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Organic SFV OGKush


OK, now that el douche has been banned and posts deleted, we can get back to this thread of yours....

A very informative thread my friend... Then again, I expect nothing less from you!

Oh, and I hope the ear-infection is gone now:D


Those are some beautiful plants, it's nice to know that simple recipes and basic organics can grow such great girls.

I have a question though, do you amend the soil with anything else? From my understanding of the various guano's, aren't they lacking in potassium? Do you use kelp or maxi crop with your irrigation? Sorry if this has been covered.

And from your experience how long does say a tablespoon of guano top dressed/scratched in a 10 inch pot tend to last? I guess it is as always strain dependent.....
killer macros...

I'm getting started, from scratch. is the learning curve steep for this kind of grow? If possible, do you have any pics of what they look like when it is time to feed them, or is there a schedule? my concern is that I will need such a big pot to do this, is that right? I was thinking I could do a perpetual SOG but I'm not sure it would work. also are any of the current strains in seedbay good for this method?

sorry that's a lot of newb q's. but i really want to get going on this.


Hey CC, great post as usual, your posts are always, in a word,,, inspirational. You mention using bat and bird guano, however the two types of guano you mention, which i see on the provided link, are both seabird guano. Are these actually a mix of bat and seabird guano, or is there another product you use as well?


The Voice of Reason
diluted to make sure the soil stayed pathogen free and oxygenated...
and also dipped the cuts before they got dipped in rooting agent to make sure they were clean... I think I had posts and pics up at OG back in the day...


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hmm growing under lights is certainly throwing stones in the glass house that is organic gardening - but some of us have little choice. :D

(EDIT - the above comment was a light hearted response to another comment which has since been deleted)

CC i was wondering if you observed a difference in root growth when exclusively feeding via top dressing - more roots at the top?

i mix the guano with the soil before i plant - this gives great results too if you use it sparingly in large pots.


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Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Verdant, listen, bro... I am ALWAYS changing my grow styles... ALWAYS. The reason is... no one method is THE correct grow method. Today I am using lean organic mediums, employing the organic microherd to break down top-fed guanos... and tomorrow I may be doing something completely different. I am ALWAYS learning.

That said... yes, the roots do get very thick at the top of the medium this way. I have grown, many times, with the guanos incorporated in the medium... But this takes away the control I, PERSONALLY, like to maintain. I stress the word personally because in the past ANYTHING I've said has been turned against me to mean that I disagree with ANYTHING else someone else is doing. I agree with ANYTHING that is true and that works... and that's a LOT of methods. But for me, I have always been after control of dissolved salts in the medium, organic soil, hydro, organic medium, synthetic, I want control over the salts in ANY medium I use. So... This is why I'm currently experimenting with the use of a lean organic soil that is fed from the top... When I want to reduce the available organic matter, to prevent further conversion to salts... I simply withhold the guano. Who knows what I'll be doing next month! I have some ideas. ;) All I know is... I'm always experimenting with new ways to grow top-notch plants, indoors, that taste perfect, smoke perfectly, and are not TOO much of a pain in the ass to cultivate. It's like adjusting fire on an artillery range... it takes some dead reckoning and some time.

BTW, the organic lighting was a reference to some other thread. A little humor, is all.


Nice CC, so your plants dont get overwatered giving them a shot everyday? I tried that before but had problems with overwatering. Anyway maybe you could tell the peeps how you water if you still use that style. You wrote an article about watering in Heads Dec. 2004
been useing that "style" ever since still even have the article, think people would learn alot from it. Thanks.

Oh yeah was an FO in the army sure you could walk your bombs in but we got lasers for that shit now.


Living with the soil
Just read this thread.......Man!!! Nice Photos! I wish my camera (or the guy running it) took pics like that. A feller I know has some BK Kush that looks very similar,is there a genetic link?


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
This is a great thread....loving all the info CC. Keep it up bro!

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
*Thread clean, again, to keep it on topic... the topic is "Organic SFV OGKush".

I'm off for a few hours, so I'll answer the q's later. :) cc


This thread is awesome, it takes organic to another level. If I were to top feed how long would the first feeding be good for before I would need to top feed again?? Thanks CC for the wealth of information.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
spiral, no, if you got true overwatering results from watering every day, you might have a little bit too heavy of a medium (less than ideal drainage), or not enough air flow in the room to cause the water to be drawn up out of the medium at a healthy rate. Another reason overwatering symptoms show up is very hot temps around the root zone. Above 80F water loses its ability to hold oxygen, meaning the water is now something roots can literally drown in. When water has very little oxygen dissolved in it, the bad bacteria, called anaerobic bacteria, will move in rather quickly and cause even more problems. Lasers are cool. :)

Capt.Cheeze1, I can't recall if Bubba and SFV are related. If they are, they have diverged from each other quite a lot. The Bubba is entirely different in smell/taste.

If I were to top feed how long would the first feeding be good for before I would need to top feed again??
Depends on a lot of things... But in my garden, a tablespoon of guano usually is good for at least a week. I feed again when I see the very first signs of impending Nitrogen deficiency. But that's just me. I have a friend who uses this method now, and he is doing quite well by adding a tablespoon per week, instead of waiting to see signs of deficiency. Top-feeding dry guanos is a little tricky if you don't know what to look for... so here's a heads up... the plants will not green up as soon as you add the guanos... It may take several days for the plants to respond... So you need to be on top of the feedings if you want to keep them nice and green until flush/nutrient step down time, before harvest. It's not rocket science, though, so don't worry too much about whether you are a day or two later than ideal. It takes practice, like anything else. :)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Verdant, listen, bro... I am ALWAYS changing my grow styles... ALWAYS. The reason is... no one method is THE correct grow method. Today I am using lean organic mediums, employing the organic microherd to break down top-fed guanos... and tomorrow I may be doing something completely different. I am ALWAYS learning.

That said... yes, the roots do get very thick at the top of the medium this way. I have grown, many times, with the guanos incorporated in the medium... But this takes away the control I, PERSONALLY, like to maintain. I stress the word personally because in the past ANYTHING I've said has been turned against me to mean that I disagree with ANYTHING else someone else is doing. I agree with ANYTHING that is true and that works... and that's a LOT of methods. But for me, I have always been after control of dissolved salts in the medium, organic soil, hydro, organic medium, synthetic, I want control over the salts in ANY medium I use. So... This is why I'm currently experimenting with the use of a lean organic soil that is fed from the top... When I want to reduce the available organic matter, to prevent further conversion to salts... I simply withhold the guano. Who knows what I'll be doing next month! I have some ideas. ;) All I know is... I'm always experimenting with new ways to grow top-notch plants, indoors, that taste perfect, smoke perfectly, and are not TOO much of a pain in the ass to cultivate. It's like adjusting fire on an artillery range... it takes some dead reckoning and some time.

BTW, the organic lighting was a reference to some other thread. A little humor, is all.

hi again CC, i am also interested in different methods. in my case i am trying to limit the available nutrition near harvest time by carefully regulating the amount of guano/ferts that i incorporate into my soil for each strain.(often i only have time to water my plants so logistically this works best for me atm)
im interested in the point - lets say weeks from harvest - that you like to see the plant starting to yellow.
and also can i ask how this method you are using atm influences the stretch - do you see it drastically reduced?

p.s. you certainly wont see me attacking anyones methods or opinions - not my style - i see both science and experience as equally important in gardening - and think that the two should inform and be accepting/tolerant of each other as much as possible. :)
pps - the buds look very nice btw ;)

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Living with the soil
CC,check this out and let me know what you think. I copied some stuff from another website by some cat who goes by xXKidTwistXx. If this information is true,then it's quite informative. The Bubba clones "Cheeze" received that came from Humboldt at $1200 for 100 cuts would indeed be relatives if this is true. They apparently came from the breeder of the Bubba himself via a Heady hook up. I would say "Cheeze's" Finished Bubba's(have pics but not @ the moment)look more like the SFV OG when finished,really strong skunkish/kush smell,sweet flowery smoke everyone likes,and is super stoney. Same growth structure,bud formation,and with some fairly lengthy stretching between the nodes. I'm wondering if Cheeze has the SFV rather than the Bubba? Anyway,The following is what I copied from the other site.............
OG Kush, Bubba Kush and The West Coast Dog. “In late ‘93 John from Grass Valley Ca. got the Chem Dog cut. He shared it with me, Jerry(cowboy) from Dibble Creek Ca. and Harold(Putz) from Sunset Beach Ca. Putz had a male he called the secret ingredient. It was a cross of Lemon Thai and an Old World Paki Kush. Putz bred the secret ingredient to the Chem Dog. The buds that came out of this cross were going around So. L.A. county in ‘95. Someone told Putz that Kush must be so good because it was mountain grown. Putz laughed and told him “this Kush is Ocean Grown Kush bro”. The tag stuck and it became known as OG Kush. In the spring of ‘96 Putz married a girl from New Zealand. Before moving there he sent cuts of his OG to me and Bob(beans) in Salinas Ca. He gave all his P1 stock and all the remaining seed he had to ???? (mad dog) from Downey Ca. In late ‘96 ???? sold some seed to some guys in the Valley. That’s where the San Fernando Valley cut of OG comes from. It’s like the Original only more sat in pheno type. ** sold a cut of the original to a guy in Orange county and that cut is called Larry today. It’s still around Orange county. ???? sent one other cut of the original OG to a breeder in Europe. As far as I know he never let anyone else have it. Jerry bred his Chem Dog cut to a Humboldt county indica boy. This was the beginning of his cubing proccess. At BX3 he got a pheno that had all the smell, taste and kick of the Chem Dog, but in a pure indica pheno. Jerry gave this plant to Bob. It became known as the West Coast Dog. Bob bred this plant to my Old World Kush male. He took a male from that cross and bred it to the OG cut Putz had sent him. This is what made the original Bubba Kush. Jerry’s cubed version of Chem Dog is what I sell as White Mustang”.”

I would bet OGKush is not an S1 of Chemdawg. Although I will be the first to say they certainly are related. But if you have grown as much OG K as I have, and seen all the different phenos, you would agree. Even the S1 of SFV OGK as its called now, (which is quite honestly the first kushes running around that I came across back in ‘96), make S1’s of SFV, and the offspring are very similar to the parent. Only occasioally do you get indica dom phenos. Most of the phenos resemble the parent signifigantly. (sp)
IMO OGK is more than likely a half sister of the Chemdawg ‘91.
Yher also begs the question of the Bubba kush int he equation.
Now, I have the Katsu cut, which is recognized as the original cut. I also have the “Pre 98″ cut, which IMO is a bit more vigorous the Katsu, and has thicker stems. Now, the Katsu cut was passed around back in like ‘02′-03. No one has ever heard of the “Pre 98″ cut prior to ‘06. So which came first? My guess is the Pre 98 is an S1 of the Katsu cut, and was named that to distinguish it from the other Bubba cuts running around at the time. More of a historical reference to the original parent, not a time stamp on when the genetics were created.
How does bubba relate to the CD and OGK? Well again I can only speculate. If the rumor of OGK being Chem x (Thai x O.W.P.) are true, then I can see potential for an explaination. If a CD selfed and pollenated a Thai x OWP female, you wouldnt get males, but get the breeding results people are seeing. Bubba would just be a Chem and OWP dom. OG would be Thai and Chem dom. This makes sense using all the available information. But the information is of course severely lacking. So take this for for what you will. xXKidTwistXx

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Capt.Cheeze1, interesting take on the subject. Thanks for sharing that.

I was supposed to do an article on SFV OGKush for High Times a long time ago... but as I looked into the subject of it's lineage, I found too many stories, too many controversies. I decided to pass on the assignment... If I couldn't get the right story, I was not going to do it at all. I think I'll just stick to publishing PICTURES of SFV OGK in the mags and online, rather than trying to write about its origins... that's a hard thing to do accurately. Too many strains out there with more verifiable lineages, to mess with the lineage of one that is so contested.

I have a new batch of SFV OGKush ripening right now... so there'll be a new batch of SFV pics available in a day or two... I'll post them here in Organic Soil forum. :) A whole new batch of plants, a couple weeks behind the plants in this thread... Different technique, also, so anyone interested in visual differences between the same clone grown with different techniques, might want to catch the new thread when it goes up. :)
