they got to eight tops, there was no need to go any further. Very symmetrical. Strangely, the clones I took from each plant are as asymmetrical as you could imagine, but they're damn vigorous. But it took me ten minutes to manicure - there's virtually no leaf on it...
EM- THey look stunning man nice color on them as well. I'm sure you will appreciate the smoke they produce. Good luck with your other phenos bro.


Active member
Those beans should prove to be interessting to say the least. Two world class parents can't go wrong.

Elevator Man

Active member
Update at 72 days...

Update at 72 days...

The Skunk saga continues...

These two remaining skunks 'A' and 'C' should have been ready a few days ago. However, they are clearly not. They've been on an 11/13 regime and pure water for twelve days, and I would have expected them to be just about finishing off now. Instead, they're putting on the most insane growth spurt I've seen for some time.

Pheno 'A' is obviously quite an extreme sativa pheno! It has almost no orange pistils, and is generating new white pistils constantly - all the bud sites are now merging into long colas. Resin production is still very low compared to the other two, and the smell is still very strange - turpentine, lemon floor-polish, disinfectant and a tiny hint of vomit come to mind. It's not as unpleasant as it sounds, but that's the 'aroma zone' it's in. Maybe this is one of the more skunky sativa phenos mentioned in the 'what is skunk' thread? It's certainly not fruity or sweet in any way. I don't know how long left this one has, but it won't be in the next couple of days I don't think...:)

Pheno 'C' is ridiculous - these buds are getting shoulders! The new growth is amazing, and not what I expected at all. This one has much more resin, and is sweeter, though more hashy/spicy/incense than fruity like pheno 'B'. Again, I don't know when this one will stop either, but it looks like 12 weeks at this rate.

Has anyone else had skunks go this long? They were very slow indicating - I put them into flower at ten weeks old, and they still had no preflowers - took them a week to decide. So I guess I can knock a week off, but they're still slow finishers - although I can't complain about the yield at all. I just wish they would hurry up and get it over with...:)

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Elevator Man

Active member
Pheno 'C' Harvest at 85 days...

Pheno 'C' Harvest at 85 days...

Well..so much for a 9-week strain.
I just chopped pheno 'C' at 12 weeks and one day, and pheno 'A' is still going! It hasn't got long though, and it has to be down by next weekend, whether finished or not, but I'm surprised these have taken so long - 12 weeks for Skunk is very long, surely? Anyway, the yield is quite high for this one, not surprisingly, given the flower time!

The smell has changed dramatically though - no fruitiness at all - the sweet spicy smell is still there, but it's changed to a more 'smoky' version - a bit like burnt candy-floss. But the undercurrent smell is weird indeed, and I'm not sure I like it. Maybe this is more of the real skunk that I don't recognise, being British? But...sorry if it makes anyone gag...the nearest thing to it that I can think of, is a kind of fresh, metallic semen smell.

I know - if there were something else I could use as an analogy I would - but that's what it's like. I guess this one should be renamed Spunk#1......? :confused:

Anyway - it looks nice...
