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Well this is a first for me,
I had clones in the box for a week now and for the first time I used a humidity dome. This has turned out to be the worst mistake ever. I took the dome off today for the last time and watered the clones put them back into the box and 4 hours later they had all wilted!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have never used a dome before but my take results have been getting better and better as well as faster and faster each time I put a set in. Normal results are 28-30 out of 30.
They are always done the same way,
1 gallon of R/O water with 5 ml of Cal/Mag
2 trays of coco (coco is soaked in the water and squezed out)
the little ones are put into the trays and away we go, 5-10 days later roots are running all over the bottom of the trays (see through bottoms so I can tell when they are ready to go).

Has this happened to anyone else before?
Do you think they will recover?

The coco never dried out or anything, and they have been exposed to the open air over the last 3 days for at least an hour each day. Then like I said the dome was removed for good today, well at least until I noticed they had wilted so bad, then I put it back on.


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Sounds like they needed some time to adjust to the difference in humidity or the light was too much

I let my clones have 3 - 4 hrs of reduced light at the new humidity level, then if they're OK move them back up closer to the light


with coco, I too have found the humidity dome to do more harm than help. i ran into stem rot with the higher humidity. my clones like around 60% humidity from the get go in coco.

sorry that isn't any help, but you aren't alone.


I tried dome once with coco. next day got mld and dead clones. No dome and keep em in bout 3 feet away from my CMH in the veg room. I was cloning under 2-24inch 24 watt t-5's then I tried a few under my 400w CMH and they turned out great. So now no more extra electricity being used. 20hours on 4 off.


The larger leaves are all dried up and curled up and turning brown, so they are goners. However the new shoots that are at the very top of each clone have perked back up. So I will give them at least another day before tossing them.



european ganja growers
got any pics bro????
i use a dome on my cuts with great results..... sometimes you have to ween then of the dome. apart from that ive had no probs

keep it green


european ganja growers
yip,,ive rooted cuts in coco with no dome and with 1..i mosty root in peat pellets,,,i tryed st8 coco on my last cuts (without dome) and thay done just as good..

keep it green


ive been cloning for 2+ years now with excellent success and have yet to use a humidity dome. My humidity in my clone area stays 20 - 45% at all times. temps are 70f - 84f. I have cloned using bubbler, aero and peat pellets. all worked just fine. I use my homemade aero (from a cat litter pail) exclusively now as it is the easiest and quickest for roots.

clones don't need a humidity dome! I spray plain tap water on the leaves when I first cut them and thats it. into the cloner they go under a 11w cfl (yes, you read that right) until I see roots. then I change to a 23w cfl @ 5500 color temp. they hang out here lightly fed until im ready to transplant them for next run.

hope this helps someone.


there are peeps cloning successfully with domes. I am just throwing it out there my own personal experiences of not cloning with a dome is quite successful. My root success rate 95%+. cheers to everyone!
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european ganja growers
by no means am i saying you NEED to dome (because you dont)...this is what works best for me (you know ...why fix something that aint broke)...i think you just need to find what way works best for you:joint:....some use a dome some dont,,some take small cuts some dont, some people use coco some dont ...you could go on for ever.........

i to use a small CFL to root my cuts x2 15w .....its great saving power somewhere lol.......

keep it green


(you know ...why fix something that aint broke

i to use a small CFL to root my cuts x2 15w .....its great saving power somewhere lol.......

keep it green

I think this is where I went wrong this time, I tried to improve on what was working and well I will say I learned a new lesson. Just what you said if it ain't broke don't fix it.

I use 3-15w CFLs, I had to add the third to keep the warmth in.
