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Organic Fanatics - Australia


Sat X RB

Hi,guys! I want to ask you about these products-HALO,Bio heaven and Vodoo juice. one friend gave me some testers from these product and i suggest i can try them in my strictly organic grow? Usually i use home made nutes and soil mixes. Are they suitable with some of these?

sorry, haven't seen or heard about any of those products.


Active member
i dont buy anything exept peat moss ,zeolites and sometimes wormcastings,but friend gave me these to try free,so i'm asking what to do with them. It is not necessary to use them,my plants feel fine enough but i was curious about their effect.i see they are too expensive for me to buy anyway.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Dont know mate are they certified organic? If i was you i would be tempted to to a side by side experiment and see if the bottles add anything - weight, flavour, aroma would be on my list.

Then i would read or find the ingredients and think if i could reverse engineer any of them.

Like now for instance i was cruising ebay 'organics' to see what would come up. The canna bio flores range looked interesting. They are using hops extract and claim it will boost flowering. So instead of paying $50 for the bottle i went to the homebrew shop and bought some hops. Cost - $4.90

These i have been bubbling for 48 hours in 20 litres of water. This will be watered into my plants today :D



Will be cool to see how the hops go. Are you going to do some plants with hops and some with out? I agree about bio canna being a bit pricey.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
No i will just hit all the girls with it this time. I trust Canna have good reason to use it. I also have comfrey, kelp, bat guano pellets and wormcasting/molasses tea as my main flowering inputs.EDIT: Cant forget the sprouted barley tea, its amazing. The hops are just for fun really. :smoke:

I forgot to get any hops seeds this spring, i was planning on growing some just to watch it grow. Now i have another reason. Wouldnt mind trying my hand at a proper homebrew recipe too...

Considering when buying bottles you are mostly paying for water it does work out pricey vs animal tucker box :smoke:
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Compared to dog tucker? everything is pricey using that scale!

I wouldn't mind growing some hops either. I think it might be a bit dry were I am though.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
More like horse, pig and cow tucker but its all good.

I think they need a good hot summer. But yeah the climate in Tassie is about perfect. They would be a great plant to wind round an arbor im thinking. Dont fancy climbing 5 meters up to pick the flowers! :smoke:

Sat X RB

just wondering, Silver ... if Ina could add her gift nutes to the compost pile to 'boost' it ... so to speak?

Sat X RB

I mean along the lines that Urea (chemical) is often used to start decomposition of coarse materials and the nitrogen resulting in the end-compost is conceived to be organic.


Active member
Well,what i found is that HALO contains HARPIN protein(whatever is this)It suppose to lie plants that something attack them and they suppose to grow stronger to defend. Hmmm,i'm not sure about that one. Voodoo juice is some kind of soil organisms,bacterias and stuff,something like root stimulator which may be i can use. 98%water like Silver surfer mention it.may be this can be added to compost.i guess i already have many of those organisms in my soil because of the manure teas and the other things i'm trying to use but however.
and this Bio heaven is from BIO BIZZ,they suppose to be bio i guess but i didnt found any difference with or without it( i just add it once). it is for all the growth and flowering period till last two weeks but if you decide to use it you have to spend too much money so i prefer to pass it from now on:)
Silver surfer is right that you can just see what its been made of and then try to make your own cheaper. these days in one of the grow shops around here i saw nettles fertilizer-1 liter for about 15 euro(may be about 18,20 $). i prefer to do it myself for free. :)


Active member
Now friend of mine told me that in the zoo they throw most of the manure without using it:\ There is lots of interesting animals there and their manure can be really exotic to try.So next time i go there with my kid i'm gonna ask some of the guys that are cleaning and take care of the animals can i take some. i mean may be there is a difference between normal horse shit and zebra for example,there is lots of interesting wild pigs and other animals like enormous bulls which manure can be used instead of what i have on my village. i find many nice shits in the forests where i usually go,but you know wild animals manure can be dangerous for health sometimes. And i suppose in the zoo vets are taking care of the animals so it can be safer to use. i will just check what they eat in the zoo(because it is not exact the same if they feed in the wild nature unfortunately) and from what animal family they are so i can check approximately NPK of their manure.Or should i use my local shits and visit the zoo just for a smoke with my husband?:)


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
I say AVOID the stuff from the zoo. It will be full of medications and yeah who knows what they feed em...

I say go the wild stuff. Just dont lick your fingers and perhaps feed to a wormfarm or compost bin before use.



Well-known member


silversurfer hi, in coco, fed nutifield a+b for coco, silican, ph about 5to 6? cnly on ph drops at moment,ppm out of tap is 050,ppm meter reads276 yesterday, i'm new to this ph, ppm reading.the nutrifield nutes has silican in it, maybe i gave too much?

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