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OMG...Dont leave your doors open!!


ICMag Donor
Yeah that's a rattlesnake. Oh Mrs Babba why'd you guys have to kill it? Next time catch it in a fishnet, then bring it somewhere far away and let it go. I hope you guys at least eat it. Rattlesnake meat is good.

We were freaking out, trying to save it was not high on our list, we were more concerned about getting that fucker out of the house!! Its not something we set out to do, he gave us no choice. And he was kinda small and wouldnt know what to do to eat it. Not sure I could eat snake, yuck

a rattler in fishnets?

i must have read that wrong!:laughing:

lol Uncle, had that been in the house instead..... :bump:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
We were freaking out, trying to save it was not high on our list, we were more concerned about getting that fucker out of the house!! Its not something we set out to do, he gave us no choice. And he was kinda small and wouldnt know what to do to eat it. Not sure I could eat snake, yuck

lol Uncle, had that been in the house instead..... :bump:

it taste like chicken! LOL and rattler is pretty good too!:laughing:


wow that's freaky, superb reaction on your part, it's a miracle Babba didn't get bit. maybe you stepped on his neck so he couldn't bite. although those things are fast and can lunge quite a distance to bite prey. when i lived in Texas many years ago on a ranch, the rule was clear, if you meet a rattler or other poisonous snake in the wild back away slowly if at all possible leaving it n peace. but if you find them in the chicken coup or near any buildings you kill them. i guess taking them way out in the desert would be an option, but you are risking getting bit more trying to trap them alive, then if you just kill it. anyway so glad you are both ok.


Lucky you were indeed. Just curious why he came in your house to began with. In most cases like this they are tracking food. Maybe a rodent made its way in before the snake :dunno: I would be setting a few rodent traps around and see what ya come up with. I have found if you eliminate the food source they have no reason to be there :tiphat:

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
A Blue Racer snake chased me two miles, once. (he might have quit sooner, but I didn't)...:blowbubbles:


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ICMag Donor
Very possible drifter, he could have been looking for a warm place to curl up in, we have a cat so there arnt too many little critters around I wouldnt think.
Kinda funny.

A while back I posted a "rattle snake skinnin" thread and got lotsa shitt for it.

I posted up the fact that I live in rattle snake contry and I gettem outta my yard. I gettem outta my yard so they dont get a chance to get under my house. I dont givem a chance to get under my house so they wont get IN my house. Who the fukk wants ratlers in the yard anyhow?

I posted up that I skinnem and eatem and save my skins and rattles. I asked if anybody had any skinnen tekneekes for gettenem outta theyr skinn without the long lateral slice down the belly.

All's I got was a bunch of shitt!

Some folks rite here on this forum said theyd like to do to me what I did to the snakes!

The most RETARDED posts called me a murderer and said I shouldda caughtem and lettem go somewhere elce!

Theyr in my motherfukkin yard for Chrisakes!

Its diferant when theyr in your yard and in your house! I wouldnt, nor have I ever suggested goin out on a rattlesnake hunt.

Theyr in my fukkin yard and goin up under my house when I killem.

Nice goin Baba! Trully good work. Im glad ya didnt "catch and release" it round here!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I worked and lived in the woods most my life. My policy has been if I come across a snake out in the woods ... it gets left alone ... if i come across a snake where I am working or living and have to revisit that spot ... then the snake is going to lose this battle. Just google rattlesnake bites and you will understand. Im not into killing anything just to kill it.


Active member
Glad too see you guys didn't hesitate and did what had to be done. Many people will judge those actions - but few have had the luxury of wild poisonous animals in closed quarters. Good on you two, glad no ones hurt.


Crotchety Cabaholic
I think my heart rate is still up, even after 4 pages of reading.

Glad you two are OK. That would freak my shit out.

Nice aim with the shovel Mr. Babba


Active member
snakes need love too. why didnt you cuddle with it LOL. me i would of played with it a while. but i have owned alot of snakes in my time. and fwiw rattlesnake dont taste like chicken no matter what anyone says

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Wow that could have been a SSSssssticky situation :bigeye: Them rattlers can do some serious damage, St. Patrick rid Ireland of snakes when he was knocking about, thank fuck for him :biglaugh:



Crotchety Cabaholic
I stepped on a timber rattler about 10 years ago while backpacking.
Freaked my ass out.

The bites aren't real pretty.

Edit. That's not my thumb thank God.
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I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I met a lady a few years ago who got bitten on the hand while watering her indoor weed plants in the winter. Apparently it had crawled under the house to hibernate and she warmed it up enough to wake up. I still look around every pot and plant before reaching for it, and I grew up where there were thousands of rattlers.

I'm always worried about snakes when I'm out tending plants cause the hours and temperatures are perfect for snakes to curl up under nice cool, bushy plants.


Where I am from rattlers like to hang out on your porch during dusk. Leaving a door open is crazy.
I've twice come home to having a rattle snake resting at my doorstep. The one in Tucson that time was BIG. I came around the corner and was like WTF!

I've only seen 2 rattlers in my time in the Cascades. Man do you jump fast when you hear them rattle.

Glad you guys are OK and for sure good thing you weren't bit!


Game Bred
left my door open once...
got home to this.

sure wish i coulda chopped that snake's head off and been done with it ;)

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