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Old School's Sanctuary


$$ ALONE $$
And yes, that is panda liner on the floor...and yes, it is the worst.
-Old School

At Wil-Mart they have brown/silver tarps for cheap. I got a few 10'X12' tarps on the floor of my rooms. It catches water nicely and is easy to clean and walk on.

If your def gonna use a screen and ScrOG them Sours, then I would begin training on them.
Now that you have topped them 1x.......
You can either top those 2 new tops when they're ready in a few days, then LST them..... or LST the 2 tops now as they get bigger.
You can even keep topping over and over again until they get atleast 10 tops apiece, then put the screen over them and begin the training through the screen....but I suggest tying them over and training them to run around the pots. It would have been helpfull to use plastic pots, but you can punch holes through the cloth to tie down the tops.
If you have say, 10 tops per plant, thats 160 tops. You will need to trim everything under the screen so make sure you veg them long enough to fill in the entire screen before flipping them. Once the screen is full and the tops begin to stretch for the moon, put a second screen over them and there you go. A ScrOG that will give you maximum yields with no floppies.

If you dont have the time to veg that long......
top them 1 more time so you have 4 tops, plus the side branches that should be tops by then, and flip right away.
Place bamboo stakes next to each branch for support.
Good luck OldSchool! Anticipating a bumper harvest for ya.

My suggestion is to tie the main shoot over to the side right now so the tops can start to circle the tops of the pots. Make one top go one way and the next top the other way.
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Thanks Overgrow! I appreciate you taking the time to give advice. I'm taking notes. Hmm that tarp from walmart sounds pretty promising.

I think I will top again, and LST the 4 new tops, as you said. I'm going to take a bunch of pictures from different angles to see how the plants are structured and should be trained. The lower, side branches are almost tops now, for sure. Sucks to think I should've used plastic pots but I will make it work. I like the grow bags otherwise.

Anticipating a "bumber harvest" ?? :wallbash: What do you mean? I'm gonna do my best, folks!

-Old School
Check it out!

Check it out!

After many attempts, I finally sealed my window A/C successfully. No light leaks at all. I am really happy because this was constantly on my mind.


I used some heavy, fabric blinds and then sealed the entire thing of with a sheet of cardboard and some tape and staples. Then I shoved a scrunched up piece of black fabric up into the crevice between the back of the unit and the blinds. For more light leak help. Then, on each side I made another flap that connects to the big sheet of cardboard and also to the window, under the unit.
The trickiest part was building the baffle box and that really wasn't tricky at all.. :dance013: Completely light proof.


-Old School
Keep an eye of the window, it might develope a problem with moisture and that might cause problems with mold. Windows tend to leak both ways so there might be moisture collecting between the cardboard and the window. Been there, done that for other reasons than growing weed :)
Keep an eye of the window, it might develope a problem with moisture and that might cause problems with mold. Windows tend to leak both ways so there might be moisture collecting between the cardboard and the window. Been there, done that for other reasons than growing weed :)

Thanks for the heads up. I'm pretty confident that it will be okay because the whole the window is sealed tight with weather stripping and then there's cloth in between it and the cardboard. If I have that problem I'll replace the cardboard with a different material.

-Old School


Room is spotless and I am happy. Lately I've been getting a bit discouraged on the forums because I see guys having really really top notch, dialed in set ups. I'm trying to just do my absolute best with this. I like my grow room. It's my sanctuary.

my friend, please never get discouraged. Be inspired by all the amazing gardens on here

And remember, even when you try your best shit can go wrong. never get discouraged, treasure your own experience. I have sat and cried before because my garden got fucked up, but i kept growing anyway. No matter how good or bad you are there will always be one better and one worse.

It goes on and on for infinity



$$ ALONE $$
My window is the same way. Except I have 6" ducting on the side of my a/c for exhaust.
The a/c just blew out the motor so now I have to rip it all down and put in a new a/c.
A real PITA!
My window is the same way. Except I have 6" ducting on the side of my a/c for exhaust.
The a/c just blew out the motor so now I have to rip it all down and put in a new a/c.
A real PITA!

Oh man, huge PITA, sorry to hear that. I don't look forward to having the same issue. I'm happy with it for now, and the A/C is pretty new. Window units seem kind of tricky...

-Old School


hey man what a clean and nice grow room you have there :) rly nice set up i think
and some nice plant's , looking good
Today I'm starting my SCROG. Any advice on its height or build would be appreciated!
I'm thinking a PVC frame with a rope trellis over it, tied down with zip ties. These trays have a lip on them that I think is meant for this exact situation.

-Old School


On my scrog screen, I liked pvc easy to work with cheap light etc. for the screen itself I used a 2"x2" metal screen and found I cannot reach through the holes, not critical but annoying at times. I do like the rigidity of the metal. On my vertical scrog I am using a 2"x4" hole size wire mesh and I am able to reach through especially if I just cut out one piece then I am left with a 4"x4" hole. I imagine the rope trellis having more give could be bad or good and I am not sure which. As for height I started with mine around 8" above the bucket lids and found this to be way too close to be able to get in there and manipulate branches. I moved mine up to about 12" and it was much better. I don't know more than this since my scrog is pretty shitty but these are my observations thus far.
sahdgrower ! Thanks so much my friend. That is very helpful indeed. I guess that's the trickiest part about a SCROG, anticipating your plants stretch and placing the screen accordingly. The wire seems nice, I wish I hadn't bought a shit ton of trellising already. It will be fine!

I got all the parts for the SCROG just waiting on my buddy with a hack saw to come over and we can go to work. :dance013:

Room is looking nice. Got hot today but the A/C can handle it, no sweat.. hehe.

-Old School
No light leaks.

No light leaks.

My room is now COMPLETELY light tight. No leaks, and I am really happy about it. After brainstorming for awhile on what to use to seal my door I finally found a thread (Gnomes New Bloom Room) that had a method that seemed like it would work really well. Velcro, and pipe insulation. Lining the inside of the door jam with Velcro and then putting more on the inside lip of the pipe insulation (the kind that comes split in half). Then just stick the pipe insualtion on the sides and there you go! Easy, right?

Ehh... after buying lots of pipe insulation and Velcro and playing around with all sort of positions on the door jam trying to get the door to close all the way, I decided I needed to find another way. I looked back at the thread to see if I had missed something. Seems as though Gnome has more space to work with in terms of where to lay down the Velcro. The area I had available to lay the adhesive Velcro was too close to the inside of the door and it wouldn't shut. Here is a pic.


So after that frustrating fail. I was fuming, trying to figure out how to get this bitch light proof. I'm flipping soon... Need it figured out ASAP. Then I found a huge roll of linoleum in my laundry room... Got me thinking.

I cut strips that were about 3-4 inches in diameter. I then stapled them along the outer edge of the door, then going over it with tape. I put some linoleum on the floor too, by the door way. I did this all the way around the door. Here it is. Perfect.




Sorry for being long winded. Pretty high, and I'm happy about how this turned out. SCROG time now.

-Old School


Hey man don't use a hacksaw on pvc.... Save yourself a shitload of time and get yourself a pair of pvc cutters. Like 10-15$. Basically a ratcheting pair of scissors, cuts clean and easy and fast. I have a large pair and I was just cutting 2" pvc today with it. So much better than even a sawzall.
Hey man don't use a hacksaw on pvc.... Save yourself a shitload of time and get yourself a pair of pvc cutters. Like 10-15$. Basically a ratcheting pair of scissors, cuts clean and easy and fast. I have a large pair and I was just cutting 2" pvc today with it. So much better than even a sawzall.

Saw those today at the hardware store. Picking one up in the morning. My buddy flaked. So a blessing in disguise.

-Old School


So it took a few trips to the hardware store but it's finally ALMOST done (I've gotta run to the hardware store in the morning and grab some more rope). The squares are 4 x 4 " and I recommend this design to anyone building a SCROG.

I'm topping the SD's one more time and then flipping. Do I need to wait a whole week for them to recover to flip? The first screen is placed 12" (thanks sahdgrower) above the grow bag lids. When I flip I'm assuming I will get a massive stretch, so I put 4 way connectors around the top of my frame so I can add another screen (thanks Overgrow) if it gets out of control. I've also got extra pvc pipe, so if the SCROG needs to be higher I can just add large PVC legs, if it needs to be shorter I can cut the existing ones.






Is a 2 layer SCROG good because the bottom buds have support? I'm just a bit confused because i know pretty much anything UNDER the screen gets trimmed, so if I had a second screen what do I do with the buds in between those? Thanks buddies. I'm liking how this is looking.

-Old School