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Operation Retirement - $nype Style!

Snype, I remember reading your old grow journals when I first came to IC. I haven't followed you exclusively over the years, but I've dropped in from time to time to check it out. I've always admired your skills as a grower, and enjoyed watching you improve over the years.

I never knew your personal story but reading that little introduction makes me wanna go back and read all of your old grow threads.

I'll be along for this ride.


i hope you make it to retirement snype :)
the other two options seem pretty shitty
all the best from the other side of the pond .ww


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
This thread will be my next journey.

I live on a farm on roughly 300 acres. A few years ago in one of my threads, I talked about leaving the city to try and form a community on a bunch of land where everybody has a purpose and we all support each other in some way. These dreams are finally coming into fruition.

Stay tuned for the next journey... :)

Wouldn't it be a beautiful world...

I've thought about communal living for many (10+ years) and have always run into the same issue...
How to be truly,self sustaining...
I've gone to a few Music and 420 festivals ran into my fair share of "hippies" living off the land as a group...
They were not what I had expected and for the most part
talked of hand outs and odd jobs.
To each his own,I say...

The Amish have a good idea with the furniture and products they make and sell..

Your thread here just turned on a light bulb for me...

Hope ya dont mind if I smoke a bowl here...

You got me thinking 2020...

300 acres would be perfect...
Build a whole community based on REC/MMJ... Legally...
Even with the laws in place in may states this could be possible... Lets play this out a second...
Each person is allows (?) many plants with 2 or more people per
family growing their own plants...

Take 1 family/couple and have them focus on bringing/hunting
new and old flavors from around the world. Hunters...

A couple families would focus on pheno hunting and testing of strains.
A couple would take the keepers and handle the
growing for products and a separate group would work seeds...

With this core group in place you could expand,
bring in families to produce all the 420 edibles,oils,concentrates,flower,etc,etc...

Then you could bring in the techie hippies and take things Online.
Offering how many 1000s of products,some legal and some soon to be less illegal for shipping across the states...

Being which ever laws you live under 215 or recreation you would have a communal name brand
on all products offered and I would think could
support yourselves by supplying products within your state
that can not be shipped quite yet. (Seeds-Flowers-edibles)

Meanwhile online you could make a killing making
products/soils/worm farms for this or that, and so many
more families join in... lol

Everyone working under a common understanding and shared outcome... Interesting concepts given it's 2014 and all...

All products sold would be handled by one group with another handling the money and yet another the budget...lol

Money would be the biggest cause of issue and the downfall of so many good intentions..
There would be bumps along the way,that's for sure but every
reality starts as a dream and a glimmer in an eye...

I wish you and yours all the best of times and luck on your journey Snype...
Wouldn't it be a beautiful world if people like yourself set the trends to come in the 420 revolution we find ourselves living through...

They say...
The only way to immortality is to be remembered
by friends and loved ones,once your gone from this world...
For those loved ones share stories of your life with the next generation and so you live in their memories...
Imagine a community of loved ones that will forever speak of the person that made it possible/viable to live a chosen life...

Not that this would/should be a goal in ones life,yet,sure is something to think
about as we live the life we want to be remembered for..

Anyways.. Puff,puff...
Hope this is something like what your speaking
of and would love to here more of what your
chewing on for future plans...

That was a fun...Thanks...D.U.D.E...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
all the very best snype,,hope it works out buddy,,
peace and regards 944s2
Retirement would be boring.

I would just keep growing 1,000 plants every year until I can't physically do it.

"Giant balls this one has," he said in his best yoda voice. :)


Active member
Thanks for joining the show! Been very busy trying to figure everything out. This past week I met a couple of outdoor growers in my area and picked their brains. I was amazed how much they knew and how great their attitudes were. I'm really happy to have met them and they told me a lot of information.

I talked to them about how people on this site who are in my state think this area is poor for growing cannabis. It seems from the people on IC that I talk to, they say that I'll be lucky if I can get pound plants but what these guys are telling me is much different. They said they didn't even start their seed yet and they will pull 3 pound plants. I have to go by what they say because they seem like experts in the field and have been doing this a long time. They were very knowledgable and I have no reason at all to question what they said. So this is making me rethink my strategy.

I bought my soil mix and amendments but these guys didn't really like what I had and said that if I was to go with what I have that I would need a 6 week cook at minimum. Maybe I'll use that mix for the plants I'm going to scatter around. I'm thinking of purchasing a local pre made soil that these guys use for my LightDep. I'm also considering tossing my 30 Gallon Smart Pots and upgrading to 45 Gallon Smart pots. These other guys are running 100 Gallon Smarties but I just don't want to go that big this year. I'd rather get a season under my belt first.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to order a couple of Steel Hoop Houses from FarmTek for the LightDep but I'm not sure which ones yet. Here is the list of pheno's I'm running for the LightDep:

KK StarDawg
Pootie Tang (StarDawg #6)
Illuminati StarDawg / Nag Champa Kush
StarDawg #9
BYTCH (Chemdog Double Diesel / Chemdog)
Oregon ICE
The White
Motorbreath #6
Mass Electric #'s 1, 2 & 3

Here are the strains that I'm going to plant into the ground from seed:

F13 f2
Lui x C99 = Brainfreeze
The White x C99 = Glass Slipper
Sweet Tooth#3 x C99 = Sweetest Cindy 99
Nightmare Kush (The White S1's)
The White x G13 bx = White Lightening
C99 Kush
LOC/Hash Plant x C99 = Mystic Gem
Strawberry Diesel F2
"Monsta" Strawberry Diesel
DSD x Sour Diesel
BYTCH x Sour Diesel

I'll be putting 12 plants in each cold frame.

This ride is going to be a trip! It's going to take a lot of work but I feel like I have the right team to handle it even though no one has this type of experience. This land really is a magical place and the energy just seems right. This is the first time in my life where pieces of the puzzle are solving themselves.

I'm going to set the bar pretty high and I'm aiming for 400 pounds this season. Who knows what will happen in the end but this is an amazing dream just to have the chance. I'm in the middle of the Humboldt County of the East Coast. I couldn't have dreamed it better than this!

I transfered 24 rooted clones into soil on March 29th. Here's a few pictures of what they look like now:



Active member
4,000 Watt RDWC SCROG BYTCH - 20 plants - Day 22 Flower
This SCROG is going pretty well. I've gone the highest I've ever had to go in my PPM's and am set to 1100 (0.5 scale). Plants are eating 150 PPM every day. When I check the rez every 24 hours before top off, my rez still reads 1100. That tells me I'm right on the money on the nutes. Once I top off, I add back nutes and bring it back up to 1100. I keep my pH at 6.0 - 6.1. Conditions are near perfect at 75F at the top of the canopy and 67F in the RDWC solution. There are no water chillers being used. Just a 15,000 BTU Window Banger set at 66 F. CO2 is blasting. Even though I missed a few holes in the SCROG, it should be an easy 8 pounds at harvest. I only Vegged for 7 days in the flowering room and 9 days in VEG-A in a veg room under T5's. A few pics:


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