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Old game systems

i was the envy of my whole entire neighborhood for having the turbogrtaphix 16....

Yes sir! Good times there. Just a few of my favorites.....Keith Courage,Bloody Wolf, Crater Maze, Ninja Spirt, Legendary Ax. I still have my Turbo Grafix and about 25 games. Also had the hand held version of it as well but don't rember what it was called. Had a family member who worked for NEC so we got the hook up. What was some of your favorites Krunch? Might hook that old bitch up and take her for a spin.
I used to love NES or was it SNES? I played EA Sports madden football on it and Mortal Kombat, but something got fried and doesn't work anymore. I would like that system again, could never figure the newer ones out! This was '94 or '95 and it lasted until around 2004 I think.


May your race always be in your favor
Used to play sonic on a sega set up back in the 90's. I have a PS2 that the Sony guy I talked to on the phone said he had never heard of a ser # that low. Got a PS3 now.


I have always been a PC gamer. My first system was a Apple 2c. I played wings of fury and Chuck Yeager's flight simulator.


Active member
Nothing to this day comes close to Chrono Trigger. That game straight up changed my life... I've played enough that I can easily beat Lavos in New Game+ with just Chrono (enter red portal after marle goes missing).




How are those FC Twin's? I'm considering getting one as I've recently dug out all my old consoles/games. Any issues with quality or anything weird (glitches).

mine... if you hit it lightly, or pull on the controller too hard , it will reset

the controllers length (the one I bought) were VERY short

you have to sit in front of the tv, but you can plug in any snes controller and it's not a problem

ebay has a lot of these, refurb or china made

reading this thread was fun

made me picture all of us all getting along playing those old systems :)

good times


reading this thread was fun

made me picture all of us all getting along playing those old systems :)

good times

this totally reminded me of playing contra 3 when someone goes through the level too quickly and your buddy gets stuck at the back wall(like end of the screen) and gets pushed into an enemy or a fireball or something lol

Nothing to this day comes close to Chrono Trigger. That game straight up changed my life... I've played enough that I can easily beat Lavos in New Game+ with just Chrono (enter red portal after marle goes missing).

yeah that game was too good, how come you never see games with that good of a story and game play anymore.. most RPGs ive played now suck TBH.. i almost feel like the good RPGs died with the SNES

Mario cart on the snes,was and is my all time fav,the amount of life past on that game(worrying).

yeah i used to get so upset with my buddy when we were kids, i`d always come in second against him lol.. i remember like boycotting that game cause i`d always lose hahah







this is somehow connecting me with my youth, bringing sort of flashbacks, and helping me gain a better perspective of the now






I remember this one friend, both of our parents we're friends

I would go to his place, and i'd just watch him play on his computer, I think he would rarely let me play lOL
it was still fun


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
What were your guys favorite games on snes or any old gaming systems?

1975, PONG, this was the first game you could take home & play on your own TV. Previous to '75 this game was only available for play at arcades.

I'm telling you no lies here but entire families would gather 'round the TV and cheer players on to win or lose, but everyone would actually secretly just be cheering for their own chance to play when the current game was over.

Entire families consumed by these cheap n' simple graphics.


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