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on camera at my guerilla site, advice?


Active member
Don't these camera's have a flash drive on them? Or do they have hard drives? If you can take the memory card out that is what you should have done.

Don't go back, no reason to. If you do wear a ski mask.


Active member
My friend and I were discussing this over the weekend, I would have absolutely left with either those camera or busted them to the point that they will never work again. Im sure there were some big sticks around your area that would have made fine clubs. The only down side would be if you happened to miss camera, they your super fucked.


could it be another grower bouncing you off your spot lol. Sorry this happend to you & wish ya the best!:)


From what i gathered in your posts. i would say that those cameras were really legit police cameras.
think about it... If you owned that property and walked up on a plot in the woods with soil and holes and whatnot, you know that someone is probably growing pot. They dont know who it is, it could be some gangster murderer or something. They wouldnt spend the time going out there and buying cameras and printing police stickers to put on the cameras just to get you away. they would call the police to get you away. and thats what they did.

although i dont think youll be in too much trouble. your pic might be on the wall at the police station. but as fa as that goes i doubt they will find you and give you any tickets or anything.


If it was me, I'd replace the shoes and clothes you were wearing. Burn the old ones & refuse to talk if they ever do ask you anything. Don't lie, just don't say anything. Get on with life.

Also, the tarp is a red flag to a helicopter.


Active member
Sorry to hear about your situation man but Ive been there ! Only I did take the camera and got my ass out of there (with the crop). I looked for any other cameras and found none . Cool thing was when I read the memory card on my computer there was no picture of me on it . The pictures that were there were of nothing at all besides the bushes around . I hope this is the same for you and wish you the best of luck here. As has been said it will be hard to put a name to a picture unless the cops know you.
Best of luck


Rare Dankness
A friend in Durango got popped a few years back by the local national forest/ local police combo. Someone saw him digging holes (which is destruction of property wether private or national land) reported it. Po-Po set up game cameras and watched him from a distant vantage point with spotting scopes confronted him on his way out. He got a class 4 felony.

Nowadays there are trail cameras that can transmit the photo to your cell phone the moment something walks in front of it. Check out Cabelas there are some cool trail cams with high tech capabilities.

Good luck. Scary stuff.


Active member
Tell them you have been Metal-Detecting & that you were repairing the dug holes you made, putting everything back as you found it, & your sorry for not getting permission in the first place, & you've been a silly lad for not asking etc etc! May just work! You can surely bullshit your way out of this one. Whos gonna give away some free seeds for the best response lol!


Never lie. Its beneath you to have to lie to a lowlife lying pig, and will get you additional time if they prove you lied and/or can't prove anything else. Don't say jack shit, and if truth be told say that you hate cops with a passion and will never cooperate or speak to a cop about anything. (still projecting what I would do), but if that is true, use it,

Lying or hindering an investigation is enough of a feather in their cap for them.
if i understood right you dug the holes and prepared the soil but didnt plant anything inside did you?

if that is the situation i would go back again with a "reforestation activist" t shirt and plant some trees. making sure my face is on camera this time. and of course you must have your house clean. then i think you would be covered but i dont know your countrys law im from Greece.

but wtf they are putting cammeras in forests??? what more can we expect from the big brother


Active member
anyone ever heard about the police setting up game cameras prior to season along logging roads, back dirt roads, etc. to keep an eye on growers?
anyone ever heard about the police setting up game cameras prior to season along logging roads, back dirt roads, etc. to keep an eye on growers?

yes they do it in parts of Canada

the woods used to be the one last place you could go to escape big brother

not anymore

smash the shit out of any and all police cameras you find
Here is what i dont understand

u obviously saw them easily

if i was setting up game cams id hide them really well, cover them with brush, put them up high in a tree. man cops are stupid lazy fucks


Nowadays there are trail cameras that can transmit the photo to your cell phone the moment something walks in front of it. Check out Cabelas there are some cool trail cams with high tech capabilities.

Good luck. Scary stuff.

Lets use our head's here..........................

..................Sometimes you fight fire with fire.

Set up your own tree cam or cams when you first go out to set everything up and then you will catch the cops setting up cams to catch you.And you will also catch them looking at your crop and then you will know 100% what has been around your trees! :) And ALWAYS go to your cam first so you can check the pictures right on the spot.If you see something or someone around them walk away and dont go anywhere near them! so if they bust in on you on your way out all you have to say is you were tracking deer/or turkey or something. You dont know what is going on!!!!!!!That way you dont have any actual interaction with those plants. ;)


Tropical Outcast
I have to say this...some of your guys responses are just plain scary!

OP all you have done is dug holes and stored some stuff...and you left that place pretty much helpless after discovering the cameras, who ever they might belong to!?

I mean come on all you had to do is go back there late @ night and take them.
No one would be able to proof it was you because you were covering your face.

Instead all you thought of was:

"...other than quickly covering my face, was to take my spare white t-shirt and tie it to the camera..."

You were worried due to your intentions because of what you were about to do there but you left that place potentially leaving behind your face on record being overwhelmed making a reasonable decision how to go back to take the cams???

I wonder how you would have handled your security/decision process for the rest of the growing period 'till September/October.

Maybe something to keep in mind for your next attempt.


I LOVE this response!


Man digs holes, considered a threat to yards everywhere, if you see him call police , reward!

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