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"Official" KICC Thread v1.0


Wow, now this was a thread I loved. So many good extracts, and the pics make a hash lover drool.

Chief my good friend! How you been dude? Been sending people your way, and have gotten nothing but good replies on the products and service. Cheers to you brother. You gotta hit me up sometime dude, great things are happening here. Besides, I still owe you for the prototype tube you sent me.
Man, I need some new rubber stoppers, the triple tube, and big ass tumbler to make my life easier! LOL Gonna have to jump over to O'kief and place an order soon.

Whatever happened to TUG and Oil Baron? I still make TUG's budder, it's still my favorite and MMJ patients in So. Cal. and Colo. are loving it. Anyway, good to see some old names still around.

I am currently working out a CO2 extraction. Getting some decent earwax, but the process needs refinement. I need a pressurized chamber to do it the best it can be done. Once I get it all figured out, I will post it up for you extraction lovers.



New member
Wow I cant believe this thread is here... Im the original MMM420SoCal... I couldnt get my account back so I had to start a new one. Lets bring the KICC back!

I wonder where HillbillieonPCP and Oaxacaspice are these days....



Great thread indeed !


IamNotaMouse - my brother ... where are you .. hope all is well

Sending very best regards



Active member
high all a lil oil

high all a lil oil

im sure that kicc is livng still the spirit and members have just spread out i know i still consider my self a member of kicc and is still spreading the word on how to keep it concentrated
here is a few pounds of oil and budder for u


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Sharing Is Caring!
High Bean... great to see you online bro!!!!!

This is the crazyest collection of sweeties i have ever seen...... holy mountain of budder!!!!

mad respect from icetoker


I think its the same stash Bean had back on OG, he just re-arranges the jars for the pics hahaha!, just kidding mon, but you better get smoking on that before it goes stale Bean and Blaze.