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Ontario Growers

great thanks for all the help Heady Pete. I followed the directions (which didnt go too smoothly) but i ended up making it work fairly well. i got it on youtube but i may take it down and try to put up one of better quality (right now it looks saturated and pixely).

but check it out guys; the grow is after a windstorm so shit was knocked over.



ontario hydro said:
great thanks for all the help Heady Pete. I followed the directions (which didnt go too smoothly) but i ended up making it work fairly well. i got it on youtube but i may take it down and try to put up one of better quality (right now it looks saturated and pixely).

but check it out guys; the grow is after a windstorm so shit was knocked over.


Sweet clip :D. I wish I had a nice spot like that.


DAY 45
















Take Five...
Great vid Hydro, glad that worked out for you. Video is real complicated so you should be proud of your work. Try a little bigger file for better quality. I think youtube has a 100 meg limit.

Good luck.


Things look great guys, amazing looking harvests. Weather is also looking great for Southern Ontario; above average temps forcasted for the next 2 weeks :D Keep the updates coming
Here are my Juicy Fruit x NL x Sk at week 6 of flower, should finish up mid to late october.



Awesome looking pistils dude.

The weather is indeed looking awesome. I'm already in a location that has one of the latest frost dates, that plus the warm weather means my single shitty little late started plant should be able to finish!
Greetings all
Picked about 40 plants today and got them to my drying location so here are a couple pictures from today.

This made me laugh, kinda reminded me of that old cheech and chong movie where cheeches brother shows up with a large dufflebag filled with weed. Oh great drug movies where have you gone

A picture of the harvested plants.

The largest GG i grew this year that kept it indoors till july and i am really looking forward to seeing what the yield is on this plant as it is remarkably heavy for such a short plant.
so heres what happened. my harvest wasnt so great due to the plants' size. the y became too big that they all toppled over. because im on canadian shield the soil layer is incredibly thing. the plants never rooted deep enough to take hold.
remember those pics of luscious tall plants.. this is what it looked like when i went to harves....:(

next yr im gonna get proper. im gonna plant much later in the yr and have plants roughly 4 feet tall when they flower. that way i can avoid this mess and have a proper. if i planted 1.5 months later than i did this yr, id probably have more bud.. weird to think about.

Chrono Batch

New member
Thats it, I've been lurking long enough. First off, I'd just like to say "Hi", I'm Chrono, and this being my first post, I would just like to greet you all :wave:. The plants are all looking amazing guys, so healthy and vigorous. Keep it up, we're almost done. We were lucky in Ontario to have had killer weather this year, up until the last couple days. Yeah, the humidity combined with the slowly declining temperatures have created the first sign of trouble for me. Botrytis, the killer bud mold, tried to set up shop in the biggest of my three BC God Bud ladies. :cuss: . It looks like I caught it very early though as it is just a tiny little area of mold on the main cola. Luckily, my plants are due to be chopped on Saturday, so I could snip the top of the main cola and remove the area of mold, without worrying about hampering overall ripeness and yield. So the point of my post? Well, aside from informing my fellow growers of my growing trials and tribulations, I was wondering if anyone else in Southern Ontario was starting to see issues arise due to the ever present moisture (whether it be fog, rain, or just high RH, the past little while has been VERY moist) and climate conditions here. If not, this is a friendly reminder that while for growers, THIS is the season to be jolly, it's also the season to have pesky pests and fungi wreak havoc on your beloved garden. While I'm sure you all already know this, so did I, and I still came out to a small patch of mold this morning. Keep your eyes open and inspect your plants carefully! Good luck and a bountiful, potent harvest to all, Chrono Batch.


OverGrow Refugee
well my crop turned out amazing it's almost all dry...I harvested last weekend before this crap weather..Man is the Lemon Stinky strong smoke..just tested some right now..
Have a jar full of my heady nuggets of the Quick Mist curing will crack that baby in a month or 2..The Cherry Berry was the last to be harvested it is hanging up as I write this.
Hope everyones grows went well..Will post some final pics in a bit..


Damn son of a bitch bud rot. I feel your pain Chrono, haha. Well, I caught it early and only lost about half a gram. I decided to cut the plant down. Too bad, I think she could have used another week. I had the pleasure of a helicopter flying over me as I was cutting it down.. paranoia sucks, lol!

My single G13 x Sour Bubble pole plant

Rotted bud:

Leafy biatch:



Last edited:
well that is pretty much it for 2007, took down all the remaining plants (exept for a few cuttings and buds left to mature seed) and all things considered it has been a great year.
No losses to rippers for the first time in three years.
Only one animal disaster when back in late may i had well over a hundred seedlings chewed down in one night, I had moved all the seedlings started indoors out and in one day (an event i refer to as the great chipmunk pot massacre) all but a few of the larger seedlings got chewed off so no more putting out small plants without better protection. Fortunatly i had plenty of seed so I started a couple hundred more on June 1.
My goals this year where to grow out a decent number of small plants from different crosses to give me a better selection to cross with for next year and it worked out very well. Of course with the late start the plants where fairly small but all told managed to mature approx 120 female seedlings and about 90 cutttings that i started in august and they are all happily drying. Not sure how much bud i will end up this year but it will definatly be several pounds.
Last years crosses where done mostly to get plants that will be ready in september and apart from the ones that i started june first they all did and many of the later starts finished in this time frame as well and yesterdays harvest was of about 40 later plants.
I did some swamp growing in pots and have to say i really like that method and will do a lot more that way next year, it is far easier to keep the swamp grown plants well waterd and the locations are pretty secure to.
I hope everyone else had a good year and the weather was superb this year with the september and early october weather being better than i could have hoped for and with the turn to cool wet weather in the last few days i hope peoples plants have had a good chance to finish and to everyone may your next year be even better.
so it was a decent harvest; no where near what i had planned. next year i know how to go about harnessing nature and the canadian shield. im going to get a shitload of clones and plant in mid/late june... this year i did most of the plants in early may and they became too big to support themselves. with shorter plants, and more of them, i know i can get a large yield.
swamp growing in small pots is a good idea. the ones i did this year were put out hastily and late, but still produced a good chunk of bud. the continually moist soil in the buckets also avoids relying on rain.

..any suggestions on high quality seeds that are reliable?


Leave this place better then when i arrived
Hey you guys had amazing grows this year!!! technine where did u get that cross from it looks amazing.

ontario- i tried to grow female seeds this year, got a very high germ rate(im a terrible germer usually) and they grew amazing until some kind of animal tossed the whole tray. the ww is suppose to be there most potent ;) the ice i heard is a close 2nd


Yes, I agree, nice looking grows everyone! The Juicy Fruit cross was purchased from the Toronto420 seed bank. I can't say much about the cross because this is my first grow, but what I can say is dayuuuum! smoke is very pleasant, heady sativa high.
These two here were chopped last week, yielding 3/4 pound collectively. I have 3 more out which will hopefully finish up next week. More pics to come.
