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Old School's Sanctuary

Day 28

Day 28

Life has still been sort of a .... eh.. struggle but I'm pushing through and so is the garden. I've got pictures of everyone but the Cheese n Chaze which I will snap pictures of later tonight after I go take care of a few things. She is the only one giving me problems. Seems to have some leaf discoloration some sort of deficiency. Ugh.. keeping my head up though. I also burned everyone a TINY bit but they've been flushed. This was days back, not sure if I mentioned it.

Temperatures are 70 at lights off and maximum 85 at lights on. Humidity stays at in the 43-50% range.

So, again, day 28. The Sours are flowering very slow, getting a bit frosty though.


Strange looking tops


Decent canopy


The Chemmy Jones is going so fast!! Look at her!



I'm working hard on making more time for myself so I can be on here with my growing buddies.

-Old School


Active member
Enjoying your hard work... Thanks for taking the time...I used to look at playboy pictures now its grow photos !


$$ ALONE $$
The Chemmy J's do grow fast. I wasnt too impressed with the candy-meat smell from them, but at week 8, Im pretty impressed. They are PM/Disease resistant and grow beautiful buds with a nice density, and are easy trimmins.
Im growing 5 feminized seeds and 5 clones from my tallest/favorite pheno outdoors this year, with some GG#4's.
Going large this year. Im more than excited for this years grow season.
If you need advice throughout the year, Ill be here. We can both grow some CJ's outdoors and bounce ideas off eachother as the problems arise...and arise they shall. Rabbits, deer, mold, people, copters, rain, wind....it all comes.
Prevention is the key to success.
looking good school stop on by and check out my girls,,,would love to have yo chime in abit :tiphat:

Sorry buddy I have been really, really busy. On my way to your thread...

Wow, just noticed this thread.
Impressive screen of green. :)

Thanks a lot! I like how it is going so far

Enjoying your hard work... Thanks for taking the time...I used to look at playboy pictures now its grow photos !

Haha, I hear you!! Glad you enjoy it:tiphat:

The Chemmy J's do grow fast. I wasnt too impressed with the candy-meat smell from them, but at week 8, Im pretty impressed. They are PM/Disease resistant and grow beautiful buds with a nice density, and are easy trimmins.
Im growing 5 feminized seeds and 5 clones from my tallest/favorite pheno outdoors this year, with some GG#4's.
Going large this year. Im more than excited for this years grow season.
If you need advice throughout the year, Ill be here. We can both grow some CJ's outdoors and bounce ideas off eachother as the problems arise...and arise they shall. Rabbits, deer, mold, people, copters, rain, wind....it all comes.
Prevention is the key to success.

Great info on the CJ's ! Love it. I appreciate you reaching out and offering your help. As life calms down for me and the outdoor season really gets crackin I will hopefully be able to put in a decent amount of time on IC every day.

That's awesome that you're going large! I support it 100% My outdoor will be very small this year I believe. Big things in the future....

-Old School


$$ ALONE $$
Well... as large as a guerilla op in a brand new-med state will allow anyways.
I have to break up my spots far and wide from eachother. Alot of traveling for maintenance this season.
Man, I can't even explain how bummed out I am. Checking the ladies tonight and my Cheese n Chaze stud had a bit of pm on 3 leaves. My heart dropped. I've treated with Green Cure, and Neem, and Azamax, PH'd water, I've done almost everything as a preventative. My RH is never above 52 % and my temperatures stay from 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit, airflow is excellent in the room. The Cheese n Chaze is also from seed... I am puzzled and pretty upset. She was a big plant and was just starting to really stink. I cut her down.... I can't risk losing my whole crop because of a weak plant.

This is really discouraging because PM is something I have been aware of and consciously battle. I will stop rambling but I'm certain some of you feel my pain. I've put so much into this grow, and it's kicking my ass. I will NOT give up however. No signs of PM on my Sour Diesel SCROG. Extra ventilation being added asap.

Here they are....



And the chemmy jones



After I harvest the Sours I will sterilize everything. I can't deal with the stress of battling bugs or diseases.

-Old School

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
dayum old that's some straight bs ,don't worry it happens to the best of us ,it's the life of a grower:comfort:

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