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Operation Retirement - $nype Style!


Registered Non-Conformist
Tough as Nails, in a REAL fashion. Not some Macho, alcohol-fueled, absurd blustering buffoon-like Strength.

The warrior spirit lives in You fo Sho.. I have seen a little too much - as well.. To say the least. Some of my "views" were urban craziness - others Wild West Emerald Triangle Style - and some from the top of 30 foot waves, right before I dropped in. In NorCal, Costa, and the Hawaiian Islands for My whole Adult Life. So, it all was well worth it.

It takes effort and creative strength to live the interesting life.



Well-known member
It's not even their fault because the powers made them this way. It's how 97% of americans are. I tell everyone around me that everyone is an idiot so please try and figure things out when you're on the move in a common sense way. Almost everything in life is common sense. The stars must of been aligned a specific way when I was born. Aries sun signs like myself are usually born leaders.

Loving this mate , so much truth in what you say, me and my partner buddymate are also doing a big project this year in the uk 4000+ its all or nothing like you say, and I know EXACTLY what you mean about people not listen been there plenty of times,...

IM also an Aries,...:biggrin: we like to have everything planed out , in place running smoothly or it gets right on your tits right and causes set backs everything is thought of for a reason precision planning is our forte,.....:ying:

Be lucky mate, good show,.....


Well-known member
Don't get me wrong guys. I'm not special. All of you can have what I have. You just have to be willing to make very extreme sacrifices and take some good risks. To those who don't know my story, I will explain again. I have been growing for 21 years. I've been robbed and home invaded many times. I used to be a consumer and blew through crazy money in my life. I didn't think about the future as much as I think about it now. In 2006 I got busted while running 5 apartments in a 2 block radius. I lost everything. I almost did 5 years. I was in Boston at the time. Rents and home ownership were very expensive out there. I didn't have any options to set back up in that area because I didn't have the money anymore. So I went to the ghetto hours away and bought a house with no banks with contracts that I made. It's called owner finance or rent to own. I was in the middle of the ghetto surrounded by Latin Kings and Bloods. I was in the middle of a gang war for 3 years. In that time I grew and expanded every harvest until I was able to buy another house and had 2 houses. I was stacking money again and doing well. But then it all went down. Latin Kings kicked down my door and I was robbed. They didn't kick down my door 1 time. They kicked it down many times and was able to find my second house a few blocks away. I lost everything again but had some equity in 1 of my houses. My other house I had to walk away from and lose everything. When it was all said and done I was left with 30k. I went crazy and went to the casino and blew the whole 30k. I had no money again but I still had all my equipment in storage. I also had pounds of sugar trim and my tamisium extractor. I was living in a homeless shelter with a bunch of bums. I turned all my trim into Hash Oil and went on Craigslist and moved the whole thing in 2 weeks. I also had my Moms at a friends house and took mad clones and sold them all on Craigslist. Within 2 weeks I had 20k and all my equipment. I left the state to look for houses in cheap areas and found the right spot and set up another owner finance with my contracts. I worked my ass off and did what I needed to do. I was on food stamps to try and eat. I didn't spend a dime. I only spent money on my grow. Anyone can do what I do. You just have to be strong and know that you can do it. Don't let your minds and the people around you hold you back from your dreams.

Fucking hell mate I can relate to you so much,....

I also have been growing a good few years started of small and worked my way up, 1 house than 2 ended up with 3 -4 , one got robbed one got busted , moved on to a warehouse just when things were going great and would of been able to retire in a few years there was a fire, I nearly went to jail for 5yrs, lucky didn't and that's when I started gambling with the last of my money ,maybe I was looking for that quick buck but ended up losing the lot over 100k ,worst time of my life ,that's when I turned to outdoor growing few seeds hard work no major outlay , done great first year ,than tried to go bigger with idiots that don't listen and all went tits up lost most of our plots,..but I didn't let that get me down im back on it big time this year its all or nothing iv worked my way back up to a few propertys and hopefully more in the pipe line and got a major project on the go outdoors , its taking its toll ,hard work but he who dares win, effort equals reward, fortune favours the prepared ,...love what your doing man wouldn't mind a 300acre plot one day who knows,...

All the best mate ill stay tuned,..:biggrin:


Registered Non-Conformist
Unfortunately, unless One has a trusted Mate - Being Solo is the best way to go.

The only problems are the isolation that is necessary to remain safe, and there is a limit to what One person can do. Sometimes, that limit is not enough to make it in this "Hobby." Especially in previously "Glutted" areas.

Burnout, isolation, and boredom ruined My lifestyle in rural NorCal. (and of course, the crappy Market).

The Life-balance is difficult to achieve. I look back and tell myself that the Midwest cannot compare. And it can't. Although Northern ________ is nice - extreme weather is a possible quality-of-life issue for some - I could be happy Up there, but the cannabis market is Norcal-like in the woods of Northern ________.
The people, who are better here are often tough as nails in the Metro, however. Gotta watch Yr Ass, fo sho. Murder capital and all. Lotsa guns here. People get dramatic over small shit too.

I was "Cruising" for almost a decade over in SNoreCal growing. Time passed VERY quickly. It's almost surreal. There were thousands of CLASSIC moments in the woods, but equally as many depressing ones, amongst the (simple-minded) Kinderfolk up there.

Working Full-time, as I am now - it is almost impossible to keep up with one stupid basement. I am losing sleep most nights, and that is a sure way to have problems of all sorts. Neighbors are RIGHT there, and they miss nothing. So, I am more than discreet, carrying anything controversial into the house at midnight in black plastic bags, silently. Any garbage with anything canna-related to the Hydro Shop's dumpster.

THUS, I plan to extricate Myself from this go nowhere, poorly-run Grow Shop that is only a front for the Loser owners, who can't seem to get anything right.

Anyways, in my first return to My own grow Here, I Lost 84 plants to Broad Mites, including 400 bucks worth of seeds bought from Seedbay. Retained 4 plants from the clone I had grown into 40 plants. The Triple Diesel. The 4 yielded 1.25 lbs, and now I have a run of 30 Halfway through flower. I somehow bounced back once again, for the 4th time in My growing Career.

I tell myself to be prepared from now on, don't give anything away (no one is giving ME anything, fo sho), and set up for the future.

Next Move is to take on an assignment or two, and make the financial responsibility someone else's. While I save for a later retirement in a surf-drenched Southern Country that I have visited 5 times in extended stays. I believe the USA will become so restrictive, and difficult that it will be best to get the Frick Out.

For Me, I estimate two Years before going - or less. It won't be perfect there. But, FINALLY I have learned - NO place is perfect.


Active member
All the soil is mixed and cooking away! My body is completely exhausted but it feels good. Lots of other projects to complete this week. About to eat some of the pigs that we slaughtered and take the 4-wheeler for a ride to smoke a joint and watch the sunset with Snypette. I hope everyone had a great mothers day.


Active member
We've been bringing plants outdoors all morning. Lugging around the plants with the 4-wheeler and trailer around the land. I was wearing shorts and when I went inside to take a break, I noticed some bugs imbedded inside of me. The workers told me they are ticks. Sucks. I pulled them out and put them in a plastic bag because they told me to save them incase I get some type of sign of problem. So now I'm suited up in pants with everything tucked in. It's a great day out today! I'll try and snap some pics if we get a chance.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Did you get the head out too?

If you just snapped the body off the heads still up in there bud!

Hope it doesn't get infected!

Do you have health insurance? Sign up if you don't!


Active member
The cold frames won't be here for a few weeks so we are just putting the plants in a spot that we are clearing at the moment. The plants are all laid out on one of our 4-wheeler trails that gets good sun about a half mile into the land. It was a fun time bringing them through the land on the trailer with the wheeler. We are going to wrap chicken wire around the plot so the deer don't eat the plants or whatever other animals there are. Just taking a little lunch break and cooling down. I'm surprised I didn't wake up from this dream yet!

Did you get the head out too?

If you just snapped the body off the heads still up in there bud!

Hope it doesn't get infected!

Do you have health insurance? Sign up if you don't!

They came out whole and I put them in a bag. They are still alive just crawling around the zip locks. I don't have health insurance. I'm still in the caveman days.


Registered Non-Conformist
F'in ticks.. Bad time of year for them. I used to find 'em on Me when I was out looking/hiking for uncharted surf spots in NorCal.

I quickly learned to wear long sleeves and pants, plus check myself afterwards. Especially in Spring. Your odds of getting Lyme disease are very low according to the doctor who pulled one out of Me. He said He does 6-10 a day of these in springtime.

Good On Ya. Nothing like Outdoor growing. Good for the Soul..! The dream will continue..

I will get back to it when I can. Kickin' ass on the indoor for one more run.

Then relocation..!!!!! And some SURFING..!!! Finally.


Active member
Bi-polar you say? Me too and I suffered for many years until I came to SF and then I tried California rocket fuel.... instantly I was cured and Ive been stable ever since..
My sleep patterns are normal, my mood doesnt change on daily, my thought patterns are more organized. My transformation of getting cured has effected all aspects of my life, from decision making to organizing my life and many other nuances I didnt know I was lacking. Im not telling you to seek medication to cure your illness but in order get the best results of any endeavor, you must mentally be competent and if you are not its a big problem for you and your investors. In other words, if you had broken foot would you run a marathon and expect to win, absolutely not...Mental illness is like any other illness and it can be cured. good luck.

California rocket fuel = Mirtazapine and Effexor


Registered Non-Conformist
Gluten-Free will set You free. I can't believe how simple it all is. Clears up the Brain Fog. Creates Much more decisiveness. MUCH less Anxiety feelings, and body pains go away within 2 weeks. I struggle with my temptation toward baked goods, but when I am good to myself all day, everyday - I feel like King of the world, physically and mentally, stay trim and never feel bloated.

If I don't follow the program, I am depressed, gain weight, and have massive back pain which affects my ability to tend to My Indoor garden without frustration.

I went one whole year on this regimen, and it was beyond amazing. All my relatives and friends could clearly see the differences. But I'm losing control of late, because I am bored, depressed, unhappy in the Midwest ( a half life at best ), and need the Ocean/Surfing/Snorkeling. Will do something about that later in the summer for permanent.


Active member
I can't move. Today was a long day. People looked at me like I was crazy putting the plants out today. It was like 75F and it just seemed right. We'll see if I made a bad decision. It's almost 7:30 and you can still see the sun. It's also light at 5am. We cleared a little temporary plot in a spot on the land that's well hidden and put up a chicken wire fence. We cleared the plot with my climbers chainsaw. I'm sure it wasn't the right way to do it but it's what we had available. After we were done everyone seemed to think my idea this morning is a good one now. We will see how it goes. I'm cooking lamb chops, butternut squash and some tomatoes with my homemade vinaigrette.

This is a temporary solution for now. Probably put some other outdoor plants here later when the cold frames come.

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
Yo Snype, you're a real inspiration and talk mad sense. I really admire your honesty.

Best of luck to you and your girl. :tiphat:
