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OMG...Dont leave your doors open!!


Game Bred
I posted up that I skinnem and eatem and save my skins and rattles. I asked if anybody had any skinnen tekneekes for gettenem outta theyr skinn without the long lateral slice down the belly.

umm it's rather easy...

think pulling off a sock..

neat think is the heart,you can cut it out and it keeps beating for quite some time.

beating diamondback heart on my tongue and a head full of strong acid was a weird day....


Rubbing my glands together
Damn Babba. You lucky that bad boy didn't bite you when you stepped on him. You got to check real good around the yard now. Usually where there's 1 there's another one. They follow each others scent. A wildlife biologist told us that they sent trailed each other. Where I lived back home there was a known rattlesnake crossing in the bottom below my house. Used to see them there either alive or dead all the time. There was farmland on the hills above the bottom so they used the bottom to travel between the 2.
This is def 1 reptile you don't want to establish residence in ya yard.


The bites aren't real pretty.
Those purple ink(?) markings at the base of the thumb looks like they're measuring where to take the damn thing off.

Spiders can be pretty nasty too. I kill anything that looks like it can do damage and leave the rest. I was more afraid of the Arizona Brown Spider, a Recluse, than I was of the scorpions...and would find those all over the house but never got bit even though I slept on the floor. Was watching TV one night after I got there and this thing runs across the carpet. I was like welcome to the desert!

I used to go into the wash looking for rattlers, gila monsters and other such things.

I've eaten rattlesnake...a bit like chicken.


Rubbing my glands together
left my door open once...
got home to this.

sure wish i coulda chopped that snake's head off and been done with it ;)

Looks like a young one too, lol


in the thick of it
that's insane! I'm so glad you all are okay. That would freak me out, my wife would have had a heart attack right there on the spot...she would have been useless. She called me the other night (while I was at work) because there was a salamander in the pantry.....freaking out! Once she gained her composure she caught it and tossed it outside. The snake would have done her in for sure.
glad you two are okay!


Freedom Fighter
Glad you didn't get bit!!
Now you have me all sketched out again...I am out here in the desert, and we get Mojave Green Rattlesnakes here, we find them in the greenhouse every now and then-- I carry a li'l co2 pellet pistol on my pocket out here...nothing worse than having to go for a shovel, and then can't find it anymore!! lol:tiphat:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I thought you were wussies till I saw the markings. Saving critters is all well and good but... messing with rattlers? I'd have killed it, too.

Rikki Tikki Tavi eat your heart out. There's a new killer in town.


Professor Organic Psychology
A story for where I grow up. Snake bite man through his shoe. He not well, he die. Woman remarry and give shoe to new man. He wear shoe and snake tooth still in shoe. He die from same snake


Glad you two are OK.
I've lived in the desert many years and anytime I'm in rattle snake area I make a lot of noise as I walk being that they feel the vibration and they really don't want to see us as much as we don't want to see or Step on them.
Now if I could keep the Damn cat from dragging in died or dieing baby rattlers ever year I'd be happy.


Enormous Member
Where I'm from, a rattler is the last thing that would wander in after seeing an open door. We have rats and pigs, and it's been argued which is more deadly. I say kill anything that wanders into your home unwelcome.


Crotchety Cabaholic
Sorry for the confusion folks.
That wasn't my thumb in the nasty ass pic. Just an example of what them rascals can do.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
just for the record ... I did step right on it and I was barefoot .... feeling pretty lucky today:)


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I would have skinned that SOB and fried his ass lol. Glad all is well B. Grow safe