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Organic Vs Chemical.... is there no end difference?


Active member
I wouldn't say that I can't do organics. I can do anything I put my mind to. :)

I haven't educated myself enough on organics, nor am I interested. I feel that organics is for the outdoors. I don't want anything but my plants living in my room indoors. Now I know that's not a reality, but I like to keep it to a minimum. I like the simplicity of synthetics, and it doesn't smell as bad... lol... My hydro setup isn't complicated. I use coco/perlite 50/50 w/ 6mL micro 9mL bloom 2-3mL Silica Blast and 9mL diluted pH down per gallon of water.

I could buy all the guanos and w/e separately and cultivate bacteria, make a tea and so on, but that seems like a lot of time to me... :D

Outdoors I think that you should go ahead with organics. The bacteria/bugs are already there. It's seems more eco-friendly.

These are all my opinions, I'm not knocking you organic guys. I have this debate with ppl all the time.. lol trying to convert soil growers to coco.

one Q

i dont like the limiting factors of Soil which is why I stay FAR away from it. I dont believe I could grow 21-30 grams in a 1/2g of soil like I can with Coir or a Hempy. I dont think I could cram 20g plants that are 22" tall in a one LITER bottle with soil.

Im just saying... for some you have to maximize and find balance between space, yield, time, resources... I think that they are all important and help us determine HOW we grow. for example, fill NFT res with 10g of lucas... peek in every day for pump check and deficiencies (which there are none 99% of the time) and on with my day. Do this for 8-10 days in a row, then refill with adjusted formula according to week of flowering.

So I peek once a day, and work once every 8-10 days... I have not been able to do this in soil when I did soil.

as far as "end product" I will not state my opinion as that usualy starts wars around here.. so form your own opinion.


Active member
I grew organic with bio bizz nutes for almost 2 years.
Indoors the smoke was really clean and the taste was sweet but the final product was not quite as dense as the same strain grown with synthetic nutrients and seemed to lose a lot more weight after drying.
Outdoors was a different story though...nice dense, frosty buds from top to bottom...large medium + organic = :)
I switched back to synthetic for indoors for the yields but I will stay organic for outdoors because the quality and yields are great with minimal effort. Peat, Ewc and perlite mix top dressed with seabird guano once for veg and bat guano once for flower. Bio bizz every other watering.


Drip King
I grow organic soil because.......

I grow organic soil because.......

It is easier-

I mix my soil once, then plain water.
No famously un-reliable Ph meters.( hanna and a bluelab,BOTH freshly calibrated, both give different readings)
It is pretty cheap.
No resos to empty and fill.
Blah blah blah

I have been growing for over 30 yrs. most with chem nutes.
No more.

In MY opinion, the O smoke is easier on throat and lungs.
I HAVE done a side by side comparision, and O won.:biggrin:

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Are heavy metals a concern with some chemical (and organic!) fertilizers? I know in commercial tobacco the rock phosphate has radioactive isotopes which are drawn into the plant particularly efficiently by the tobacco plant. This is the primary cause of lung cancer according to the latest research. I saw a lecture at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center where a doctor said exactly that to a room full of 100+ other doctors.


hemp/is effective at leaching radioactive and I heard it was proposed for use at cheranobyle