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Tutorial Organics for Beginners


3rd-Eye Jedi
When using LC#2 in veg I amend with kelp and, In lieu of blood meal I use neem meal, amended into the soil.

Worm tea is always good, I also prefer to use alfalfa in a tea opposed to amending with it. alfalfa can be hot so one must be cautious in its use.

You may not need the alfalfa tea but if you find you need a little something extra its perfect in the feed or as a foliar.

good luck


New member
When using LC#2 in veg I amend with kelp and, In lieu of blood meal I use neem meal, amended into the soil.

Worm tea is always good, I also prefer to use alfalfa in a tea opposed to amending with it. alfalfa can be hot so one must be cautious in its use.

You may not need the alfalfa tea but if you find you need a little something extra its perfect in the feed or as a foliar.

good luck

Im about to start my first indoor plant and am really new to this and was just curious as to what you meant by amend in veg? is this like topdressing? or how does it work? Also, for flower stage would you do different amendments? Thanks in advance for any info, this thread has been super helpful.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Im about to start my first indoor plant and am really new to this and was just curious as to what you meant by amend in veg?

This means that when I plan a container for my clones or seedlings I take the base LC mix (promix, perlite and ewc) and then add kelp and neem meal at the rate of one tablespoon per gallon.

is this like topdressing? or how does it work?

I mix it before I fill the container, not afterwards. You could top dress it as well I prefer to amend before hand

Also, for flower stage would you do different amendments? Thanks in advance for any info, this thread has been super helpful.


to the same base of promix, perlite and ewc I add some compost.

my ratio is 3:1:1:.5 promix perlite ewc and compost respectively .

to that I add the following per gallon of mix above

1 Tbs neem meal, kelp meal and crab meal

2 Tbs fish bone meal (substitute for bone meal)

1 Tbs fish (substitute for blood meal)

1 Tbs glacial rock dust, 1 Tbs greensand

1 Tbs oyster shell meal, .5 Tbs lime .5 Tbs gypsum

1 Tbs food grade DE

I have run several variations and that is what is working for me

I have some redundant N sources (neem meal is also a substitute for blood meal) but I find that in my rooms the plants require it. contain size relative to plant size, proximity to the lights and other factors will ultimately determine your exact needs but that mix should be mellow enough for starters.

Not necessary to cook it, its not that hot but I do suggest getting the microbiology a way of a kick start by mixing it a couple weeks before you transplant and hitting it with an EWC tea

good luck


Looking to try organics without brewing teas. Does brewing teas stink? Should it be done in the flower room? Can I do this without brewing teas?


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
Looking to try organics without brewing teas. Does brewing teas stink? Should it be done in the flower room? Can I do this without brewing teas?

You don't "brew" teas. They are made with growroom temperature water. They don't stink. They can be made anywhere. What are you using to make your teas? Guano and meals can be mixed into the soil.


Well-known member
Brewing teas are super fun. I have just made the switch because of not wanting to deal with PH soil control during grow. From my very new perspective of organic and teas is that you want an echo system in your soil. So your plants are not eating the food there eating the microbes that multiplied by feeding them the kelp, blood bone fish meals.
If you mix an organics soil up its like a small town. when you brew a tea your soil is then a city of microbes. It kinda reminds me of the way a septic system has an echo system.

Teas do not stink at all. They smell like yeast/fermentation.
Finding and collecting all the ingredients gets pricey but when you get them you have them for a long while.If you collect seeds you will ad kelp and bat shit to your hobby

An organic newbs perspective .


No stink eh:) sounds like a plan. Research and gonna plan a run.... will make a thread.... total noob here...


You don't "brew" teas. They are made with growroom temperature water. They don't stink. They can be made anywhere. What are you using to make your teas? Guano and meals can be mixed into the soil.

My limited knowledge im planning on using a nylon sock and a 5 gallon buvket and hopin rowater with a air stone air pump. Small one... ??? Using maybe happy frog dry powder????

Promix bx myco. Extra myco. Ewc. Mix with happy frog. Water wait a week. Use this for my mix. Then im gonna top dress or brew some tea or whatever you call it when it looks like it needs it... this is the plan in my mind. Feel free to give any pointers.....


Ok will do... guess your saying its a bad idea:)

Sorry not lookin to steer anyone the wrong way. That plan was because of most of it is already on hand and was lookin to save some money.


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
was lookin to save some money.

Nothing wrong with saving money.

But look at what you can have for the price of a full bag of good weed.
Full bag of good weed=$250-$500.

$275 ION 400W Digital Grow Light Kit from Worms Way
Bone meal $5
Dried blood $5
Kelp meal $10
Peat $5
Perlite $5
Dolomite $5
Worm castings $10 (free if you have a worm bin)
$80 damn good seeds from SeedBay/SeedsBoutique

So, for the price of one good bag of weed you'll never have to buy any more weed... EVER!



Hmm didnt know those ingredients were so cheap... other than the mix I got pretty much everything else.... im feeling like this happy frog powder mix is pretty close to what your mix is in terms of food. Just gotta do my soil mix... thx


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
Pretty close is the best way to fail.
If you were baking a cake and you thought "salt is pretty close to sugar", how do you think the cake is going to turn out?
Follow the directions.


Hmm didnt know those ingredients were so cheap... other than the mix I got pretty much everything else.... im feeling like this happy frog powder mix is pretty close to what your mix is in terms of food. Just gotta do my soil mix... thx

If you want everything in one box you can get this four part bat guano fertiliser it comes with a feeding chart and everything pretty good and I only noticed it today



Active member
love IC. Thank you community. grOw1ngbud5 biggest budds to you.

sorry aboout the double post.
Last edited:


New member
Couple of questions after having done an organic grow.

Couple of questions after having done an organic grow.

Hi guys, I'm into Organic growing. It makes a lot of sense, and simplifies many aspects. I'm using LC's soiless mix #2 (5 gallon smart pot per plant) and for feedings I'm using the Fish and Kelp nute regimen (recipe #5).

My water out of the tap is 10-10.5. I'm bubbling it for at least 48 hours in an open container to cut down on the Chlorine.

I have two questions:

1. I know that when growing organic I shouldn't be worrying too much about PH, but I'd like to hear from some people with more experience if I should be adding some apple cider vinegar to my water perhaps to cut the PH down closer to neutral. Thoughts on it?

2. I noticed I had "light and airy buds" on my last grow. It was all healthy plants, and a strain I haven't grown before, but I've read somewhere that using Fish emulsion as my main plant food is known to cause "light airy buds". Should I try a different organic food source? Should I be supplementing in some way? Has anyone done a grow on the same strain with different organic plant food recipes listed here that can verify my "light and airy" buds weren't just the strain?

I pulled 18 dry ounces off of 5 plants, so I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to improve for the future.



Well-known member
Cal-mag I cant find any localy. Im having a deficiency. Does any on have a simple recipe.

Epsom + Egg shells?

ct guy2

agricultural lime for Ca. or oyster shell flour. make sure it's what your plant actually needs in regards to calcium and magnesium.


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
My water out of the tap is 10-10.5.

Your pH meter is broke. If it's not, I wouldn't drink that tap water. Or bathe in it.
If you have chlorine in your water it must be from a municipal water supply. In my experience, they usually adjust the pH to near neutral to protect their pipes.