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Original Skunk#1 at 7 weeks

Baba Kush said:
try the Flying Dutchman's skunk lines... from what i've sampled, there's a heavy skunk dankness in some of his work (swazi safari in particular)....

Thanks for the tip Baba Kush.... :D.

Elevator Man

Active member
I vistited San Francisco a few times around 90-92, and was always amazed how strange the 'skunk' tasted compared to the UK. At that time, all green weed was called 'skunk' over here, as that was the only named strain anyone had heard of. But I never got to taste anything in UK/A'dam that tasted like the weed I got in SF - it wasn't unpleasant at all, but wasn't sweet either.

What puzzles me though is that if these are the original Sacred Seeds lines from Sam the Skunkman, then surely there shouldn't be any sweet phenos? Or not the majority anyway. I always thought that when Skunk arrived in A'dam it was crossed again to sweeten it up, but assumed that these seeds wouldn't be from those lines.

Confused? You bet...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
White Balance nightmare...

White Balance nightmare...

Camera and flash in almost complete disharmony - looks nice though...:)


Baba Kush

Elevator Man said:
What puzzles me though is that if these are the original Sacred Seeds lines from Sam the Skunkman, then surely there shouldn't be any sweet phenos? Or not the majority anyway. I always thought that when Skunk arrived in A'dam it was crossed again to sweeten it up, but assumed that these seeds wouldn't be from those lines.

Confused? You bet...:)

the reality is that the original skunk #1 is simply a fruity strain, hardly acrid/skunky at all. quoth ed rosenthal from a recent 'cannabis culture':

"dave watson of the dutch company hortifarm developed skunk #1 while he was living in california. it is a stabilized strain derived from afghani, mexican & colombian gold. there may also be some thai in the cross, but this has never been publicly acknowledged. once hybridized, it was stabilized by inbreeding. it is a very powerful, adaptable variety and its genetics are found in the majority of modern varieties. the name skunk was used as a marketing tool. skunk #1 never had the acrid pungent odor of your memory, but you can look in the afghani section of seed catalogs to find varieties with thos attributes."

Elevator Man

Active member
Well, that makes sense, I've never smoked an acrid skunk either, if they were skunk. At least I know I have skunk now! The most 'acrid' of my three - the one that smells like lemon floor-polish - even that one is starting to sweeten up a little now. It also shows no signs of slowing down - it's exploding new green bud leaf and pistil clusters everywhere and is developing significant colas. It's too late for pics now, but soon.

The super-fruity sweet one is almost done - maybe two or three days more. it's is without doubt the most resin-encrusted pheno of any strain I've ever grown. And it's taken it's time finishing, but nearly there. Harvest pics this week...


well I have one question, why didn't you use the pollen from the Skunk #1 on some of the plants instead of making yet another hybrid. Or pollenate one branch with your Flo pollen and then another with the best Skunk #1 pollen?

To me it looks like Pheno C was the winner to be a parent to me. Unless you were going for an early maturing vareity. Great shots though and beautiful plants now the less, how did you grow these beauties.?

Happy Toking :rasta:

Elevator Man

Active member
To be honest, I just didn't have the room or the time for more males - also as the Skunk is IBL, it seemed easier just to buy another pack at that price.
But as for 'yet another hybrid', I'm not sure what you mean. Apart from pure landrace strains, everything's a hybrid. The difference here is that they'll be MY hybrids, aiming to specifically produce the weed I want, which is hard to find! And if I'm to learn breeding properly, I need to start with different plants, ideally with a wide range of physical trait differences but similar highs. At the moment, Flo is easily the best strain I've bought as seed.
Pheno C is taking swelling like crazy - at the time, it looked pretty boring! I've got clones of each though, so I can always do that cross next time. I'm on week 9 now, and B is almost done - maybe two or three more days. It's dripping in resin. A is taking ages, but getting huge - still very green. I estimate another ten days on that one. More pics very soon...


Baba Kush said:
the reality is that the original skunk #1 is simply a fruity strain, hardly acrid/skunky at all. quoth ed rosenthal from a recent 'cannabis culture':

It did before it was "Dutched-up".

The real deal old school skunk... REEKED! You could have that stuff double bagged and if you walked in a room with it in your pocket... it filled the room with it's "presence". Skunk STINKS bad... in a very good sort of way.


Active member
"the name skunk was used as a marketing tool. skunk #1 never had the acrid pungent odor of your memory"

yeah everyone has figured this out already, he used the name skunk as a marketing tool to make people think they were actually getting a product that deserves the name skunk.

so if someone actually finds the weed that really does smell and taste like skunk you should name it something that is real fruity....doesn't that really make sense?


Non Conformist
I agree

I agree

Maistre said:
It did before it was "Dutched-up".

The real deal old school skunk... REEKED! You could have that stuff double bagged and if you walked in a room with it in your pocket... it filled the room with it's "presence". Skunk STINKS bad... in a very good sort of way.
I have to agree with this^^ I grew it outdoors in the 80's....You know imo the skunk smell is what makes Rez's SD smell so loud (Mass.skunk ?) and there's also a very loud skunk smell with sensi star too, there's no hiding it,straight up skunk...Btw fyi Elevator Man have ya ever been around a fox,mink,muskrat,weasel or ferret? they all have a skunk musk smell to them.yum-yum lol Take care ...BC


Active member
B.C. said:
You know imo the skunk smell is what makes Rez's SD smell so loud (Mass.skunk ?)

i agree 100%, i thought the same exact thing when i just recently tried the ecsd for the first time....never tried rez's but i'm sure it's about the same.

i used to get skunk and superskunk that both just reeked....why else would u name a strain skunk if it has nothing to do with a skunk? maybe it's like when you call a fat dude slim or a tall dude shorty.

Elevator Man

Active member
Well my 'mystery strain' reeks as well, in the same way - open the jar, open a window to let the smell out. But it's not skunk smell - at least what I imagine skunk to smell like. I've got some foxes in my garden, but they don't let me get close enough to smell their asses...:)
But these 'skunks' are much fruitier and sweeter than my mystery strain is, which is way more fuel/solvent than sweet. Maybe that's old-school...it's certainly pre-'92...


hello, i got a pack of like 20 or so skunk #1 from sam the skunkman on a free bee on a order. i gave ten to my buddy and in return he gave me some master kush seeds. well he poppd all of his and they never made it. i am bearly getting into grown for myself, and am new to all the breeders and strains, is Sam the Skunkman skunk #1 a good strain, i ve been looking for info and i see all kinds of about all kinds of diffrent skunk #1's and i dont know witch is witch. any info on this would help, thanks guys!


Active member
yeah the skunk #1's are great strains, just not the "skunk strain" we are all looking for...if you live around the animal called a skunk go back roading and hit one...you'll know what we want our weed to smell like!

Elevator Man

Active member
Here's a few more 'in-your-face' shots I just took of the super-fruity 'B' pheno. Every night I expect to see this one closed up and orange all over, only to see a whole new raft of new growth! Still, I'm not standing for any more nonsense - this one comes down Wednesday.

The other two are still packing on the pistils, and are getting much larger, and I'll give them another week, which will make ten. They have to be ready by then, surely...? :chin:



Non Conformist
Elevator Man said:
I've got some foxes in my garden, but they don't let me get close enough to smell their asses...:)
You have to be fast!:-o later... BC

Elevator Man

Active member
I nearly just did it tonight, but gave her a reprieve, as she was just putting out some fresh pistils with a pleading look on her, so...tomorrow night instead now.
The other two have at least a week more - both expanding in a scary way...:)
When I was in Florida a couple weeks ago... I purchased an 8th off this kid who had some recently chopped bud. He claimed it had been hung up fer two weeks er so. But anywayz the bud reeked of skunky sour grapes, I had never smelled ganja like this. I have had weed that smells like dead skunk my dad grew it two years ago, too bad he wouldnt share his knowledge with me.