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Organics & coco

Here's something y'all may beable to clear up if I don't understand properly.

With using a synth Nute we are feeding nutrients which are readily available to to plants to use and absorb. Easy enough.

Running with the beast (organics) though we are feeding it is it it available to the plant or does the break down have to happen? To allow for proper uptake? N with that being said if the mycros aren't thriving or in larger number does this slow growth n production n not allowing a proper uptake.

The way I'm seeing it is it's fed to the medium but has to be broken down by certain bacteria and enzymes to make use of it.
Am I understanding this correct.


Active member
the way i understand it is, think of it of different bars of soap that take different amounts of time to dissolve. you add the minerals(soaps), to the soil, and as you water, they dissolve. some dissolve faster, N, Mag, Cal, some dissolve slower, fe, P, zn, etc. luckily your plant needs more of the stuff thats already dissolved or dissolves fast, the Macros, and less of the stuff that's slow to dissolve. Micro's.


I finally dialed in a coco (no peat) organic mix! My girls are loving it. Only bottle I use is ProTekt. Occasional non PH'D teas is all I use. I love my spongy airy 'loco coco'!


I'd like to chime in and say that ph does matter with bottled organics. In a true organic setting with amendments and teas and what not oh doesn't matter nearly as much but with bottled organic I believe it does because your feed the roots and the soil at the same time.

I don't have any other explanation but this is from my personal experience. I've used bottle organic for years and it works in a tight apartment setting.

I use 2 gallon pots and strongly believe ph makes a huge difference. If you have a 10 gallon pot amended with organic material ph isn't an as big of an issue so I believe the ph thing comes down to your pot size since you don't get the buffers.

Anyway I've had much better success with proper ph and gen organics (+ molasses once a week) the. I've had without paying attention to ph. In fact I get a high rate of hermits when I don't ph.

So it comes down to your set up IMO. And I'd like to point out with go my tap water get close to optimum ph. With distiller water it's a no brainier and it phs itself. Your tap water might be more stubborn then mine and require a ph down like vinegar


To elaborate on my experience a bit more I've run the same clones with 6:9 gh, go phd, go un phd, as well as a variety of other bottled organic nute combined with go grow. Limited to 2 gallon pots which is what I really believe makes the difference on the organic ph debate.

If I had 25 gallon pots I'd never ph....at least that's what I imagine.

I also amend my coco with a bit of alfalfa meal kelp and earth worm castings. I find that it makes a forgiving environment having light nutes mixed in. And I always use molasses in organic grows. World of a difference with molasses if you're going organic. Doesn't matter as much with synthetic.