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How can I pass my Drug test?

I have been searching for a job in this tiny mountain town of ours for months, and good news, finally got one! However, have to do a drug test tomorrow morning before it's final, and needless to say, I will NOT test clean! We live in CA, and I do have a prescription, but I don't feel comfortable leaving it up to the doctor to decide whether to tell my employers or not, so...........................

What detox drinks actually work? Actually, more importantly, has anyone ever heard of Smokeside? I think that's what the shop guy called it (had a thick accent!), and that's actually the only one I can get up here. Maybe I'm just being nervous for no reason, but never been tested before AND never had it matter as much as it does now, so any info would be GREATLY appreciated!
Your screwed with that time frame. You need to smuggle a clean sample from a friend and make damn sure it is at body temp.


Sub it is the best way. Btw, it's a recommendation not a prescription big differences. And a rec does not matter for employment they can and will still deny you regardless nothing you can do about it.

Sour Deez

Your best bet is to bring clean piss with you. When was the last time you indulged? I have used detox drink before, but i stopped for a month, then smoked for like a day straight, then took the test. I passed but it could of been cause i drank like a gallon of water in 10 minutes.

Since its for employment, you should be alone when doing the deed, so bringing clean piss shoudnt be a problem, as long as you can find it! It needs to be between a certain temp tho
Yeah, I looked into that, but unfortunately I don't have time to have it delivered. I went to the local smoke shop and got the only thing they had, which is a detox called Noxide Detox Formula.....it contains a "noxide formula" and then nothing but extracts and juices from roots, fruits, and leaves, so I'm really hoping it will help. I have already had a 1/2 gallon of water and am just going to keep drinking all night and tomorrow too. I guess I'm just going to have to do what I can and if I still come up positive maybe just go with the "I don't smoke but all my friends do and I'm always around it" excuse.....lol, fingers crossed!!

And thanks for the suggestions, can't say my mind is at ease, but it's at least dedicated to the idea that there's not much else I can do!!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Prescription for what. A recommendation for cannabis will not protect you. If you are taking Meds that are from a Pharmacy like Opiates you will be fine as long as you can show the manager the prescription. I have been taking Morphine for many many years and have taken test and failed for opiates. I told them before the test that I take this and that and here is my script. I never had a problem.


Active member
keep on drinking. don't hurt urself tho. cranberry juice. if ur down 1 cup vineger. i heard it works. good luck


Look into CLEAN PISS FROM ANOTHER HUMAN YOU KNOW! Hand warmers...small plastic bottle easy shit..and its 100% unlike so called detox shit. I used the shit once, then had to retake the test because it was dilluted which frankly is lucky since most employers will take a dilute as a negative.
Well, not smoking would be a great solution if I had more than 24 hrs notice, but not much of an option at this point. Also, we are still relatively new to this town and the only people we have gotten close to smoke as much as we do! So, sad news for me, NO CLEAN PISS ANYWHERE!

Still drinking water.....and more water.....might try vinegar if my stomach calms down from all the water!!

rick shaw

Those '300% Money Back Guarantee' drinks at the head shop are worthless.

Teas from GNC work. "Naturally Kleen" is an excellent product,when you get up day of test drink one gallon of the tea,take the B-12/creatine vitamin they provide color and protein to pass the test.

Zen Master

if you have a test and there's no way you'd pass right now. A detox drink wont do shit.

easy steps to pass

1) Find a friend who's clean, preferably of the same sex (had a buddy get questioned why he had female hormones in his piss)

edit: just read you are new to the area.... well bribing friends of friends with weed probably wouldn't get ya a clean donation... do you REALLY not know a single person in your area that doesn't smoke? Go ask some younger cat (preferably the nerdy/band type) on the way home from highschool if he wants to make a quick $20 haha.

2) have them piss in a washed and cleaned lil glue bottle or a condom (I did it with doubled rubbers and it worked perfectly, doubled just for safety :biglaugh: ) get them to piss for you the DAY OF the test if possible. The fresher the better.

3) buy the handwarming heat pads you can get at any outdoorsy store and even some gas stations. You can slap it straight to the condom, but I like to put it in a sock first as the heat pads can get HOT.

4) tape it on your thigh next to your junk, make it so you can sit/stand without looking awkward.

5) CRUCIAL STEP make absolutely sure the sample you hand them is hot enough but NOT TOO HOT. Human urine comes out around 95-98 degrees. Another buddy followed my instructions except for checking the temp (most test cups have a temp strip like on an aquarium, instant readout with color changing dot scale) his piss was 110 which is alarming as that would probably mean a serious health issue or a tampered test, can't test again in 20 minutes after some water if ya dont pass the first time with flying colors so follow every step and blaze a victory bowl on the way home.
I figured as much with the detox drink, but after reading the ingredients I'm pretty sure it will at least help because it's loaded with antioxidants. Either way, like I said, I'm pretty much stuck just going and getting it over with. Thanks again for all the advice; maybe the clean piss thing will work if I don't pass and demand a retest! lol....stranger things have happened!
Just go to a better head shop and buy quick fix 5.7. Its a synthetic urine for $25 that will get you your job. It comes with the hand warmer, the squirt bottle and a temp gauge so you don't get flagged.

I wish another head shop was an option here, but small town means only the one. I'm hoping that at the very least they will tell me my sample is too diluted; I'll tell them I worked out before going and drank a lot of water, and hopefully get a chance to retest. If so, I can leave this mountain and go get some from somewhere else, or maybe order some online. If I just had another day it would be all good. If ONLY!!!!

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