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Operation Retirement - $nype Style!


Active member
I was wrong about the germination rates on Green Path's F13 F2's. It was actually 54 seeds that were placed in the trays with Fox Farm Light Warrior. I placed each seed on top and used the back of a pen to push each seed down into the soil maybe 1/4 of in inch. Then I shook the tray to level out the soil so the soil fell on the seed. I watered each spot with 5 mL of tap water and within 48 hours 52 of them popped out. So out of 54 seeds, 52 came out of the soil with no paper towels. Here's a few more pics:


I'll try and take some more pics of some other seedlings in a few.
Yo, man lookin real dank over here. gotta tell you man, everything you do inspires me. Seeing your grows back in the day alongside a few others were what got me actively trying to improve my skills as a grower.

Now you're inspiring me to step up my game, scale-wise. The way I see it, the consequences for growing 1 lb/mo and 20 lbs/mo are the same in my state. No sense in taking the same risk only to have fairly frequent dry spells. 800w (flip flopped) flower just ain't cutting it, so I went out and got more equip....(2) 1000/600/400w (1) 1kw, (2) 600w, (1) 400w, 6 lamp T5... 4200w of flower power, flip flopped for 8400w. That's more than 5x the size of my current grow. Finding out tomorrow about a sweet crib with a pretty perfect basement. Time to do this shit for real.


Active member
Yo, man lookin real dank over here. gotta tell you man, everything you do inspires me. Seeing your grows back in the day alongside a few others were what got me actively trying to improve my skills as a grower.

Now you're inspiring me to step up my game, scale-wise. The way I see it, the consequences for growing 1 lb/mo and 20 lbs/mo are the same in my state. No sense in taking the same risk only to have fairly frequent dry spells. 800w (flip flopped) flower just ain't cutting it, so I went out and got more equip....(2) 1000/600/400w (1) 1kw, (2) 600w, (1) 400w, 6 lamp T5... 4200w of flower power, flip flopped for 8400w. That's more than 5x the size of my current grow. Finding out tomorrow about a sweet crib with a pretty perfect basement. Time to do this shit for real.

Glad that I can inspire you! Everything you said makes perfect sense! Hope to hear your success story later this year! Hope your new spot works out!


Active member
I notice in my RDWC crops that I hit peak fluorescence with BYTCH at day 40-42. At this time my data shows that my plants eat less and the intensity of the 1,000 watters start to damage them. I turn the lights down to 750 at this time.

I also noticed that I got more yield with 600 watt compared to 1,000 wants in a tent test. This shows me that more light is not always the answer, esp when the reflector is too close.


Active member
Hey Snype looking good as always.

Interesting about the tea tree and other essential oils.

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Active member
4,000 Watt RDWC BYTCH - Day 43 Flower - Nutes: 1 part General Hydro FloraMicro to 2 parts FloraBloom

Today is Day 43 of Flower and the plants are looking great. These plants still have 22 more days to finish. The pictures make the plants look a little yellow so I used the 3 best pictures. Keeping accurate data of my crops allows me to learn loads of information. To those who don't keep data, you should try it out and see what you find. We can learn loads of information from collective accurate data.

Up until Day 40 of flower, I was able to max out the plants at 2.1 -2.2 EC. After every 24 hours I checked the Rez before and after top off / add back. I make sure that my before top off EC rates are exactly the same as the last 24 hours which tells me the plants are at the perfect setting. At day 40 the EC read higher than it was supposed to. It wasn't an imbalance of nutrients because the systems were just changed out a few days before that. All 4 systems were reading exactly the same from 2 different rooms. I know from past experience to lower the EC level and lower the intensity of the lights to 750 watts. If I don't do this, my tops 24" below the reflector will burn and end up rotting my buds. I now have the EC set to 1.8. The very top of my canopy is 76 degrees F now that I turned the lights down to 750 Watts on each one. Before that I was in the low 80's. I like to be at 75F at the top of the canopy but I will take 76F no problem.

Again, I only vegged these plants for 1 week in this room and another 9 days in another room under 440 watts T5's and there's at least 200 tops in this room. Don't sleep on RDWC and don't let anyone tell you that hydro has no flavors. Hydro grown right can be much better than the average soil grower. For me it's easier to get my flavor out of hydro than from soil but my expertise has been in hydro techniques. When I stay on top of my hydro every day, the most snobbiest soil guys can't tell that it's hydro. If you don't stay on top of your hydro though, you'll know it's hydro.


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Oregon ICE - 4 Month Cure - FFOF Soil
I've been trying to give this cut a chance but I keep wanting to get rid of it. I've had a few runs of her and she's gotten much better but I don't know if she fits in my equation here. The smells are hard to describe but it's sort of a dirty-crusty-sock / musk. Maybe a little bit of Listerine smell as well. She just doesn't seem as potent as the rest of the stable and she may be lacking in flavor as well.



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The White - 1 Month Cure - FFOF Soil
These pictures were just taken with a 1 month cure. Love me some White! :)


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i used to have a hash plant/ice cross that would be fully rooted in 3-4 days from a cutting,be ready to flower as a small plant in a week,and finished flowering in 42 days! awesome flavor,big giant soda bottle colas and pretty good weed overall...


Active member
i used to have a hash plant/ice cross that would be fully rooted in 3-4 days from a cutting,be ready to flower as a small plant in a week,and finished flowering in 42 days! awesome flavor,big giant soda bottle colas and pretty good weed overall...

Supposedly this ICE may not be related to the other ICE's that are NL x WW or something like that. This specific clone only takes about 70 days to finish and grows pretty slow in Veg.

haven't had any weed in months, droooling here

Hard for me to understand because it seems like it's flooded everywhere. Even cutting my prices to 3k and it's sitting around because of all the cali on the street for 2.5k. That's pretty much why I'm turning most of my product into oil except the select top grade. The pictures of the non ChemDD, I refuse to let go for less than 300 an oz. It doesn't help that I'm stuck at the farm with no license. I hope to have a license soon so I can start my promotion/advertising strategies back at the university's.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
screw driving,get a fat bike!

ok,ok,probably not practical for hauling stuff from town in the quantities you need but it would be a fun way to keep an eye on the property,certainly quieter than a 4 wheeler...


i used to have a hash plant/ice cross that would be fully rooted in 3-4 days from a cutting,be ready to flower as a small plant in a week,and finished flowering in 42 days! awesome flavor,big giant soda bottle colas and pretty good weed overall...

I want one cutting please and a side of fish stix wif gorilla glue


Active member
Note to self: having plants outside is like having 1,000 watt light above every single plant. They need much more water than in a VEG room under T5 lighting. Plants were all wilted. :cry: Snypette checked them yesterday so things should recover. The pots felt so heavy that it seemed like there was something else wrong but the mix that we are using to start them is very dense. Glad that I learned that with these instead of all the others that are not out yet.

screw driving,get a fat bike!
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ok,ok,probably not practical for hauling stuff from town in the quantities you need but it would be a fun way to keep an eye on the property,certainly quieter than a 4 wheeler...

Nice bike! I have a mountain bike but just don't ride it anymore. I'll probably get attacked by a wild animal unless they hear the 4-Wheeler.