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One brave little girls attempt to put an end to bullying


East Coast Grower
Pretty fucking sad to say the least, idk why I even watched the damn thing..

A lot of good responses though, and yes it is just kind of a fact of life for the most part. Some kids grow up to be bullies and some to be bullied. What I've never really understood is why NOW is it such a problem to the point where kids are committing suicide. Is it facebook, internet, texting, etc, too much communication, too hard to escape? I would have to say YES.
One thing it always reminds me of (idk why) is the whole Dazed and Confused thing with the seniors hunting and paddling freshmen, college hazing etc etc, I'm not that old so idk what it was like in real life but I think it is safe to say it was largely accepted by society, for whatever reason. tradition perhaps.
We have all been through it I'm sure, some on either side, to whatever extent. I know personally I went through my share of shit for a long time from elementary school to high school. I was the short, chubby kid with glasses, and I also have a small eye that I am blind in, so I'm sure we can all imagine that scenario :rollseyes: I was 3-eyes not even 4 eyes! But anyway, yeah I felt like shit about myself all the time and even now still dislike myself and my appearance, very little confidence and self-esteem, but it never got to the point of hurting myself, so why now with the current generation??

If anything, it needs to be taught somehow that it gets through to kids, to NOT bully people, not that it needs to be relinquished to violence. Kids need to understand that they really can ruin a kids life with or without meaning too. maybe kids these days are just to sensitive, idk.. All I know is that with my son, 1.5 years old now, I need to make him understand he can talk to me about anything and everything, and that I'm here only to help, and that maybe he does need to stand up to that bully, but only if it really comes down to it.


Sorry but that is a TERRIBLE thing to say ... little kids getting bullied and you tell them to resort to violence??? Are you CRAZY??? :(
I imagine your next post is "and give them a gun"

There is a fine line between ''violence'' and standing up for oneself and drawing lines for others not to cross. I guess I was ''bullied'' up until the 3rd grade. One individual would terrorize everyone in the school. I was about 50lbs then and he, about 100+. I was terrified of this kid for almost a year. We got into it on the playground one day and he got the better of it.

I had an Uncle that took offense to that and taught me the ways of Redneck self defense and told me he'd beat my ass if ever I was to lose another fight to this kid...Mind you, he wasn't advocating that I attack or go on the offensive, just that I not let some kid push me around. This kid and I ended up battling it out a few more times and I got the bad end a few times. True to his word, my Uncle smacked me a few times. I learned real quick it wasn't in my best interest to be shoved around (In multiple facets.)

We had it out in Jr. High and I nearly beat the guy into a coma. Not only did he decide to leave me alone at that point but every other kid in the school did as well. I wasn't a brute baller but it was well understood that I would never take anyone's shit.

This was 35+ years ago and granted, times have changed but standing up for yourself is the only option in these situations. That doesn't necessarily mean fighting or beating someone up...Just to suggest that there may be better things to do than pick on others.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm a God fearing man and this sounds like demonic activity.

I've seen it many times before. People believe they're seeing or hearing things "ghosts" of loved ones that had previously killed themselves... encouraging them to join them... actually feeling them . . .

"Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." 1 Pet 5:8

I saw the video to the end and yes she points at bullying, but was that the problem or was that the therapist trying to pinpoint the problem for her. I was "bullied", picked on, called names, told that I was was "worthless" but why is it I haven't killed myself?

There are other factors at play besides the "bullying?" I don't mean to underplay bullying. Obviously any unwholesome word spoken to or about someone has an enormous amount of power. The reality is that kids are foolish and stupid and sometimes just @-holes. They say hurtful things and they always will this side of eternity.

Bullying isn't going to go away. Yes, we should discourage it but I think a better thing to do is to build people up so that if they get bullied it won't make a difference. Bullies pick easy targets and largely do it to make themselves feel a little better.

If we create a culture that builds people up bullies will actually feel better about themselves and not bully. Damn that's way too many times I used the word bully.

Last thought before I stop rambling.
Mental illness, Psychosis, demonic oppression... whatever you want to call it. Her succumbing to this was the reason why this poor girl murdered herself. Not because someone called her worthless or ugly or even told her to kill herself.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Pretty fucking sad to say the least, idk why I even watched the damn thing..

A lot of good responses though, and yes it is just kind of a fact of life for the most part. Some kids grow up to be bullies and some to be bullied. What I've never really understood is why NOW is it such a problem to the point where kids are committing suicide. Is it facebook, internet, texting, etc, too much communication, too hard to escape? I would have to say YES.
One thing it always reminds me of (idk why) is the whole Dazed and Confused thing with the seniors hunting and paddling freshmen, college hazing etc etc, I'm not that old so idk what it was like in real life but I think it is safe to say it was largely accepted by society, for whatever reason. tradition perhaps.
We have all been through it I'm sure, some on either side, to whatever extent. I know personally I went through my share of shit for a long time from elementary school to high school. I was the short, chubby kid with glasses, and I also have a small eye that I am blind in, so I'm sure we can all imagine that scenario :rollseyes: I was 3-eyes not even 4 eyes! But anyway, yeah I felt like shit about myself all the time and even now still hate myself and my appearance, very little confidence and self-esteem, but it never got to the point of hurting myself, so why now with the current generation??

If anything, it needs to be taught somehow that it gets through to kids, to NOT bully people, not that it needs to be relinquished to violence. Kids need to understand that they really can ruin a kids life with or without meaning too. maybe kids these days are just to sensitive, idk.. All I know is that with my son, 1.5 years old now, I need to make him understand he can talk to me about anything and everything, and that I'm here only to help, and that maybe he does need to stand up to that bully, but only if it really comes down to it.

rofl ----> 3 eyes


Active member
"bullying is human nature."

Well, so is killing the fuck out of people in an anti-social rampage, or believe everyone is out to get you. They secretly smile at these people, and the people smile back (schizoid smile, the one Mona Lisa possessed). I really wonder when people will get on my level or start thinking.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I remember when I was bullied in first year of high school, the last thing I would've done is talked to my parents about it as I didn't want them to worry, plus there was a lot of pride involved... we all want our parents to feel proud of us, and I (wrongly) couldn't help but feel they'd be less proud of me if they knew I was being bullied, so I can understand why kids these days are taking to social media like facebook, tumblr blogs etc to use as their 'vent'.

I guess it's just really, really important for parents to be constantly pro-active in regards to asking their kids if they're ever going through such experiences

ps. headband - that's one hell of a signature you've got there eheh

Yeah not talking to your parents is par for the course I guess,,,..
My Signature just happened over time LOL... more I seen the more I put lol...my vent..:woohoo:.headband 707

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm a God fearing man and this sounds like demonic activity.

I've seen it many times before. People believe they're seeing or hearing things "ghosts" of loved ones that had previously killed themselves... encouraging them to join them... actually feeling them . . .

"Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." 1 Pet 5:8

I saw the video to the end and yes she points at bullying, but was that the problem or was that the therapist trying to pinpoint the problem for her. I was "bullied", picked on, called names, told that I was was "worthless" but why is it I haven't killed myself?

There are other factors at play besides the "bullying?" I don't mean to underplay bullying. Obviously any unwholesome word spoken to or about someone has an enormous amount of power. The reality is that kids are foolish and stupid and sometimes just @-holes. They say hurtful things and they always will this side of eternity.

Bullying isn't going to go away. Yes, we should discourage it but I think a better thing to do is to build people up so that if they get bullied it won't make a difference. Bullies pick easy targets and largely do it to make themselves feel a little better.

If we create a culture that builds people up bullies will actually feel better about themselves and not bully. Damn that's way too many times I used the word bully.

Last thought before I stop rambling.
Mental illness, Psychosis, demonic oppression... whatever you want to call it. Her succumbing to this was the reason why this poor girl murdered herself. Not because someone called her worthless or ugly or even told her to kill herself.

Damn bro I wish you did not say that !!! What happened to this sweet little girl had NOTHING to do with God and a lot to do with chemicals in her brain lack of sleep food and so on .. Please don't cloud the water with this BULLSHIT!! Headband 707

Smoking Gun

Active member
Kids should be taught that violence is the only answer when it comes to bullies.

Wrong, its not about violence, its about showing the bully you will not take it. If this can be achieved without violence then the non-violent way is best.

You're right... violence and hurt feeling DO NOt go together.

I think about Columbine and VTech and now a Sikh temple when I think about teaching people who were bullied to lash out in anger and in fear. Every white supremecist and neo nazi crazy fuck was prob bullied or beaten as a kid. The problem is some guy took them under their wing when they were most hurt and down and taught them to fight back against the pain. That is not the answer. Words solve problems not fists or sticks.

Remember we all end up in the grave either way... better to grow through peaceful resolution.

Ok Axl, you have really stepped into the extreme here. I am sure many of those neo-nazi's and white supremacists were the bullies as kids, in fact they are still bullies now, that is all they are. More often than not that kind of hatred is taught to them as kids, not acquired later in life. But hatred is not usually the cause of bullying anyway. Bullies are often simply insecure people who need to make themselves feel better, comparing a bully to hate mongers is like comparing apples to hard candy.

Unfortunately bullies will not just stop being bullies, they need a good reason to stop. Standing up for yourself, which does at times mean a punch in the mouth, and showing the bully you will not lay down and take their shit is the way to deal with them. I would never suggest anyone go out and look for a fight, but I am a strong believer in standing up for one's self.


This is a case of a suicidal human with psychosis.
I don't see the issue with bullying?

If someone is mentally ill than any number of things could set them off. Bullying, traffic, tv shows, etc...

This particular person held up a handful of wristbands from hospitilizations after suicide attempts(were assuming thats what they are we can't actually see any info on those bands, I have 4 of them lying around here from various things none of which are suicides).

What in the F.
All these suicide attempts? Intense psychosis with a demonic imaginary best friend?

If you want to keep psychotics safe from real people (who can be rude/inconsiderate/assholes) don't give them internet!


Everyone close to this girl should have known she was off in the head. They have the paperwork to back it up. I don't know if they had her on medications. I don't know if they should have either.

But they were completely irresponsible, this girl could have just as soon picked up an assault rifle and went on a murder spree with her demon friend.

If anyone besides this girl is to blame for her death, I blame those closest to her and not strangers who make snide comments.

I think bullying isn't nice. I think it is part of natural order. Look at all the animals out their. I don't think you can blame a suicide on someone who called the deceased fat or retarded or whatever.

I think the reason most bullying gets out of hand is because the people being bullied can't express themselves. I believe this is more to do with the person being bullied than the bulliers.

I am not saying that some people aren't abusive. But I wouldn't call that Bullying. I would consider it assault or invalid.

Think we need to teach kids the old saying.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

These people are employed by the US specifically to bully.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
this may be a little off subject but then again stalking/harassment is a form of bullying.

When I went to my doctor a while back and talked about my rich (but ugly) ex paying people to follow/stalk me 24/7, guess what he said? Can you guess? "I want you to try this...mmmkay?" It was perphenazine. Something they give to schizophrenics. He said that in a mild dose like in what he was prescribing it would act like a tranquilizer.

Well guess what? I also asked for klonopin. I eat the klonopin, but when I go to the pharmacy and get a gigantic pill bottle full of that perphenazine shit, I just bring it home and stick it in a drawer. Now I have thousands.

The key is to make sure you're up with the dates..."oh yeah, I filled that one on the 5th." As long as you pick the drugs up, they have no way to prove you're taking it. Be smart about. Nobody should be taking meds like that. Klonopin is okay for me, but not everyone.

I smoke throughout the day and take 2mg of klonopin a day, nd that makes me normal and happy. It works for me, and if I have to lie in order to maintain my happiness, so be it. "are you smoking any marijuana or drinking at all?" "Nope, don't touch the stuff."

Smoking Gun

Active member
Everyone close to this girl should have known she was off in the head. They have the paperwork to back it up. I don't know if they had her on medications. I don't know if they should have either.

Ok, this is easy to say, but so far from reality. It is often the people we are closest to we keep secrets from. Now given that this girl does seem to have a history of mental issues, that should have been a good enough reason for her parents to give a bit of extra attention. But I cannot blame anyone but this girl for the fact she took her own life. Even if people have serious mental issues or are severely depressed they often will put on a happy face and get through their days seemingly fine, at least while in public. It is when these type of people get some place private and alone that the issues really come to a head. Think of how often you hear people saying they had no idea that the person who committed suicide was having problems; well that is the way the suicidal person wanted it. They tried to hide their problems from everyone, and this can often be exactly why they commit suicide, they try to deal with their issues alone when what they really need is someone to simply listen to them and offer some empathy. So while it is easy to say that those around here should have known, it is just a naive to believe it is as simple as that.


Game Bred
for bullies: http://www.gracieacademy.com/bully_proof.asp

bullying was not this woman's problem mental illness was.
"i've attempted suicide more times than i can count" <--- there is a fuckload going on in that one sentence! a whole world sized fuckload! bullying was just the catalyst de jour here. it would have been something else at some point.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Honestly a good punch in the mouth usually shuts a bully up. They are not expecting it to happen and when they know you are prepared to actually defend yourself they often move onto their next target. I say this all out of experience. I am not a violent person, but this method really does work.

Most bullies are bullies because they are insecure people and need to pick on someone to make themselves feel better. When their target is no longer willing to take the bullying they no longer get the confidence boost they are looking for.

Bullying has been around forever and will never go away, NEVER. So lets all stop whining about it, man up (yes even the girls) and stand up to the damn bullies. That is what will make them stop. I apologize if I sound insensitive, but like I said I dealt with this situation and am a stronger person for having actually dealt with it. I genuinely feel we have been coddling our kids far too much these days, and this is simply making weak individuals who cannot handle their own problems.

This is very true the best, most effective method for dealling with bullies is to stand up to them. Also for those not into violence, you don't even necessarily have to punch someone, sometimes all you need do is get in their face. Although to be real, if you're going to stand up to a bully you better be prepared for some fighting to occur.

What I really don't get is why there aren't more people who stand up to bullies on behalf of others who are too scared to? When I was in high school there was a group of us heads that always hung together, got high in the woods near the school together, etc. We noticed alot of the jocks bullying the smaller skinnier, nerd type kids and decided it was uncool. So whenever we witnessed someone being bullied we (anywhere from 3 to 6 of us) would surround the bully and give him a taste of thier own medicine. That was my second year in high school and for the rest of that year and the two years after that when we came around where kids were hanging, nobody got bullied. If we had more people willing to do this then bullying wouldn't be as bad as it is either. Unfortunately though people laugh along with the bully or look the other way because secretly they're relieved they're not the ones being bullied.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's not uncommon for the bully to be bigger and tougher etc than the person they're bullying ... violence is not a solution, especially with kids, and will often simply exacerbate the situation.

Most of the times that's just not true. Yeah bullies are often bigger and tougher but most of them pick on smaller weaker kids because they're actually cowards and if it comes to a fight they want the deck stacked in their favor. Even if you lose though you should always fight back because what a bully really wants is someone who will be submissive without a fight. If you stand up for yourself, even if you lose bullies will usually move on and potential bullies will notice you stood up for yourself and think twice about messing with you. If you don't stand up for yourself you might as well wear a sign that says Here I am bullies, come get me because I'll let you do whatever you want.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
come off it... there a big difference between a straight line with kids and teaching a kid to be violent.

punishing a kid is one thing, my dad hit my ass with a spoon WHATEVER Im totaly nrml

teaching them to use violence when afraid.. needless

There is violence and then there is self defense. You're probably right that alot of these neo nazi types were bullied and yeah someone probably did show them how to fight back by starting the fight on their terms. That is violence and that is wrong.

Self defense on the other hand is only resorting to violence after someone has initiated violence against you. Big difference. Plus with defense you don't have to use violence. One of the guys in the group I hung with in high school was a black belt in some style of kung fu (they didn't actually have belts but he was equivilent to a black belt). Anyway one of the best bully moments with him was when he tried to stop a bully from beating up a kid half his size. The bullied felt he had to lash out at my friend because everyone was watching and he'd look like a total puss. Well every blow he threw my friend just moved away, the guy never once laid a finger on him and my friend never once threw a punch of kick or even a block. Everyone watching started laughing there asses off at the bully and started calling him fat and slow. The bully finally gave up and left humiliated. He wasn't seen around for a few days after that and when he finally did show his face it was as if he decided bullying was no more for him.

You do make a good point about all the kids out there willing to use a gun or knife though. It's not the same world that I grew up in that's for sure.

Red Fang

Active member
I'm sorry but I was bullied for years in middle and high school, and they usually are far bigger than you. You do nothing to deserve this, you just mind your own business, isolate yourself more and more in hopes of just being left alone, and still it keeps coming. They are worthless scum and should be treated as such! Good thing I or others who got picked on in my school did not get these kind of ideas then! Personally I just never thought of violence and as for suicide, my personal beliefs did not allow for it. Why don't the teachers do something about it? It is not "normal" or a "right of passage". The dumb teachers just stood there and watched. Why not punish these bastards severely and maybe they'll stop? I finally had enough when I was a junior and a guy about the same size as me and goofy started bullying me. I just started throwing fists in a furious frenzy and didn't even know if I was connecting or not. After the fact, I know he got a bloody nose and black eye and acted respectful but also went on a body-building craze and became quite big. I was not picked on much after that, and not at all for a few months after, but I was never the same either. My life has been a mess and I don't blame bullying for all of it but it certainly played its role. Those who bullied should all have to pay a hefty monetary fine to their victims even years after the fat, and those who caused serious injury should be executed. These POS probably amounted to jack squat and caused more harm and pain and cause commotions every where they go the rest of their lives.

I don't know how anyone can think they have the right to go out of their way to inflict verbal or physical pain on others. Are they sadistic? Either leave someone alone or go out of their way to befriend them. Those that are "different" or shy obviously have a hard time socializing, instead of dismissing them why don't people try to befriend them? It is not those with "confidence" that need people to approach them and give them a helping hand, it is those who can't find the words and don't know where to start who need this. If every shunned boy was asked out by the hot girl of the class and the jock types helped the uncoordinated "eggheads" learn to play sports better without picking on them or laughing at them, there would be much less violence. Colombine, that batman killer, maybe these people could have gotten the help they needed before committing atrocities, instead of just being ignored.

Red Fang

Active member
But yes, I too do not see the connection between the mental illness and bullying. well, they may have picked on her because of it, or being "petite" in a world where most girls are seriously fat may have initiated some of the nastiness. But the illness was already there, not caused by but most likely intensified by the bullying. Regardless, people once clubbed each other over the head for a piece of meat lying rotting on a cave floor, and once ate each other on a fairly regular basis. These things have stopped and so can bullying!

Smoking Gun

Active member
This is very true the best, most effective method for dealling with bullies is to stand up to them. Also for those not into violence, you don't even necessarily have to punch someone, sometimes all you need do is get in their face. Although to be real, if you're going to stand up to a bully you better be prepared for some fighting to occur.

What I really don't get is why there aren't more people who stand up to bullies on behalf of others who are too scared to? When I was in high school there was a group of us heads that always hung together, got high in the woods near the school together, etc. We noticed alot of the jocks bullying the smaller skinnier, nerd type kids and decided it was uncool. So whenever we witnessed someone being bullied we (anywhere from 3 to 6 of us) would surround the bully and give him a taste of thier own medicine. That was my second year in high school and for the rest of that year and the two years after that when we came around where kids were hanging, nobody got bullied. If we had more people willing to do this then bullying wouldn't be as bad as it is either. Unfortunately though people laugh along with the bully or look the other way because secretly they're relieved they're not the ones being bullied.

Unfortunately there is a simple answer, these days we are raising kids with no accountability or consequences to their actions (at least in the USA). Teachers and parents are afraid to actually reprimand children for fear of losing their job or even careers. I was a camp counselor years ago, there was one day I had a camper who decided he wanted to play on the playground instead of staying with the group. Well words had no effect so I had to physically remove him from the playground. The following morning I was pulled aside by the camp director and reprimanded for my actions. I calmly explained my take on the event and the camp director immediately agreed with me, however had I done the exact same thing a second time I still could have lost my job. The camp director was afraid of the parents suing the camp, which unfortunately is enough to ruin a camps reputation even if the case were dismissed. This is the same in schools, athletics, and just about everywhere. Somehow in all of this the kid got off without even having to learn a lesson. When I was that age I would have had hell to pay for not listening to my counselors from both the camp director and my parents. Kids today hold all the cards and their parents live in fear of them, and this is total BULLSHIT!!!!

But this leads to the apathy, laziness, and generally shitty attitude kids today have. So why stand up for someone else if it has no bearing on you? The golden rule - treat others as you want to be treated - is simply no longer in effect. As I see it the problem will only get worse from here, because these are now going to be the people (I use that term very loosely) who have kids, and how do people with no integrity teach any to their kids. So we are in a perpetual downward cycle. We are only left with selfish, amoral, pussies who feel entitled to everything without having to do anything for it. We now live in a ME first society.

I'm sorry but I was bullied for years in middle and high school, and they usually are far bigger than you. You do nothing to deserve this, you just mind your own business, and still it keeps coming. They are worthless scum and should be treated as such! Good thing I did not get that idea then! Why don't the teachers do something about it? It is not "normal" or a "right of passage". The dumb teachers just stood there and watched. Why not punish these bastards severely and maybe they'll stop? I finally had enough when I was a junior and a guy about the same size as me and goofy started bullying me. I just started throwing fists in a furious frenzy and didn't even know if I was connecting or not. After the fact, I know he got a bloody nose and black eye and acted respectful but also went on a body-building craze and became quite big. I was not picked on much after that, and not at all for a few months after, but I was never the same either. My life has been a mess and I don't blame bullying for all of it but it certainly played its role. Those who bullied should all have to pay a hefty monetary fine to their victims even years after the fat, and those who caused serious injury should be executed. These POS probably amounted to jack squat and caused more harm and pain and cause commotions every where they go the rest of their lives.

I don't know how anyone can think they have the right to go out of their way to inflict verbal or physical pain on others. Are they sadistic? Either leave someone alone or go out of their way to befriend them. Those that are "different" or shy obviously have a hard time socializing, instead of dismissing them why don't people try to befriend them? It is not those with "confidence" that need people to approach them and give them a helping hand, it is those who can't find the words and don't know where to start who need this. If every shunned boy was asked out by the hot girl of the class and the jock types helped the uncoordinated "eggheads" learn to play sports better without picking on them or laughing at them, there would be much less violence. Colombine, that batman killer, maybe these people could have gotten the help they needed before committing atrocities, instead of just being ignored.

Fang, I am sorry if what I am about to say comes off harsh. YOU LET the bullies win, and they are still winning to this day. As has been stated by multiple people on this thread, those who genuinely dealt with their bullies do not hang onto those feelings. You are correct that these bullies often have few redeeming qualities and will likely never contribute anything positive to society, but that fact alone should make you feel better about yourself and allow you to move past the bullies. From your story it sounds like after your flurry of fists you just stopped standing up for yourself. Why didn't you get into the gym and put on some muscle? Why didn't you try some new hobby or activity? You say your life has been a mess since then, well that one is on you, no one else.

I often listen to the stories of athletes who have to overcome serious obstacles in their lives (like the deaths of parents or loved ones, loss of limbs or abilities, or just a lack of natural talent) to rise to the pinnacle of their sport. They did not let life keep them down, they used it as motivation to improve their situation. While it may seem like a large leap from dealing with bullies to becoming an elite athlete, it really isn't. They are both about mustering the inner strength and self respect to improve the situation they are in, they never blamed their problems on anyone else.

Your suggestion of shooting bullies is exactly what the kids at Columbine thought. That reaction is far worse than the bullying itself. In fact it really only seems to perpetuate the cycle. And often those bullies who continue to be bullies well into their lives have nothing to show for their time on this Earth, that is retribution enough for me.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Unfortunately there is a simple answer, these days we are raising kids with no accountability or consequences to their actions (at least in the USA). Teachers and parents are afraid to actually reprimand children for fear of losing their job or even careers. I was a camp counselor years ago, there was one day I had a camper who decided he wanted to play on the playground instead of staying with the group. Well words had no effect so I had to physically remove him from the playground. The following morning I was pulled aside by the camp director and reprimanded for my actions. I calmly explained my take on the event and the camp director immediately agreed with me, however had I done the exact same thing a second time I still could have lost my job. The camp director was afraid of the parents suing the camp, which unfortunately is enough to ruin a camps reputation even if the case were dismissed. This is the same in schools, athletics, and just about everywhere. Somehow in all of this the kid got off without even having to learn a lesson. When I was that age I would have had hell to pay for not listening to my counselors from both the camp director and my parents. Kids today hold all the cards and their parents live in fear of them, and this is total BULLSHIT!!!!

But this leads to the apathy, laziness, and generally shitty attitude kids today have. So why stand up for someone else if it has no bearing on you? The golden rule - treat others as you want to be treated - is simply no longer in effect. As I see it the problem will only get worse from here, because these are now going to be the people (I use that term very loosely) who have kids, and how do people with no integrity teach any to their kids. So we are in a perpetual downward cycle. We are only left with selfish, amoral, pussies who feel entitled to everything without having to do anything for it. We now live in a ME first society.

Well to the first question which addresses the idea of how to avoid being sued by parents is simple, you make it clear up front how discipline is handled and if they don't like it they can go somewhere else. I'll tell you what though, say you were running a school and the school also had the reputation of kids going on to harvard and being successful you'd see parents willing to overlook the discipline in droves.

As for the question of why help defend others from bullies in a "Me" oriented world? Well simple, if you're a good person it'll make you feel good. At least it did me and my friends when we did it. It felt good because we knew what was happening was wrong and we put a stop to it. My only regret is our impact or the change me and my friends brought about only lasted while we were there. When we moved on nobody felt compelled to fill our footsteps.
Damn bro I wish you did not say that !!! What happened to this sweet little girl had NOTHING to do with God and a lot to do with chemicals in her brain lack of sleep food and so on .. Please don't cloud the water with this BULLSHIT!! Headband 707
Wow talk about hypocrisy... you post in a thread about the horrors of bullying and then you belittle someone's deeply held beliefs. :mad: If you don't believe fine that's your problem, but don't call (at the very least) my opinion a bunch of bullshit.

Like I said call it what you want, psychosis; mental illness; demonic activity... but her suicide had more to do with that than the bullying.

I wasn't asking for you to agree with me. One of society's biggest ills is to completely ignore the spiritual nature of human beings. Society and medicine in general want to equate everything to a physical ailment. Why? Because physical is easy to deal with and can largely be fixed by us... It also doesn't require us acknowledging a God to be accountable to.

Enough said.

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