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Oldtimer`s Haze (ACE seeds) 2x 600 HPS

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
So happy the grow has been successful so far and the sampling of lower tier flowers produces positive effect. OTH indoors from seed is quite an impressive feat. Hopefully you find a way to post more pictures as the plant completes its flowering. I have one small OTH from seed now. Unfortunately, my old OTH 3Fx6M seeds did not sprout. I will possibly start a few more in order to select clones for outdoors 2020. Salud.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi rindindoo,

Green Haze phenos are the most prevalent expressions in current Oldtimer's Haze release. Glad to hear yours are already at the end of their flowering, it would be great to see some pics if you have the chance.

Oldtimer's Haze delivers a super cerebral and energetic prime quality tropical sativa effect without ceiling. It's not super strong in current 'pure' form, but has a unique quality that makes you go higher and higher without ceiling limit, these kind of immaculate pure sativa effects are very rare nowadays, especially with most of current hybrid types of effects.

Oldtimer's Haze effect can be quite heart racing for many, it clearly stimulates (excites) nervous system so it's not very suitable to sleep, quite the opposite.

Hope it helps. Best wishes for 2020! :)

it seemed to me that I grow Green Haze. the last 2 weeks the night temperature is 16C, but it has not changed in color.
I have already begun to get acquainted with the effect of OT Hayes (I smoke the lower tiers, they ripened earlier). the first thing that I noticed when I smoked was a good mood. I know that to unlock the potential of Sativa, cure is needed. but now the force of influence is at the level with treated cones from the existing collection. later, when treated, I will try to more colorfully describe all the facets of the effect.
You wrote that this is a medicinal herb. Could you describe in more detail the therapeutic properties of OT Hayes? for example, if you smoke daily, can there be side effects on the heart? How does it affect sleep and general nervous system excitability?


Well-known member
Green Haze phenos are the most prevalent expressions in current Oldtimer's Haze release. [/ QUOTE]
on the pack of seeds was the date of 2014. now when 211 days of the cycle are behind, and I smoke it ... there is no coincidence, she chose me, she decided which phenotype I need. oh yes, I'm a mystic :) after a month of drying, the effect is noticeably stronger and crystallized. I got a smell, unfortunately I don’t understand smells, the main notes are sour, there is a woody aroma when I rammed them into vacuum bags, the smell was very saturated and resembled a solvent.

it would be great to see some pics if you have the chance. [/ QUOTE]
I apologize for the delay.


Well-known member
strange, already 50 posts but you still can’t add to the gallery ... maybe 51 posts are needed? check ...


Well-known member
at night in boxing 99% relative humidity. after the last watering accidentally noticed on the base of the trunk a white "fluff" mold coating.
washed H2O2 and directed the channel fan to blow directly to the lesion site.


Well-known member
150 days (90d. - 11 \ 13 and 60d. - 10 \ 14)

the upper tier bloomed

flowering top branches

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Well-known member
as rottedpart of the root h. I think a long time ago, came off without effort, he is already dead. maybe in the middle of summer, I forgot to put the net on the ventilation pipe and climbed into the boxing mice, noticed a bit of gnawing at the base of the root. maybe at that moment the root was infected with some kind of rot. Now, after watering, I put a channel fan on the base of the trunk, and the floor drives the wind down, otherwise the fungus attacks the trunk.


Well-known member
cloned all men Oldtimers Haze

OT Haze man # 1
is the fastest growing and longest blooming. in the mother’s room there is high humidity and there is no blowing down, Haze lets the roots all over the stalk. observed this on one of the OG Kush hybrids. probably these are tropical genes?

OT Haze man # 2 - this and # 3 bloomed first, but I removed them before Mom Haze released the first stigma.

# 3
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Well-known member
OT Haze man # 5 is this guy with an interesting leaf shape that is not like the rest. the fingers of the leaves are spread apart to the side. from the seed, dad looked even more disheveled.

OT Haze man # 6 - This guy pollinated Haze's mom. I liked him the most. a hollow trunk, stocky (the lowest of all men), a beautiful, symmetrical many-fingered leaf, with a dark color. It’s a pity that I did not take pictures of every kid of those from the seeds. yet clones of the structure of the bush are more difficult to determine.


Well-known member


190 days (90 -11 \ 13, 100 -10 \ 14)

autumn came, the haze throws off the foliage, the smell intensified. examined the resin under a microscope, all trichomes are milky in color, and even slightly amber are found.

overgrown between two lamps

under the spot of HPS, until the last day of his life, the haze launched new shoots


Well-known member
211 days Harvest

211 days Harvest

I walked in a pre-harvest mood for several days. I do not schedule advance dates, everything is spontaneous. Today I came up several times, I wanted to take some pictures, inspect. 4 days ago I poured 24L so that it would not dry out. today I touch it with my hands, and it straight pricks, but not dry, there are even new stigmas, the resin glistens, it is already iridescent. generally decided Harvest.

March 28 seeds sprouted, December 17 harvest. 8.5 months cycle length.
211 days (90-11\13, 110-10\14, 11-9\15)


Well-known member
Much respect!

thank you friend! specially smoked an old timer :) oh yes! I am rewarded a hundredfold. invaluable experience in cultivating extreme tropical sativa was gained, collected a huge amount of seeds, at the moment it has been evacuated and treated at least 600 g of manicured inflorescences, no branches and sticks. still a decent amount of non-smoking quality will be spent on making cooking oil.
after a month or more, the effect increased in strength. Unfortunately for the colorful trip report I have high tolerance, I smoke Malawi every day for a year now. but the old timers made me happy, fully consistent with the description of the manufacturer. begins to act late, did not notice anxious states, raises the mood, the body remains active but does not charge with hyper energy like Malawi does. no nervousness, you can sit still and have nice conversations. social. does not interfere with doing mortal matters. I am sure my acquaintance with old Hayes is still ongoing, and she will tell me a lot more about herself :)

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
That’s great. I’ve got a Killer Malawi S1 in early veg. Also a Malawi x Purple Haze. Will be sprouting a few of the new Malawi Ace releases...Killer, etc. those combinations definitely increase the haze effect. I’ll let you know how my haze Thais behave after their cure.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thank you so much for sharing your indoor experience with Oldtimer's Haze rindindoo :huggg:

I really appreciate your efforts, patience and dedication to bring your indoor Haze until the very end of her ripeness. What a ride, much respect. It's not easy to finish healthy an extreme tropical sativa of this kind when grown in pots due to its extreme long flowering times, very few growers have the patience and courage to bring pure Haze until the very end indoors.

So glad you are satisfied with the experience and outcome, and sounds like the yield was quite good. Happy to hear you appreciate her effects and Malawi too ;) Enjoy! You really deserve it :yes: