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Official 2011 NFL Season thread.......


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I hope Eli destroys New England... Brady and his coach are Cheaters...

Eli is insane.. and I love old school Tom Coughlin ... If Manning wins this one ..He's better then Peyton..When Peyton won the superbowl he played like shit and the Defense won... Eli's Wideouts are the best any Manning has ever had!

Victor Cruz/Hakim Nicks >Marvin Harrison/Reggie Wayne

Tiki Barber lol Biggest Dumbass is all of sports... Eli sucks huh lol

Giants Defense is going to lockdown NE's Tight Ends ... The Pass rush isnt going to let Brady have 3 hours to throw the ball... NE is going down hard in this one ..Plus Eli is playing in Big Brothers Backyard... Karma is always with those that dont cheat!

Brady to Gronk all day long, slants across the middle. that will slow down that pass rush...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Well as that game started, I had no clear favorites (then I wanted SF to win). I will start off by saying that the Giants are one of the few pro sports teams I hate anymore (them and the Lakers are the only ones that come to mind), I still get furious any time I think about it. My brother and I were visiting to help our sick mom, who was also a fan. After that game, she got to see us go absolutely ballistic and she did not need that stress. (She died a few months later.) Our fault I know, but after the season we had to have it all stolen in the end like that was infuriating. I could go on and on about how they stole it and played dirty and had the refs in their back pocket. I will instead end it here. I respect anyone's right to like whoever they like, as long as they don't rub your nose in it. I am good online friends with someone from another chat who is a Giants fan, has health problems (I do too, but not of the painful variety thank God), and we respect each other enough to listen to each others opinions and not let it get personal. I hope we can do the same here. It will be hard, I didn't even want to say what I said as the last thing I want to do is stir shit, but I feel you have to know where I am coming from too.

So anyway, I expect it to be a close game, a hard-fought game, and whoever plays better that day will win. I hope it is us as losing to them again would be really tough to say the least. WE are both good teams, we both earned the right to be here and wouldn't be here if we didn't. We both find ways to win. So again, I respect the fans but not the team. I respect what they have accomplished and won't begrudge them that. I know there are plenty of people who hate the Pats. I could say I have a better reason, but we all have our reasons and we can leave it at that. I hope we can respect each other and keep this civil and not get nasty. GO PATRIOTS!!!

It seems to keep working out that way doesn't it? But no, even I have to admit they made some good plays especially toward the end and it was not just luck. It is obvious we can win or lose as can they, I just hope things will turn out better this time. Toward the end of our game, I could not watch. I was thinking "oh God how can you let this happen again?" and how wrong everything would be with the universe to allow that and that I am some cosmic punching bag as a result. Then I put that all aside and thought of my mom and prayed hard. I was shocked that they missed a 32 yard field goal and looked up to the sky and said "THANK YOU".
Later that night I heard someone say Myra Kraft looked down from heaven and pushed that ball away. I would like to think my mom did it. But maybe they were at the same table watching and agreed to do it mutually. Either way I am so relieved. In retrospect I wish I had rooted harder for SF. Giants are the better opponent if we win, but I would have much rather lost to SF. PEACE


man, when you are right you are right. IF anything I said is perceived as making excuses or otherwise distasteful, I apologize in advance and will gladly edit out any offensive material.

I decided to combine 3 posts into one (I would have deleted them instead of leaving periods if I could; could some mod delete those posts? thanks.) Did I say GO PATRIOTS!? :D IF not let me say it again:


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Space Toker again.


uh, check the scoreboard :comfort:

Giants defense still got beasted. They were supposed to be prepared for vernon. He looked like randy moss yesterday. They better do better because they are facing pats 2 tight ends and wes welker. They were able to maintain, but really the Giants offense and the 49ers special teams mistakes is why they won. And for the record, I wanted/predicted the Giants to win. Just telling it how I saw it.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
alex smith and vernon davis ran train on giants defense.

the 49'ers went 1 for 13 on 3rd down conversions, makes me wonder about the reception on your TV set, try some tin foil on those rabbit ears.......

it was an evenly matched game, Vegas had it as a 2 point spread favoring SF, it was so close it ended in a tie after 4.

for ALL of you claiming the Giants were outplayed why didn't SF score 14 or 21 more points??? they didn't because the Giants stopped them. Play calling by the zebras was extremely fair w/no bad calls counting for points on the board or lack thereof. Each QB had his moments of excellence as well as their fair share of troubles.

Some stats:
NYG~ 20 first downs
SF~ 15 first downs

NYG 33% efficiency on 3rd downs, 7/21
SF 8% 3rd down efficiency 1/13

NYG ~ 316 passing yds
SF ~ 196 passing yds

NYG ~ 352 total yds
SF ~ 328 yds

NYG time of possession 39:36 (58% of clock)
SF time of possession 28:18 (42% of clock)
in a 67:54 minute game incl. overtime.

So where o' where is that claim of SF dominance now?

The Giants stopped the 49'ers and that's that.


I consider you an online friend and hope we can continue to root for our teams and not let that get in the way of respecting each other. You could find some of what I said distasteful as I could post #264. I will try harder to watch what I say from now on but we both have the right to say what we need to say too. I hate this whole "political correctness" thing, it is not correct at all in my opinion. I don't want that to happen here. Yet I do believe people can avoid going out of their way to incite other groups and hope we can do that here. Find a balance, that's what I am trying to say. I would have sent a shorter rep message about this but can't rep you yet. If your team wins I will try to be happy for you even though I am miserable. What am I saying? Of course the Pats will win! Go pats! ;) :D

I have no issues w/what you've said Toker, fans have to root and rage for and against teams a little and my statement in the OP was to avoid the troubles we'd had in a baseball playoff thread I had opened the year before. One member was so unsportsmanlike that he was banned for his posts in that thread which of course caused others to flame and insult again in poor taste.

btw, I've never heard the accusation before that the NYG stole the Bowl 4 yrs ago, I recall no horrid officiating and EVERY team tries to get away w/holds, illegal bumps etc, it's not cheating unless a yellow flag comes out.

the Giants never had a reputation for cheating which was something that the Patriots were actually found guilty of and fined for. I know, the truth sorta sucks sometimes bro.......


first off, the zebras did miss a couple of the calls, holding, too many men on the field and offensive pushing off and the fumble, come on the whistle didnt get blown till it was recovered by the niners... but thats the way it goes
second off the giants scored 10 points off the idiot return clown.
that was the difference of the game.
the niners lost the game and the giants got a gift.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
first off, the zebras did miss a couple of the calls, holding, too many men on the field and offensive pushing off and the fumble, come on the whistle didnt get blown till it was recovered by the niners... but thats the way it goes
second off the giants scored 10 points off the idiot return clown.
that was the difference of the game.
the niners lost the game and the giants got a gift.

it was a fair call imo and it seemed to be what each ref saw as well.

Kyle Williams blundered the one play letting the ball hit his knee but @ the same time how sharp was Thomas to see that tap missed by the refs (to SF's advantage btw) and pick up the ball? The other play should more be attributed to excellent Giants play as Jacquian Williams timed perfectly the shot he put on the ball knocking it from Kyle Williams hands, Kyle never had a chance as he didn't even have time to tuck the ball away before it being batted away. He felt the hit from Williams and looked down to see his hands were now empty.

Defenses win games and both answered the call, next is whoever controls the turnover ratio and this time as is often the case the team controlling the turnovers won. It may be more soothing to blame the 9'ers for bad play than laud the Giants for good. The stats support my position, the only stat truly in favor of SF was that their net yards per play was higher than NY. The Giants superior play was rewarded with the win.

Beauty's in the eyes of the beholder.......
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New member
STATS SPEAK THE TRUTH gaints BEAT the niners and they deserve it!

looks like Stoner4Life covered it pretty well..davis got 2 freebies from us, congrats. and alex smith only got to run his skinny ass around cuz we were locking down the pass. i think eli and the giants receiving team was way more exciting than vernon davis and alex smiths 2 lame plays.

too many people sleep on the giants cuz we keep it classy. dont need to make media noise, make wins on the field!!

Space Toker

Active member
You are right, there is no cheating if there are not yellow flags, IF the refs were not paid off that is, the officiating was so horrible I wonder sometimes. And I am so sick of that nonsense, my team getting crucified for something probably most teams did and most of them prob did not even know it was against the rules which as I remember were such a gray area. But enough of that, that is just a sideshow distraction. Fair or not, your team "won" then.
This time around, a Metallica song comes to mind (like their music, not their stance against downloading even though understandable)..... so be it, settle the score.... what is it? DONT TREAD ON ME I think, that is my theme song for this game. Also the Black Sabbath song about the pope on a rope... I want that to be Coughlin and Eli instead of the pope though! ok the gloves are off now give me your best shot! :D ;) Kidding about animosity toward you or other Giants fans, but otherwise not kidding that much! I am all about peace and love normally, but this is going to be a war and a bloodbath, I can't wait! :D Ok not literally anyone who thinks that is an idiot but figuratively it will be a good game and can't get here soon enough! GO PATRIOTS!!!

edit#2: It is a good thing this game is in 2 weeks, I feel whoever wins or loses this could get ugly. hope I am wrong!

Space Toker

Active member
Again it can be anyone's game, all that stuff I said before you can go back and read it, I really meant it. But if we show up, I like our chances. I don't want to think about the other scenario. Pats the underdog? sweet! we have thrived off of that in the past!

edit: I have no problem with you or anything you said either S4L, it seems full freedom of speech is in order here! I said what I care to say. peace man, until the Superbowl that is! :D To beat the Giants and finally put to rest that cheating nonsense.... PRICELESS!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor



Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Eli will throw for over 400 yards and the Dynamic Duo of Cruz Missle and St Nick will slice through that NE secondary all day...

+1 playing in Big Brothers Stadium only gives more confidence to Manning


Registered Med User
Im goin for the Giants cuz I cant stand the damn patriots... But I think the patriots gonna win. We will see.... as for the niners, Next Year (if the world doesnt end in december)


cruz is a monster, great year
eli got beat up pretty good by the niners and kept on ticking
the pats wont touch him and that is dangerous
brady is just lights out so
i see a high scoring game


Active member
giants have lady luck on their side....shit look at that play where eli beat the pats in bowl...

giants fans should all be sending Kyle Williams free bottles of champagne and gift baskets..he handed you that game on a silver platter..

eli didnt even need a game winning drive...just a chipshot thanks to a SECOND botched punt return..

who to blame? maybe the coaches for putting a 2 year rookie in that position, we could have had better results using a DB or even gore..FUCK!

that shit was so dissapointing...no chance to even fight back. alex smith lack of 3rd downs were also really frustrating, but not surprised since crabtree is a bust, our only guy is vernon.

giants D slipped up even letting vernon get 2 like that.....i honestly wasnt that impressed with the giants. most of those 3rd downs was alex smith fault because he kept missing his passers....all of the giants TDs were fought for yard by yard, we gave them a god damn fight and to have a fucking rook drop the ball and basically give you guys the win....FUCK!!

AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT FUMBLE! that would have put the niners up at least 3 points......forward progress my ass that was a clear fumble...

just a shit fucking weekend, makes me believe the big dawgs really wanted that east coast rematch the way both harbaughs got ROBBED!