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Casey Jones Organic vs. Casey Jones Co-Co


Drip King
In my previous grow,I ran several pots of Co-Co , fed with REZ's formula, along side the same cut grown organically in a pro-mix base.

I will keep this brief.

Both samples were of excellent quality.
The C-C may have been MARGINALLY denser, and was very colorful.
Both samples had excellent trich. coverage.

However, the CC(refined nutes) grown sample caused a bit more throat drying/burn, not a-lot, just a bit , as the O sample had NONE.
This was noted by 2 others, also, (wife and a friend) in a blind test.(they had no idea what they were smoking).
Here are some pics of organically grown Casey of several grows ago,
I do not have any of the grow sampled above but the cuts are the same.



the absence of the throat burn is the best thing about organics. well, that and the incredible smell molasses gives. :joint:

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
I had similar findings with my last gh/coco harvest. I flushed them out real well I thought, but they still were quite a bit harsher on the back of the throat then what I was used to smoking. Exactly as you describe it.. A dryer harshness in the back of the throat.

I'm trying again though.. That was my first try with the regimen, and coco, so I'm a lil open to it being slightly off due to newbie mistakes, but we'll see...


Drip King
the absence of the throat burn is the best thing about organics. well, that and the incredible smell molasses gives. :joint:

i love how my organic buds taste...clean!

I had similar findings with my last gh/coco harvest. I flushed them out real well I thought, but they still were quite a bit harsher on the back of the throat then what I was used to smoking. Exactly as you describe it.. A dryer harshness in the back of the throat.

I'm trying again though.. That was my first try with the regimen, and coco, so I'm a lil open to it being slightly off due to newbie mistakes, but we'll see...
I find it not so pronounced at the beginning of the first joint, but certainly by the second, and all subsequent joints,(I smoke a lot of herb) the negative effects are quite palpable. I can smoke endlessly(well, ALMOST) on my O herb with little or no negative respiratory consequences.
This bummed me out, as I really wanted this to work. As I am not beholden to any one "ideology" over another.
I want what works best,and easiest, and having read so many positive opinions on CC, I felt the need to try this.
Herb was WELL FLUSHED,(as per formula) and like I said, burn quality on both samples was perfect.




nice report sunny dog, interesting results. I was also going to ask why you can't do organic AND coco. So do you think it is safe to say that promix flushes better than coco? Or do you think it was because of your inexperience with coco? I always read coco was the best soiless medium to be able to flush everything completely out to get the smoothest smoke...mmm casey jones is some tasty potent smoke....I miss those dark green nugs!


Drip King
nice report sunny dog, interesting results. I was also going to ask why you can't do organic AND coco. So do you think it is safe to say that promix flushes better than coco? Or do you think it was because of your inexperience with coco? I always read coco was the best soiless medium to be able to flush everything completely out to get the smoothest smoke...mmm casey jones is some tasty potent smoke....I miss those dark green nugs!

With my organic soil-less mix(includes some co-co :D) I don't "flush", They just use every thing up by the end. They usually just get water their whole life. These were very "done".

The CC was given plain water last 15 days.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Great initiative Sunnydog, we need more of these side by side grows.

As the others said, you can grow organic in coco coir. You don't need coco specific nutrients either, as some nute manufacturers like to claim. In fact, I even get better results with the GH 3-part than Canna's Coco nute and Advanced Nutrients' Monkey Juice.

What is Rez's formula, a GH 3-part variety?

Tell us a little more about the grow. How was the yield differences between the two?

Did you use the same pot size for both coco and pro-mix?

Did phenotype/vegetal mass/root system develop differently and in that case how?


Pull my finger
Very cool. I agree with Rosy. We need more side by sides. I wiil do one soon with the Chem4 cut. One in O soil, one in DWC. I wanna see if the rumor is true about this cut. Chemicals are better?


hang the sonofabitch anyways
ICMag Donor
Awesome comparison Sunnydog . I always hear about heavier yields in coco , how did the yeilds compare or did I miss that ?


Drip King
Awesome comparison Sunnydog . I always hear about heavier yields in coco , how did the yeilds compare or did I miss that ?

Yield was pretty much the same.
I did not actually weigh them, But the cuts were actually fairly identical when harvested, CC having maybe, slightly, denser material.
I would not say the diff was significant.( both made nice buds)

This was the biggest reason I tried CC(with refined nutes) as I wanted to increase yields, but I saw no compelling evidence to sway me.


nice report. i was using peat based with organics and love it .but i was trying a all coco grow but it dries out to fast so i started mixing them both with a recipe i got off of overgrow called vics super soil. so i mixed the recipe with coco and i will never look back yield is like hydro .but i use all organic nutrients.earth juice,and bat guano teas. and the taste is great.
better yields. but most think lung expansion is the same as harsh weed. and it it not.
i told them it only start coffin after you take a hit and hold it in .


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
sunnydog how many times a day or week did you water the cc vs the organic. That may be the reason you didn't see a higher yield with the cc.


Active member
Excellent work Sunnydog, I grow in coco and go back in forth between refined and organic nutes. But I agree with your findings, Synthetic is hard to flush and harsher to smoke. I'll stick with organics and coco. thanks for the write up.