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Oil to fight cancer


New member
Hey Mojo
First post here but wanted to thank you for your generous gift of your final product to help my better half with her fight with cancer!
See you at ice off, and catch up!


Wow. Over 200 new nodules presenting in his lungs. GI/GU are showing new metastases.

Just went to the ER today for extreme abdominal pain. He's been started on steroids for the pain. Envirolimus did nothing helpful, but thankfully wasn't aggressively degrading his health like the sunitinib. There is a trial he may participate in for a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, but we won't find out for another two weeks... he's going on stress leave March 1st as his radiologist indicated that 6-12 months would be a realistic time frame..........

I appreciate all the kind words and PMs. Been spending time bonding as it doesn't seem like there's much else that can be done. Cannabis is a great medicine, but I fear that this cancer is far too aggressive and is set on proliferating until he succumbs to it entirely. Going to keep him on the cannabis tincture before bed, just in case there's anything helpful that it's doing. It looks like cancer is going to win this one. Fuck. :(


Hey Mojo
First post here but wanted to thank you for your generous gift of your final product to help my better half with her fight with cancer!
See you at ice off, and catch up!

no worries StillWaters...we are all in this together...;)))



Wow. Over 200 new nodules presenting in his lungs. GI/GU are showing new metastases.

Just went to the ER today for extreme abdominal pain. He's been started on steroids for the pain. Envirolimus did nothing helpful, but thankfully wasn't aggressively degrading his health like the sunitinib. There is a trial he may participate in for a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, but we won't find out for another two weeks... he's going on stress leave March 1st as his radiologist indicated that 6-12 months would be a realistic time frame..........

I appreciate all the kind words and PMs. Been spending time bonding as it doesn't seem like there's much else that can be done. Cannabis is a great medicine, but I fear that this cancer is far too aggressive and is set on proliferating until he succumbs to it entirely. Going to keep him on the cannabis tincture before bed, just in case there's anything helpful that it's doing. It looks like cancer is going to win this one. Fuck. :(

FUCK is right... sorry to hear its not helpin much.... could you enlighten us about your husband? Im assuming husband sorry if im wrong. Was he a cig smoker or pot smoker before the cancer? Im curious is all and you dont have to answer my stupid qurstions...

not sure what to say. I hope you find peace within....


FUCK is right... sorry to hear its not helpin much.... could you enlighten us about your husband? Im assuming husband sorry if im wrong. Was he a cig smoker or pot smoker before the cancer? Im curious is all and you dont have to answer my stupid qurstions...

not sure what to say. I hope you find peace within....

Heh, he's my step dad. But he feels like he could have/should have been my dad... the dude was the one person in my life that I could aspire to be like. Come to think of it, I did try to be like him. And that's why I'd like to think I'm such a good hearted person.

He never smoked cigs, smoked a bit of weed but didn't otherwise do anything that would have contributed. Might have been exposure from working in a mill. Who knows? Maybe I should start looking into his work history and see if there have been other cases.

All we can do now is spend time together. Spontaneous remission is out of the question. We'll make the best of our time. He finally went on medical leave now that he's at the stage he's at now, so it's strictly family time for all of us. I appreciate your kind words. Never been in a situation like this and would never wish it on my worst enemy.


Active member
sorry to hear this. a lot of time its already to late when people turn to cannabis oil. I have seen it work first hand in shrinking tumours hopefully over the next 20 years there will some real progress with research


sorry to hear this. a lot of time its already to late when people turn to cannabis oil. I have seen it work first hand in shrinking tumours hopefully over the next 20 years there will some real progress with research

I hope so as well. As much as the pharm industry can be a mixed bag, they certainly have the dollars and researchers to spearhead this. I believe we'll just continue learning more and more how cannabinoids can be used to treat and cure many diseases.

I wish we could have tried this earlier but we can't time travel, nor can we dwell on things. He's started a phase 1 trial for a new drug and they're seeing how tolerable it is. I feel bad that people in this position can be guinea pigs, but it's shown promise and may help others to have a better chance than he does. Very selfless act. I still have various strains I've collected for pain and nausea, so he'll continue to use those. Although it didn't crush his cancer like we had hoped, it's certainly improved his quality of life.

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