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OldOne's 3rd cab run - almost same as 2nd, but better :)


Fuck Entropy.
Be honest.

It's fucking boring.

Like, "Now, I have to find something else to occupy my time."

So easy.

Stupid easy.


I'm going aeroponic while juggling knives.

I can't live like this.

I might as well be in a coma.

EDIT: I have all the bells and whistles sitting in a box. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was bad. Add it all up, and it was average at best. Practicality says run a PPK. Harvest every plant. Fuck six percent yield increases if one failure will cost you twenty percent a year. I'm still fourteen percent ahead over the long run...


Of course you can live like this. Its the hole we've all dug for ourselves. Dont talk like that...you'll scare the kids.

What would you rather have? Have a grow system thats so simple you have plenty of time to enrich other peoples lives and spread sunshine and bunnies around?

Or a grow that produces problems so intense that it turns you into a crazed mouth breathing shamble of a man stumbling around drooling and mumbling incoherent phrases like "...wtf nute burn?... and "...CO2, need more CO2...". Why it wouldn't be no time that the boys in the white padded truck would pick you up and we'd never hear from you again!

Jezus man PPKs have saved your life! Show a little appreciation...


PS. And thanks for a genuine belly laugh... Best wishes my friend have a Merry Christmas.


Grow like nobody is watching
As IF said I didnt pulse feed for my second run and after about 10 weeks flower/veg I had a buildup problem.

My first thought was to simply lower the input EC, but thinking about it, that would only (presumably) fix the buildup, whereas the pulse feed would help buildup, plus a few other beneficial actions.

Happy holidays and thanks for the info :thank you:


My first thought was to simply lower the input EC, but thinking about it, that would only (presumably) fix the buildup, whereas the pulse feed would help buildup, plus a few other beneficial actions.
Good morning Scrub,

Evaporation from the top surface of the growing media is responsible for salts buildup. Thus lowering EC would help reduce the problem but it would not solve it.

Jeez my kids can plow through a pile of presents quickly! But I was never like that, no siree...:)



Day 69 flower

Day 69 flower

Hi everyone,

My my how time flies. I'm lurking here everyday but these PPKs run so well that I have nothing to post about. But I'm bored so...

...........Day44.........................Day69...............The Bitch @ day 73

Medusa looks just like her mom, but the growth lower down seems to be improved. I dont know if its the Jacks or more intensive defoliation or both but I'm not complaining:)

As I posted over in D9's thread, I found my EC creeping up but there was little damage done. This is the end of week 10 and I have dropped to EC .5 in an effort to induce more complete ripening. I'll be topping up with RO only from here on in.

So I have a decision coming up. In 100 days I'll be gone for a 12 day trip with the family. I think I have the record for longest time away already, during run 2 I was away for a week. Think I should go for it?

Next run will be a Barny's Vanilla Kush freebee if it pops. I'm also pondering growing 2 plants and running maybe a 2 week or less veg instead of 4. (Edit: make that 2 plants)

Talk to me friends, what do you think?


Fuck Entropy.
Man, she looks almost exactly like her mom...

As long as you don't have to be there to train or move lights... which you won't have to be... twelve days should be easy.

Are you going to try and pack 12 plants into your cab, or do you have an expansion authorized?


Hi IF,
Are you going to try and pack 12 plants into your cab, or do you have an expansion authorized?
Nah the 12 was a typo and the boss would never let me expand..

I'd like some variety but maybe I'd be borrowing trouble seeing as how they grow so well in the ppk. 2 plants may crowd the space more so that I'm getting now.

At least I have something to think about.


Fuck Entropy.
Whatever you do, I'd like to see you try and match your light footprint for easy training... Like Verdant Greens modular ScROGs... Maybe you can play with more beans and flip that way... spit the foot print into quarters or something.

The only thing that recommend that you keep in mind is that, according to ClassicSeeds, it takes about 2.5 months for a plant to mature/stabilize is genetic expression... I suspect that's why it is reported that it takes plants from seed longer to flower than plants from cuts...


IF, when you say"...match your light footprint for easy training... Like Verdant Greens..." what do you mean?

A quick search reveals the man has started 44 threads using HPS, LEDs, nuclear reacters and such. Would you kinda narrow it down?



Fuck Entropy.
Listen. It's only forty four threads. Do some research, won't you?

I'll give you a hint, you can skip the nuclear reactor ones. But I don't know how to '~search.'

Fine, you want spoon feeding: search for his modular ScrOGS.

Or click this.

Sick thread. VG grows like two gazillion different strains in that thread. And drops mad knowledge.


Fuck Entropy.

Must have been drunk or something during that last post.

Probably thought I was being funny, but... um... not so much.

Sorry about that.

Apologies made, what going on in your marvelous cab?



Must have been drunk or something during that last post.

Probably thought I was being funny, but... um... not so much.

Sorry about that.

Apologies made, what going on in your marvelous cab?
Drunk?...dont you mean fried/baked/wasted or the old standard "fuuucked up"? No apologies necessary.

I'm in day 98 flower and just about to chop;
......Day 69 flower.............Day 98 flower......


These are shot with a new camera and I'm still learning how to use it. I've starved Medusa for 29 days and she's still throwing new flowers. The scent in the cab is amazing, fruity and sweet.

I dug out the eyeclops and took these:

These are all from the same tiny bud...what do you think?

cheers everyone!


Well-known member
holy sheet dude u r really still growing this huge bush. wow she is so beautiful.
thouse flowers r looking super great. nice job.

so .. how much do u think ull get from her?


holy sheet dude u r really still growing this huge bush. wow she is so beautiful.
thouse flowers r looking super great. nice job.

so .. how much do u think ull get from her?
Hi Cheese, thanks for the kind words.

How much, I dunno. She'll do better than her Mom so I'm guessing 4-5 zips. I dont have a scale (on purpose) but I bet I can fill a large freezer bag.

What did you think of the triches?



ICMag Donor
Very nice! How long til you chop?

I'm noticing some new growth on a finishing casey jones and wonder if its due to light intensity. The cola throwing new growth is exposed to the most light.


Very nice! How long til you chop?

I'm noticing some new growth on a finishing casey jones and wonder if its due to light intensity. The cola throwing new growth is exposed to the most light.
Hi Blynx, welcome aboard! and thanks for the rep...

I'm trying to decide when to chop. The trich pics are inconclusive IMHO and I'm puzzled. 1 or 2 show cloudy and the others mostly clear. All are from the same dime sized bud.

Thats a good point on the light intensity idea. I notice however that its only the tops where new flowers are appearing and thats where all the hormones are. Maybe its a combination of factors.

Medusa is an equatorial sativa and I've read where these plants can flower for years. The way to make them complete flowering is to starve them according to some. We'll see...

nice talking to you,


Fuck Entropy.
Nice shots OO. At first I was confused about the shade leaves, then I remembered you planned on a strong flush and then I read you've been on straight H20 for 29 days already. And she's still going.

I really can't tell from the cyclops either...

Without any real justifiable reason for this: consider reducing light cycle to something non-equatorial short... 15-9 or something? That might call for the end of days!

So... your nearing the end, and I don't remember what is next.

So, what's next!

New varieties or shall Medusa rear her snakey head again?


So... your nearing the end, and I don't remember what is next.

So, what's next!

New varieties or shall Medusa rear her snakey head again?
Hi IF,

I still have a few Arjan's Haze 3 beans but its time for a change. I also still have 1/2 a freezer bag of The Bitch (and 2 full frozen mason jars slightly molded) so I have enough to last me a looooong time. I'm pondering an BHO experiment...

Anyway with the big trip coming up the idea is to plant 1 Barney's Vanilla Kush and maybe something else timed for early flower to coincide with my away time. Luckily, I have he luxury of time to decide for the 4th run.

Also kinda thinking about a run of Tom Hill's Ultimate Haze. Supposed to be difficult to grow and I'd need to be lucky on seed selection.

So many varieties, so little time,

PS, whats the "grow complete, or is it?*" in your sig? Inquiring minds have to know!


Fuck Entropy.
I agree: Time for a change.

You've already demonstrated that you can keep a clone alive for months without it growing a leaf. You could conceivably keep this current line alive in some remote shoebox with whatever static magic you have while you try out something new.

After this harvest, if you have luck on your cure, you could probably keep running new strains for a few years and still have a few jars of the A Haze stashed a way for when you wanted to come back and revisit her.

As for the, "or is it," I'm contemplating continuing the old thread, rather than starting the promised "unicorn and rainbow" thread. I realized that it would be much like the old. In fact, this thread gives me reason to just continue in the old as you hardly ever updated it other than to say: All is good in the PPK world.

Anyway: I transplanted my 120 day old clones out of some little pieces of tupperware and in the last two weeks they've become unwieldy monsters.

I am going to run perpetual. My first plant should go into 12-12 in the next few days.

The details of the build are slowly coming into place.

I'll run out two plants of the current genetic, and transition to something new.

And it will be entirely--unambiguously--boring.