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Organic Fanatic Collective

Fred, there are many things you need. I build my soil so most of the ingredients in LK are in my soil. EWC is one if not the most important ingredient to have.

If you read te first part of the OFC we came to the same conclusion as NSPB.....we were attempting to replicate LK which most of us did in our own way with local or home made products.

As with all bottled nutrients......it is convenient to get and easy to use.....for those who know no better. But as you realize how easy it is to make your own you will ten ween yourself from the bottled nutrients and graduate to the next level.

That is why we are here......that is why we started the OFC. We as a collective educated each other to the next level.......much the same as you are doing now.

Start building your soil also. Rock powders, fresh compost, fresh EWC. Try and get as much diversity in the soil so you will not be dependent on bottled nutrients. We have all grown this way in the past.

Welcome to the club.

thanks a million von..i've learned a hell of a lot in these last few days in these 2 threads..i really enjoy this organic thing..
how many of you in here recycle your soil? the recycled soil forum sadly seems to be quite dormant. I plan on reusing my soil next year after amending with EWC, mushroom compost, dolomite lime, perlite, greensand, rock phosphate, peruvian seabird guano, alfalfa, kelp, diatomaceous earth, and a few other goodies I'm sure I'm forgetting. I'd like to keep my nutrient sources somewhat varied within my mix. Before I add these amendments however, I'm looking to get my soil's nutrient levels tested. Can anyone with experience with this recommend a good lab? I'm open to criticism and discussion if anyone disagrees with my plan as well. It would be my first time reusing soil.
oh wow this thread is amazing. So much of the good organic information I crave! I'm going to have to read the entire thing. Forgive me if my question has already been covered


a list of a few things i have, can someone tell me if this is a good start for an organic grow supplementing with organic nutrients?

fox farm ocean forest
1oz botanicare zho rhizosphere root inoculant
2oz 100% earthworm castings
2.25oz bat guano high phos 0-13-0
1oz water soluble inoculant with beneficial bacteria
3 types of myco- age old grow, great white, humboldt nutrients

im sure this is enough for a plant or two right? i think ill go out and get some dolomite lime and a few other additives as well...any suggestions on must have items for this soil?

The Strain Man

If you want to grow some good weed go with one of Lc's mixs I use #1 and I would not use all those root inoculants and stuff like that imo it's not needed and If you do you better have a very rich soil cuz your plant with the myco- bacteria is going to be very hungry. oh you need to read this whole thread like two times to get it all. and toss that ffof soil or just use it for seedlings or clones
i dropped the ff too. peat is way better. my mixes with ff look like dirt, while my mixes with peat make me want to hop in the bin and take a nap! in other words it looks feels and smells way better then my mixes with ff. plus ff gave me gnats!

The Strain Man

amen to that bro I if feel like jumping in my soil mix too that ff gave me gnats and root maggots


i wouldn't toss it! if you have it, recycle it. it'll get better once you add to it.

throw in some good compost and ewc plus some new food for the herd. you'll be good to go.


i just went out and bought some age old earth worm castings 1-0-0 and some age old dry grow 8-4-1.
how exactly should i go about doing this?
should i use the dry grow to feed with later in veg? use it as a top dress or make a tea? i was thinking of using ewc to mix along with ffof.

ill save high phos bat guano for flower
when should i start adding liquid kelp extract, myco, and beneficial bacteria?

if someone could break down the order of operations....this would help me get goin.


The age old grow formula i just bought is 100 percent organic....8-4-1. it is derived from meat+bone meal, volcanic rock dust, composted poultry manure, blood meal, bone meal, and humic acid.

i plan on transplanting a well established plant in veg. going from a 5" pot to a 3 gallon.

directions say to mix with potting mixes at 1tbsp per gal. ffof is pretty nutrient rich as it is right? i was also planning on mixing in a few others. how does this sound?

3 gallons of ffof
1 gallon earth worm castings
2 tablespoons of ao grow formula (under recommended dose)
geohumus (as directed)
humboldt nutrients myco maximum granular (as directed)

will this mix be too hot?

are there any must have items in this mix..such as dolomite lime?

roughly how many weeks will this get me through without adding nutrients via top dressings, teas, or liquid organic nutrients.

do top dressings, teas and liquid organic nutrients all do the same thing?

to feed later on, should i use age old grow formula as a top dresser or to make tea?

to feed later on, should i use earthworm castings as a top dresser or to make tea?


New member
wow i made it! i have been using this forum for a few years now and i finally finished the thread great work jay von and everybody out there


**AWD** Aficianado
Hey Fanatics :thank you:

Suby here checking up on things, my health is back to where I can post and hang out a bit.:dance013:
Not that you guys need me, I love the direction things here have taken and some of the new information and tryouts I'm seing.
I really missed this forum, I don't grow or smoke anymore (at least not for awhile) so I feel less in touch with a lot of the info I used to know on the tips of my fingers.
I did a recent outdoor grow with some friends using mostly my original recipe, the results where off the wall despite the rainy summer we had, it looked good anyway I couldn't toke it...:nono:
You'll be interested to know that I was discussing organics with a friend of a friend type guy and he reffered me to this site and this thread specifically LMFAO, I sure as shit couldn't tell him who I was :).

I think some ? where directed at me but where well responded to by some of my peeps :)



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
SUBY!!!!! very good to see you around still and back in better health. don't be sad, you can still grow organic food. the tasty delicious (legal) goodness that it is. will shoot ya a pm soon.


Hey Suby glad to know you're getting better!
Funny thing about being linked back to the OFC!
Take care, best wishes for you and your family :joint:


**AWD** Aficianado
Hey peeps,

Well I am now a member of the OFC group, thanks JK.
Because my immune system is very low I am not alowed to do any gardening ie to play in dirt, doctors orders.
I putt around anyway, by next summer I should be on my way to do as I please.
I have 1 1/2 years of treatment left (chemo pills, chemo injections once a month, and lumbar punctures with chemo), I will spare you all the horific details.
I have some side projetcs I have been working regarding hemp farming and new hemp technologies, my partners and I are looking to setup proper sources for industrial hemp fiber. Organics will be on the fertilizing menu if and when I get my way.

It's good to be back.

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