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on camera at my guerilla site, advice?


First off, the only thing on site was ten holes, and a tarp covering a few bags of mulch, ewc and compost. No litter or property destruction (other than holes, and small brush removal). One camoflogue came camera was pointed at the tarped bags of stuff, and the other looked to be a point of access camera, which was not pointed to where I enter the site. Both cameras were pretty obviously setup, one almost at eye level, and both had labels on them “property of *** county sheriffs dept” The kind of labels ordinary people can print out with a fancy printer or gizmo, no seal of any kind. The camera enclosure had a lock on it, but they were just screwed into the tree.

I was onsite for about 30 seconds before I noticed, having just dropped my bags and turned around. I was super windy, so there was lots of motion around me, but my gut tells me I’m probably on camera. I thought about ripping the cameras, but 1) I don’t want to take some farmers hunting gear ( I am on private property, trespassing) 2) If it is police, I could not be sure enough there were not more, and if I took two but missed 3 and 4, I would be mega screwed.

All I could think of at the time other than quickly covering my face, was to take my spare white t-shirt and tie it to the camera (I surrender (well not really, but from that site at least))

I have a 250w hps in my closet which will be gone by this weekend, and my apt will be clean then. I have a clean record, and the site is about 30 minutes from my place. All I can think of right now is trespassing, litter (not directly, but at the time I could not haul out the amendments or tarp, and pigs would turn that into litter) and maybe destruction of property? For the holes or the small bush I removed last year.

what can/will they do with a grainy game camera pic?

I am looking for advice and warm wishes.


most they can get you for is like you said, trespassing, and destruction of property.

one time i was out digging holes with my partner, and some guy came by and asked what we were doing, I said we volunteer for RePlant, and that we will be bringing in some cedar tree's soon.... needless to say we ran the fuck out of there as soon as he left haha.


The cat that loves cannabis
So they don't look capable of broadcasting? Or do they look like you would need to have the camera to get the pics?
Big floppy hat, sun glasses, head down, go back and get them, crush them, and throw them someplace far away

But if all they have are pics of you digging holes, then maybe you should leave them.
Myself, I'd take them


Yea man your fucked. I would try to get up to canada or down to mexico ASAP before the DEA raids ur crib. Dont worry to much, even if you get caught at the border or before my geuss would be that you'll only serve 5 to 10 years, as long as you don't catch federal charges then ur looking at a minimum of 25 to life. Damn im glad im not you right now, but good luck anyway.


Active member
Yea man your fucked. I would try to get up to canada or down to mexico ASAP before the DEA raids ur crib. Dont worry to much, even if you get caught at the border or before my geuss would be that you'll only serve 5 to 10 years, as long as you don't catch federal charges then ur looking at a minimum of 25 to life. Damn im glad im not you right now, but good luck anyway.


Think good thoughts and plan for the best.

I send you love.


Well-known member
Incredible, so they put the cameras there before anything was even in the ground? Sounds like they were easy to spot did they even try to hide them?

Did you use this site last year? If so I guess they could try and tie you into that grow.

I guess you did the right thing not taking the cameras I always told myself I would take and destroy them but never been put in that situation yet. You are right they would be more likely to push hard to find out whom you are if you take their gear.

First off they have to find out who you are and just because they have pics its not easy I have heard of them posting the pics in local news and or newspaper asking for info on the perp. but with out any weed just doesn’t make sense, I don’t understand why they would bother. I think you have a good chance of nothing happening but never count your chickens before they hatch.

Think about what led up to the cameras did the owner of the property see you out at the plot? Has you car or anything else been parked around that they could tie you to this. I suppose if they had your license number it would be easy to match up your pics from the game cameras to your drivers license.

Remember no matter what all they have is trespassing now and in my state anyways it’s a misdemeanor. Don’t freak even if they say "now we know you have been growing last year and can place you"or "we already have enough evidence so just cooperate", say nothing.
Please go over everything in your head over and over make sure your ass is covered. Don’t leave any evidence in or around your home.

Good luck to you


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
oh god, my worst nightmare....NEVER go back is my advice NEVER

Yeah I agree. If you have no record its going to be hard for them to even figure out who you are. Unless a small community where everyone knows everyone. The only thing they will do if they do catch you on that camera is sit there and say we are going to do this to you unless you tell us the truth deny everything and say you where never there! If they keep prresuring you ask them if you are being charged with anything and if so you will answer no more questions without your lawyer present. And if your not being charged tell them your leaving and thanks for waisting my time.

BTW I don't think anything will ever come from this but do clen house just to be safe


St. Elsewhere
Yea man your fucked. I would try to get up to canada or down to mexico ASAP before the DEA raids ur crib. Dont worry to much, even if you get caught at the border or before my geuss would be that you'll only serve 5 to 10 years, as long as you don't catch federal charges then ur looking at a minimum of 25 to life. Damn im glad im not you right now, but good luck anyway.

Dude, are you joking?


The cat that loves cannabis
You were sleep walking, or sleep digging in this case, and have no memory what so ever of being out there.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I would go out there with some strawberries or tomatoes or something. Either trash all the cameras you see or go back as though you aren't doing anything wrong. Now if you took your shirt off and hung it near or on the cam as a give up guesture I would suggest removing that.

Either remove your evidence or plant something else as though that was your plan. I doubt they will try and fuck with you over tomatoes, not saying to come back during harvest though. I would toss the girls in there, do your soil, take your bags and tarp and any trash and go AFTER.

If anything they could have THOUGHT you were there to plant pot BUT they then see you planting strawberries, tomatoes or SOMETHING.

Also those tree cams can show AMAZING quality even at night. They can easily id you from them unless you were running and blurred across the screen itself when the motion sensor took the pic.

that sucks but if they cam'd on you, they are onto it so either play it stupid planting something else or never go back HOWEVER they might hold onto your pic and try and id you especially if you made any motion to the cams, looked scared as hell or anything.

I hope you never used this site before because if so then be careful. never plant the same area twice OR go a few years before going back.


Wait, so this whole 'sheriff's putting camera on trees' thing is common? Where is this shit happening? Where are you kids growing pot? You know you can't have a spot in the ditch, right?

Is this National Forest/Park or something?


Well-known member
Wait, so this whole 'sheriff's putting camera on trees' thing is common? Where is this shit happening? Where are you kids growing pot? You know you can't have a spot in the ditch, right?

Is this National Forest/Park or something?

As the poster said he is on private property so in my opinion anyways going back is out of the question.

Planting tomatoes is out of the question its not public property its private property why trespass twice doesn’t make sense to break the law again. Just analyze the current situation and figure out what led to them doing this. I would be way more worried about what and where I planted last year because they may be on to you.
Be careful!!!!!!!!!!! PEACE


Even in Arcadia I exist
what can/will they do with a grainy game camera pic?

I only wanted to say that law enforcement in my neck of the woods uses game cameras to catch poachers from time-to-time . . .

I've seen the pics, they've contracted me to retouch, blow-up, sharpen, and isolate suspects in low-light images . . . anyways, just a warning, the images ARE NOT grainy, in fact they were VERY VERY high resolution, you could make out a face well enough to prosecute at 90 + feet. Those game cameras aren't really cameras, they are motion detectors COMPATIBLE with a wide array of cameras, many of them commercial/retail digital cams. Here they use 8MP cameras, but I've seen images from 10MP +.

Like you said, worst case is trespassing . . . best case nothing will ever come of it.

Just an FYI . . .

I'm sure you'll be fine, as I don't believe "Attempted cultivation" constitutes a crime, but since it's likely they'll know what you were planning on doing I'd get out of the area or out of the "game" for a while.

Good luck bro.

PS: Most game cameras I've seen in use can't broadcast, the 2 I've seen that can have an antenna and were considerably larger than a standard setup. Had it been me, I would've probably stolen the damn thing and been done with it, but better safe than sorry.


In search of Genetics
He has never done anything wrong he said so no mug shot on record.

How are they gonna find his face put up wanted posters !

Man digs holes, considered a threat to yards everywhere, if you see him call police , reward!


New member
OP, do you live in a state where illegal marijuana cultivation is commonplace? ie California, Colorado, TN, KY, etc... If the answer is yes, then do not ever go back.

If I ran across one of those cams at my patch you'd better believe it would have been beaten off of the tree with a shovel and tossed in the nearest body of water. After the disks were removed of course.

Those cams are nothing to fuck around with. Some are fancy enough to contain SIM cards that can send a text message to the owner. Fuck. That. Shit.


Me? Break box, take camera, put box back together..... smear with capsicum and bounce.

Some sneezin ass pigs out in the bush :D


Well-known member
I only wanted to say that law enforcement in my neck of the woods uses game cameras to catch poachers from time-to-time . . .

I've seen the pics, they've contracted me to retouch, blow-up, sharpen, and isolate suspects in low-light images . . . anyways, just a warning, the images ARE NOT grainy,
in fact they were VERY VERY high resolution, you could make out a face well enough to prosecute at 90 + feet.
Those game cameras aren't really cameras, they are motion detectors COMPATIBLE with a wide array of cameras, many of them commercial/retail digital cams. Here they use 8MP cameras, but I've seen images from 10MP +.

Like you said, worst case is trespassing . . . best case nothing will ever come of it.

Just an FYI . . .

I'm sure you'll be fine, as I don't believe "Attempted cultivation" constitutes a crime, but since it's likely they'll know what you were planning on doing I'd get out of the area or out of the "game" for a while.

Good luck bro.

Most game cameras I've seen in use can't broadcast, the 2 I've seen that can have an antenna and were considerably larger than a standard setup.
Had it been me, I would've probably stolen the damn thing and been done with it, but better safe than sorry.

Awesome info much appreciated!!!


Well-known member
He has never done anything wrong he said so no mug shot on record.

How are they gonna find his face put up wanted posters !
Man digs holes, considered a threat to yards everywhere, if you see him call police , reward!

Easy, mans car saw parked near by license plate taken down picture on record from drivers license. Digital in my state anyways

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