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Organic Fanatic Collective


Active member

Voodoo Juice is an 'Advanced Nutrients' product - link

Please be seated reading their 'data sheet' on their product. I'd hate to find out that you dropped your laptop trying to get through this gibberish.

Nothing short of amazing.


According to Oregon registration it contains this:


Humic Acid Indole3 Butyric Acid Naphthaleneacetic Acid Phosphorous Acid

Kelp Vitamin B1 Polyacrylamide Potting Mix
Microbial(s) Bacillus subtilis 3x 10^6, Bacillus pasteurii 1 x 10^6, Bacillus megaterium 1 x 10^5' Bacillus anyloliquefaciens 5 x 10^4, Bacillus pumilus 5 x 10^4, Bacillus licheniformis 5 x 10^4


Microbial(s) Bacillus subtilis 3x 10^6, Bacillus pasteurii 1 x 10^6, Bacillus megaterium 1 x 10^5' Bacillus anyloliquefaciens 5 x 10^4, Bacillus pumilus 5 x 10^4, Bacillus licheniformis 5 x 10^4

This I find hard to believe. We will have to have MM look at this. LOL I bet he has something to say.

AN is over priced water products. IMO


Clackamas Coot

Active member

All of their products are extremely over-priced and definitely geared to the 20-somethings looking for an easy ride in life. I watched a young lad drop over $1,500.00 at one time to 'round out his nutrient program'

No mention how the Dutch or the citizens of Humboldt feel about this magical elixir amongst their very own batches of snake oil and re-configured Crisco.



Hey everyone, nugbuckets here, I have been at it for about three years outdo, and currently running my second small indo. All Organic of course. I wanted to run my current mix by you all to critique, just to see if you may have any advice for a relative noob. Anything would be very much appreciated. IC has been recommended to me by a close friend from the 707, he said this was the place to be, so I am also a noob on the site.
My indo set up is a four plant scene, using three gal. containers. Indica dominant.
My current (flower) mix is as follows:

Half bag of Roots
Half bag of Just Right X-tra
1 gal. perlite
1 cup 0-7-0 budswell guano
1 cup Age Old Organics 0-3-0 Mike innoculant with cal. and sul.
1/2 cup jersey sand
2 TBS azomite

My main question is, should I add some powdered kelp to this mix?
And when I water/feed, I use a weak tea of FFOF Big Bloom, budswell (solid 0-7-7), and sucanat.
How about liquid kelp in with my tea?
Thanks for any input,
Peace, nugs


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Indole3 Butyric Acid
Hmmmmmm...mescaline is in the indole family. Worked with an organic chemist who created some special indole 3 product for the health supplement industry and told me that. I was always tempted to ask about teaching me how to make mescaline.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Hmmmmmm...mescaline is in the indole family. Worked with an organic chemist who created some special indole 3 product for the health supplement industry and told me that. I was always tempted to ask about teaching me how to make mescaline.
A cursory read of Huxley's "Doors of Perception" would reveal the power of mescaline.
"Wherein lies the dharma of the Buddha?"

"The Dharma body of the Buddha lies in the hedge at the bottom of the garden"
Works for me.



Living with the soil
I have and still do for over 30 years.

Great relief for 'psychic boredom' as they say.

I need a cutting.......I like how fast they grow.......I have grown Lolophora Williamsi (sp?) San Peruvianus (sp?)and San Pedro (sp?) all from seed......quite fun to do. Currently cacti-less.
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big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
How do you guys go about ingesting that? I had some once and made an extraction with water but its wayyy to bitter. I eat poppies noproblem but i cant take the bitterness, maybe because i reducded it.


Living with the soil
How do you guys go about ingesting that? I had some once and made an extraction with water but its wayyy to bitter. I eat poppies noproblem but i cant take the bitterness, maybe because i reducded it.
Well....... the way I do it(of course I don't advise this to anyone)is Take off all the spines with an Ex-acto knife. Then cut it into pieces,put it in a pot of water on the stove and slow cook it for about 20 minutes. Let it cool,mix it with any frozen juice concentrate,then freeze it in popcycle molds that kids use. About 5 to 6 popcycle's does it for me. Or you can just grab a chunk and start chewing,but it's super slimey and some people gag/puke. After a while you get used to it.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
If you ever get your hands on dried peyote there's a good way to process them, IMHO

Take 1 cup of peyote buttons and put them into a pressure-cooker with 2 quarts of water and 'pressure-cook' them.

They will increase in size up to 2,000% - to the size of a tennis ball.

Drink the tea first. Later cut the rehydrated bulbs and proceed eating them with some degree of caution. It definitely relieves psychic-boredom.



New member
dried or fresh makes a difference. not hard to grow in the right environment but easier if supplied. always scoop middle hairy stuff out before consuming. you will puyke but that is the onset of the high


Hey all, just thought I would share this tea recipe, I got it str8 from the Age Old website, the only thing that I added was Liquid Karma, amounts according to the directions on the bottle. I gotta tell ya, I have been making teas this entire grow, and this by far had the most outstanding and immidiate results. any plants that looked unhappy, quickly turned their frowns upside down

To make your own compost tea, you will need a 5 gallon bucket, a fish tank aeration pump, and a nylon sock. As a food source, humic acid, earth worm castings and sugar.

1. Fill bucket with water. setup aeration pump, and run the pump for at least one hour to remove the chlorine from the water.
2. “Add to the water” two tablespoons of sugar, two ounces of Age Old Liquid Kelp and two liquid ounces of humic acid liquid.
3. Place one pound of earthworm castings into sock and suspend the casting into the bucket for at least 24 hours, but no more than 48 hours. During the entire brewing process, and storage period keep pumping air into the solution. This will keep the organisms in the tea active and alive.
4. Use the brew within 24 hours after brewing process is complete.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Hey all, just thought I would share this tea recipe, I got it str8 from the Age Old website, the only thing that I added was Liquid Karma, amounts according to the directions on the bottle. I gotta tell ya, I have been making teas this entire grow, and this by far had the most outstanding and immidiate results. any plants that looked unhappy, quickly turned their frowns upside down

To make your own compost tea, you will need a 5 gallon bucket, a fish tank aeration pump, and a nylon sock. As a food source, humic acid, earth worm castings and sugar.

1. Fill bucket with water. setup aeration pump, and run the pump for at least one hour to remove the chlorine from the water.
2. “Add to the water” two tablespoons of sugar, two ounces of Age Old Liquid Kelp and two liquid ounces of humic acid liquid.
3. Place one pound of earthworm castings into sock and suspend the casting into the bucket for at least 24 hours, but no more than 48 hours. During the entire brewing process, and storage period keep pumping air into the solution. This will keep the organisms in the tea active and alive.
4. Use the brew within 24 hours after brewing process is complete.

Sugar....interesting. I wonder if mollasses would suffice?
JK, you got a link to that website?


Sugar....interesting. I wonder if mollasses would suffice?
JK, you got a link to that website?


I had been using mollasses, but I gotta tell ya, I haven't seen the mollasses do what the sugar did, so quick. I really don't care for the mollasses, it's thick and sticky, I gotta whole thing with sticky gooy shit, stems from a traumatic childhood incident with a strawberry sunday...but anyway, the results may also be from the Humic Acid, this is a new ingredient in my teas as well, but whatever it is, I'm rockin and rollin with it:blowbubbles:

Can & Juana

I gotta whole thing with sticky gooy shit, stems from a traumatic childhood incident with a strawberry sunday...

I had a similar, traumatic experience with rotten bananas. The bastards held me down and mushed it in my face. It was 30 years before I could eat fruit again..


need an organic guru...or two...or three...

need an organic guru...or two...or three...

i was wondering, are folks still answering questions here (totally serious) or is this just where the organic dudes chop it up with one another and critique products, mixes, etc?

im in the middle of this thread, which, i have to say is hands down one of the most informative, interesting reads ive discovered at icmag, and am a bit overwhelmed with all the information.

too much good information to discern what to put into practice (as a would be organic gardener) and what to leave for a more in depth perusal.

any organic gurus care to lend a hand? ill busy myself reading until then...(but hurry, the outdoor patio/raised planter season is almost upon me :D)


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