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Organic Fanatics - Australia


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Carnt be any simpler than that.

Comfrey is perfect for this method. It just melts into the water and disintigrates.

Hey heres the flowers at my place.

I reckon the pinky is camellia but no idea what the other two are. But they have plenty of blooms. The red one especially has heaps of large flowers. I used them as mulch around some fruit trees last spring.

Nan would be proud :smoke:



All camellia :) The thick glossy leaves with serrated edge are another big clue. Not all camellia have the serrations, but no rhododendron or azalea do.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
All camellia! Awesomeness!!!

Well im gonna dry some out for mulch and make a batch of fpe.

You just use water?


all right! if you, Silver, can post images of camellias and they fit with organic gardening as teas and potions ... I am going to post an image of my old growth trees. they are relevant because they make mulch!
stay posted ... it's too overcast here for photos today.

PS. Silver, they are among the most beautiful camellias I have ever seen!
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Yup, I only ever use straight water for Fpe, as per jaykush's advice. Definitely don't need a sugar source in a flower FPE, they are full of sugar. Brew on! :)


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Its a free world (kinda) wilbur :smoke:

Post away mate. I have a nice wattle in flower that needs a bit of a trim :D

Cheers they do look good this year.

Just water and flowers. Simplicity itself. Sweet as.

This is your main flowering input?

What other fpe's do you make? I have a nice big batch of comfrey soak from a few bootfulls of semi-wild comfrey growing under some feral apple trees.


It is my main flowering/fruiting liquid fertilizer, but I'm really not much of a cannabis grower.
I hang out here because I enjoy the community and find the organic forum to be an excellent resource, but I've only grown a few cannabis plants here and there over the years. Mostly I grow bonsai and food, along with some orchids and a large garden. Just had to make sure that was clear as I don't want anyone to think I know much about growing canna; I'm just a general horticultural enthusiast.

I've had some good success with pineapple sage leaves as an N-source FPE; they grow super fast and self-sow around my back yard. I just use whatever's looking particularly healthy and growing fast. (except nasty weeds like wandering jew). I did a blackberry FPE last year that smelled good enough to drink, but I was using such a variety of inputs that I have practically no idea if it was beneficial. Certainly didn't hurt.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Yeah thats all good mate a good gardener is a good gardener i reckon. Organics is the way to go whatever the crop.

You are in Australia?

I have a wee pineapple sage i bought in a pot i need to find a home for. They smell awesome good to know they are useful. I have no shortage of blackberries. I want to have a collection of all kinds of medicinal and culinary herbs.

You use EM1 for other FPE?


You are in Australia?
East of Melbourne :gday:

You use EM1 for other FPE?
Nope, haven't bought any EM1 yet, but I sometimes add a few drops of lacto culture at the end as a preservative. Sometimes it works well, sometimes it goes nasty. Not real sure what's going on there.

Do you add your EM-1 at the start or the end? I thought the alcohols in the fermented extracts would be too much for the bacteria to handle, but I guess two of the three components of EM-1 are lacto and yeast, and those should be able to survive.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
When i use it, its right at the start.

Yeah not sure about the actual fermentation process. But its my understanding that the EM1 prevents any nasty anaerobic microbes from taking over. I know that when its works it should be quite acidic. The increase in shelf life is one benefit i know of.

The alcoholic smell takes quite a few weeks to appear in the brews i have made. AT first they smell bit yeasty and vinegary.

Really need a microscope to see whats going on.

Sweet you are in Oz!

What kinda dry nutes do you run?


Funny you say the alcoholic smell takes a while; that's not my experience with camellia but I started a pineapple Fpe weeks back after asking you about it and its only now starting to really ferment. Practically zero gas generatd so far. I thought something so sweet would crank out gas in a fast ferment.

I don't tend to use dry top-dressed nutes with potted annuals. I prefer to load the soil up with them as amendments instead. Blood and bone, brown rice flour, kelp meal, ash from making biochar (that stuff has improved my subtropical bonsai more than I thought possible!!). With all the compost and ewc I put in my soil, there should be plenty of nutrients for a plant that's only going to live less than 6 months.

The "organic link" product you posted earlier is next on my shopping list, looks like a really fantastic all-round addition.


as you probably all know by now, I know shit about organics ... except as Bonsai said about char.

many moons ago I grew some plants on turkeys' nest made up only of sand and biochar from the fires the local cattle savages light every year.

the plants were supplemented twice only with thrive and grew to be one of the best guerrilla crops I 've ever seen/done.

so I 'm adding biochar to my gardens oops garden.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Hey yeah the Organic Link is real good stuff! :D

Biochar is very good too for sure.

What dya mean you know shit! You are on the right track :smoke:

Lets see these trees mate!

Heres a camellia, lucerne, kelp and worm runoff tea i started this morning. I put quite a few blooms in there, handfull of lucerne pellets, small hanfull kelp chips and couple litres worm runoff.

Should give my hungry girls indoors something to chew on.

I also have a bucket full of camellia blooms and water, (no em1) and a rack of camellia flowers drying off.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey guys and gals :wave:
I got this stuff today to try out a proper organic soil run this is what I have so far, anyone have any comments on stuff missing or advice on mixing ratios I would be grateful :gday:
1 x 80l Neutrog Organic Potting Mix
1 x 25l Mother's Nature Organic Mushroom Compost
1 x 25l Naked Farmer Organic Soil Conditioner
1 x 15l Proganics Premium Vermiculite
I'm thinking of mixing the whole lot together with maybe another 80l bag of neutrog cause the mushroom compost and soil conditioner might be a bit too much for 1 x 80l bag, thinking of grabbing some dolomite lime powder also to put into the mix and maybe a block of coco coir what ya'll think??
Also might try the Neutrog GOGO Juice with this soil mix for the first time, anyone tried that one before??
Thanks in advance :joint:


High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Hey guys and gals :wave:
I got this stuff today to try out a proper organic soil run this is what I have so far, anyone have any comments on stuff missing or advice on mixing ratios I would be grateful :gday:
1 x 80l Neutrog Organic Potting Mix
1 x 25l Mother's Nature Organic Mushroom Compost
1 x 25l Naked Farmer Organic Soil Conditioner
1 x 15l Proganics Premium Vermiculite
I'm thinking of mixing the whole lot together with maybe another 80l bag of neutrog cause the mushroom compost and soil conditioner might be a bit too much for 1 x 80l bag, thinking of grabbing some dolomite lime powder also to put into the mix and maybe a block of coco coir what ya'll think??
Also might try the Neutrog GOGO Juice with this soil mix for the first time, anyone tried that one before??
Thanks in advance :joint:


Just add water and a plant or two I guess.


SilverSurfer: wow that camelia + lucerne mix could end up being a pretty hot mix, so should go a long way.

b00m: Maybe go a bit light on the mushroom compost. It will raise PH and is also quite strong. I had some problems with it burning plants in veg and attracting whiteflies a couple weeks back.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Looks good b00m! I have yet to see the Neutrog potting soil down this way. I bet it is excellent stand alone product but yeah mix em all up and add the dolomite @ 2tblsp per gallon. I would also add some biochar, dont need much. 5% by volume be plenty. Having just read what bonsai said it might be worth investing in a soil ph tester. Manutec make a great one that lasts for donkeys years. The reason is biochar, dolomite, Seasol and Powerfeed (if using) and mushroom compost are all alkaline. You will probably be fine as far as ph goes but when making a brand new mix i like to test it out. An easy solution is just to make quite acidic feeds - lemon juice or cider vinegar will lower ph steadily. But then you probably know that :smoke:

The soil conditioner or potting mix may well have some char in there and also dolomite in which case add less.

But yeah stick some plants in there, brew up a compost tea or seasol/fish soak and watch em take off! I would also add a nice layer of mulch. I used to use perlite but now im making my own. Its easy!

I would imagine the vermiculite will be enough without needing coco but its worth chucking some quality coco in the mix. It will certainly lighten the mix a bit and assist in drainage/nutrient retention...

I have only heard good things about the Gogo juice.

If you have the patience its best to leave the soil to rest and plant a green mulch like clover, chamomile or yarrow. The reason is to allow the soil to balance itself out ph wise and allow the organic microbes time to settle in. This process really kicks into gear when plant roots get in there. If you had say white clover in there from the start your weed plants or tomatoes etc will have a super healthy and alive soil to welcome them in. The end result will be much happier plants... this is something i am just starting to experiment with. It will really help in larger pots with smaller plants. I have an indoor bed that i am going to run no-till and with a green mulch of german chamomile (for starters. chamomile is referred to as the plants physician and improves any neigbouring plants.)

First crop is almost ready. Just gonna chop em and leave the root mass to break down and get new plants in there asap. The chamomile seeds will be added next new moon.

Happy gardening! :good:

Hey bonsai i am hoping it is very strong. I am finding my soiless grows super hungry. It sure is frothing away like crazy :D
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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Thanks for the inputs guys :good:
much appreciated and I wish you all well with your gardens this year, organic or not ;) :gday:
Any body use the Neutrog GOGO Juice or have any experience with it??
:smoke out:


bOOm - the go go juice is a wonderful product. It encourages the bacteria in your soil to work efficiently in the conversion of organic matter into useable nutrient for your plant. As a bonus - you can get away with less fertiliser dosage. Neutrog have a great range of product very suitable for mj.

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