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VERY interested in the Blueberry cross you mentioned bro! Let's see some photos of that lovely gal! Great work man.

Sorry man, I only have a few pics taken with my old crappy camera.

Small plant, grown under a 600hps.

BB x SSH best pheno, I also crossed this one to a SD IBL male at the same time. I havent grown out any of those yet tho.




BB x SSH pheno 2, good but too leafy.



And just for shits and giggles here is SourD/Bubba Kush x SSH. not so great pics.




Sweet crosses Iron Lion, the SSH x OG Kush is my fave from the pics look soooo dank :joint: and a really good representation of both parents


Shit man that plant come back from the dead! Great work...

I have a ton of Mr.Nice packs..I think around 2 or 3 SSH packs....

I've followed most of all your threads your def the guy to talk to about phenos around here

hope all goes well

did you ever find the church pheno again? I took a break from IC....anyways good luck and I'm sure I'll see you around ..hehe


Phew...got it all dried and trimmed this week.

been smoking quite a bit of the OGHz x SD and last night I had quite the experience.

I was had smoked about a gram in a nice fatty. Got to the end of the joint and just sat motionless on the couch for about an hour or so...

feet planted on the ground, numb from the waist down, body numbness, visual distortion, a warm feeling throughout my body and the best part of the high.....

It felt like my brain was a vat of melted wax, and someone had poked their finger thru my forehead and was stirring around my melted brain . Very strong sensation between my eyes, very potent meds, starring at the wall has never been so enjoyable. After the high started tapering down I went and chef'd up some dinner, but just out of it like I was on drugs :joint: this is some medical marijuana

The smell is pretty unique as well, stick your nose to the jar and it really clears the sinuses, pungent, piney, lemon, with almost a mentholated quality to it. Not quite as putrid as sour diesel, but a little more cologne like than OG.

Manstein, You are correct; I have been slowly sorting thru SSH for the last few years but most of what I found has been absolute junk. No church smells at all just more of the pissy/ slightly piney haze smell, mega stretch, wispy buds and flowering times that are way to long to make them worth while. A real disappointment as I know there is better out there. The SSH description says 10-14 wks, and I have found not a single female from many that has met that criteria.


Bring on the sour!! That haze takes too long homie...but you've got that kush all fattened up on the flimsy stem, way to prop! I've heard the catpiss makes you hallucinate! Peace homies


those ogxssh look real nice. you releasing those here?

I only have about 100 OGxSSH seeds, and out of those I hope to grow a few more and make F2's with the cut I have kept since this thread was started. I've tried a few other females out of the original cross but they werent interesting like the keeper cut I have, Im after the high caylx to leaf ratio.
I have a few thousand OGHz x SD IBL seeds in the fridge, maybe someday I'll have the nuts to send in some freebies.

Bring on the sour!! That haze takes too long homie...but you've got that kush all fattened up on the flimsy stem, way to prop! I've heard the catpiss makes you hallucinate! Peace homies

these definitely suffer from weak stems. They have like the thinnest stem possible for big buds, need support but the weight is all bud. The Haze adds a little kick in the ass to the OG high.

It looks awesome Iron hope your 420 was splendid hope you pop more thanks for sharing.

:wave: happy 421!

Since this thread was bumped I figured I would post some pics of my OGHz I have thats getting chopped in a few days. I was a little rough on these girls but they still turned out Ok. This is the first time I have grown this cut since this thread was made. It's amazing how the same cut can look so different from grow to grow. The caylx's arent quite as large but she still has great calyx to leaf ratio, these are going to be a pleasure to trim.





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