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Tutorial Organics for Beginners


Active member
That's 1 cup per cubic foot of mix after you mix in the peat or ProMix, perlite and worm castings.

Thank you for the clarification Burn 1.

Now the water question. I do have good water. PH in the low 7's and an EC of just over 100. I would think I no longer need the RO filter tht is hanging in my room and would like to by-pass it to my Rez. What do the experts think?

I understand about the chorine and letting the water sit for at least 24 hours. Heck, I was even going to set up a small air pump just to keep the the water aerated. Is that OK? To bypass the RO?

Also, is it ok to keep mosquito dunks floating in the rez or will that change things in the micro herd I am trying to flourish in the soil?


Hey KJ, give them a ACT and keep the surface of the soil moister. I would increase the amount of water also. They look a little dry from what I can see.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Hey KJ, give them a ACT and keep the surface of the soil moister. I would increase the amount of water also. They look a little dry from what I can see.


ACT? What is that?

As for the moisture, they're about as good as they can be in this setup with 20% RH the norm in these parts. We actually had a problem with overwatering them in the beginning, so we've cut back and they seem to like it. I'm watering them similarly to how I have the last 2 grows, which were in the same setup with the same soil. So I think the moisture content is about right for them (though I would love to have the RH up closer to 30%).


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi KJ i would also say they look a bit dry, and plants cant feed so well when they are dry. its easy for the soil to stay too wet when you first transplant small plants into big pots - but once they start growing you can water them a bit more freely ;)

they look happy enough though.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
hi KJ i would also say they look a bit dry, and plants cant feed so well when they are dry. its easy for the soil to stay too wet when you first transplant small plants into big pots - but once they start growing you can water them a bit more freely ;)

they look happy enough though.


Thanks for tossing in your thoughts VG. I actually think I'll be placing a nice open container of fresh water in the flower room so as to help bring the RH up a bit. We'll see how that works. As for watering, I'm still apt to let the plants tell me when they need it...and also by the weight method. But yes, as they get bigger, I'll certainly be more free with the watering.


Active member
2 TBS dolomite lime PER gallon of soil.

I add my lime BEFORE the perlite. That way it is only added to the organic material and not the inert perlite.

I mix mine. EWC, peat, compost, lime, rock powders. and then mix well. Then I add the guanos or what every I am using for nutrients and then mix. Measure the total volume at that time and then add the perlite.


Thanks V - good idea with the perlite last. Makes all the sense in the world. so logical I never would have thought of it. ha


New member


How soon after transplanting for one gallon pots into 3 gallon pots can they go into flowering? also when watering why doesnt it soak into the medium it just goes straight through...im having to gather the run off and pour at top three times before it stays. does it have to do with the perlite being chunky:dunno:?



ACT? What is that?

As for the moisture, they're about as good as they can be in this setup with 20% RH the norm in these parts. We actually had a problem with overwatering them in the beginning, so we've cut back and they seem to like it. I'm watering them similarly to how I have the last 2 grows, which were in the same setup with the same soil. So I think the moisture content is about right for them (though I would love to have the RH up closer to 30%).

Aerated Compost TEA

Here is a link from Microbeman´s website Microbeorganics


A link to the Soil Food Web Inc. Dr. Elaine Ingham


A simplified version here by CTguy entitled Tea Article




How soon after transplanting for one gallon pots into 3 gallon pots can they go into flowering? also when watering why doesnt it soak into the medium it just goes straight through...im having to gather the run off and pour at top three times before it stays. does it have to do with the perlite being chunky:dunno:?


That day. They will continue to veg (depending on strain) fora few weeks before the show first true flowers.

For the watering....scratch the surface of the soil and add just about 1\3 of the water and then wait for a while and then water as normal. You can use a catch pan of some sort underneath and let the plants sit in that a soak up the water from the bottom.

How much perlite did you add?



New member
Thanks. ill try that today and the catch pan is already in effect. i followed the lc mix recipe but used the chunky stuff.5 parts peat,3parts perlite,2parts EWC.


Active member

Wow. I totally understand what happened with my mix. I mixed my soil exactly as LC mix called for with all ingredients, measured then added dolomite lime. Upon planting my clones I had Mg deficiencies ! Its because I measured after perlite!

Thanks again, next time I get to mix a batch up I'll remember lime before perlite!

I might have to try that next time I mix up a batch. I had Mg deficiencies when I used a fresh batch, but never saw a problem after the initial batch sat 3 months or more.


Active member
Jersey Greensand.

Making my LC#2 today. Been searching for greensand in my area (so. cal) with no luck. Forget the internet orders.

So, I know the greensand is optional, but I want high K levels available later in flower.

Question? Is there an alternative natural product that can boost my K levels in the soil that I can mix in now?

Thanks for any answers.


Jersey Greensand.

Making my LC#2 today. Been searching for greensand in my area (so. cal) with no luck. Forget the internet orders.

So, I know the greensand is optional, but I want high K levels available later in flower.

Question? Is there an alternative natural product that can boost my K levels in the soil that I can mix in now?

Thanks for any answers.

I find the same problem. Earth Juice Meta-K is what I'm looking at. Another user discusses it here.
Hey, I going to be running LC's Mix #1 and using the bone/blood mix. I have a bag of seaweed compost mixed with peat as the base and I also have liquid seaweed to add during the grow. How important is kelp now that I already have this seaweed in my mix already. It would be great to not have to search for it. thanks


Jersey Greensand.

Making my LC#2 today. Been searching for greensand in my area (so. cal) with no luck. Forget the internet orders.

So, I know the greensand is optional, but I want high K levels available later in flower.

Question? Is there an alternative natural product that can boost my K levels in the soil that I can mix in now?

Thanks for any answers.

K-Mag Natural

K-Mag is 21-22% potassium (K20), 10.5-11% magnesium (Mg), 21-22% sulfur (S), 2.5% chloride (Cl) maximum, and 0.14% water (H20)


Active member
K-Mag Natural

K-Mag is 21-22% potassium (K20), 10.5-11% magnesium (Mg), 21-22% sulfur (S), 2.5% chloride (Cl) maximum, and 0.14% water (H20)

And V? would I use the same rate per CF as the Greensand?

I already made the soil mix yesterday, but I got 2 to 3 weeks before use so I would mix some in. I like the sulfer in this product also. I always like sulfer in the soil, at least in our native soil here. I can't speak for "Sunshine Mix #4".


could i use lcs mix#1 in a 5 gal bucket for a outdoor grow will the nutes last or would i have to supplement with guano later in the season ?


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
could i use lcs mix#1 in a 5 gal bucket for a outdoor grow will the nutes last or would i have to supplement with guano later in the season ?

LC's Mix has no food in it. You'll have to add N-P-K. Use one of the recipes on the first page of this thread.