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Official 2011 NFL Season thread.......

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home

Super Bowl XLVI Line
Over/Under & Money Odds

Pro Bowl odds too.......​

EDIT: This is gonna be one fantastic Super Bowl.
The way the Giants are playing they can beat anyone including the Pats who looked woefully mediocre against the Ravens, a flubbed field goal sealed the Ravens fate & lucked the Pats into the bowl.
Plenty could be said about how the Giants got there, as well.
Talk about having a game handed to you on a silver platter.
What both teams did prove, is they can win a Conference championship game, without playing their 'A' game.

Lets also remember, the Ravens had the #1, D in the league.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Plenty could be said about how the Giants got there, as well.
Talk about having a game handed to you on a silver platter.
What both teams did prove, is they can win a Conference championship game, without playing their 'A' game.

Lets also remember, the Ravens had the #1, D in the league.

handed on a silver platter?

in the heat of battle Devin Thomas sees what every ref misses & picks up the ball, Coughlin threw the challenge flag to get the 'fumble' called right & then they had to go 29 yds for the score. a single opportunity was afforded the Giants at best, they earned the rest of that TD.

Kyle Williams 2nd fumble was caused by the outstanding play of Jacquian Williams going for the ball. Jacquian was coached and paid to make exactly those type of plays, it was his job well done, friggin' brilliant.

I seriously doubt that same outstanding defensive/special teams play if made by your team would be discounted by you as 'luck' or considered being 'handed' to your team if they managed to do the same.

people/teams that wait for shit to happen come in 2nd place, you go out there and make shit happen if you want to win.......

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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

not quite worthy of its own thread/poll I was just wondering what the opinion is on having the Pro Bowl before the Super Bowl.

Not too long ago it was played after the Super Bowl which made more sense to me as all the players chosen from the 2 Super Bowl teams were more likely to put some effort into the game instead of now having to worry about getting hurt the week before going on to the big game.

So, Pro Bowl before or after the Super Bowl?

what's your preference?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

so considering how much the Pro Bowl really bites (especially before the Super Bowl) I figured I'd toss this link up for everyone's entertainment. Below is nfl.com link to Super Bowl history. SB's 1-45 are represented with varying degrees of stats/recaps & even videos. Once there just click on the SB logo for whichever game you'd like to revisit.

Click on the pic for a safe Super Bowl history nfl.com link

Still posing the query.......

Do you prefer the Pro Bowl before or after the Super Bowl?

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Even tho' I don't watch it I think it should be after.

So many players simply choose not to go.

Cool link S4L.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I can't count that high, was that a total of 100 points scored?

Here's an oldy but goody, Tom
Brady laughing off the Plaxico
Burress prediction, the Giants
were inspired by his laughter.


awwww what the heck, for you
Giants fans here's SB XLII's final
drive in real time. A1 audio/video.

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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
that whole drive was great but the play starting @ 6:30 that was just amazing luck.

luck? w/out a doubt, but tremendous concentration & effort as well. we all know how hard it is for these guys to get the handle on a bobbled ball right in front of their faces, never mind wtf's happening on top of your head. the 'Tyree catch' will live in both fame & infamy for years to come.

God's a Giants fan.......

btw, I was in a pizza joint in NY one night (6/12/09), it was the first day for the Subway Series @ the new Yankee Stadium, the Bombers were hosting the Mets. Sal's Pizzeria in Mamaroneck NY has about the worlds best pie but Sal's a Mets fan. I'm sitting there in my Yankees cap & Sal is rubbing it in that the Mets were about to win the 1st 'subway' game ever in the new Yankee Stadium, the 2 slices of delicious pizza I'd just eaten were beginning to taste more like humble pie.

The Yankees were losing 7-8 in the bottom of the 9th inning with 2 outs when A-Rod pops up to 1st baseman Luis Castillo, a routine game ending play any day of the week until Castillo drops the ball allowing both Jeter & Teixeira to score, the Yankees win!!!!!!!

I turned to Sal just a few feet away, pointed my finger in his face and with a wild look in my eyes I declared... GOD IS A YANKEES FAN!!! and walked out of his place sneering; I ate @ my 2nd favorite pizza joint for a bit until I was sure Sal had finally digested the loss and my taunt.


try as I might I couldn't find a decent broadcast TV video of the play, as marginal as this short clip is it was the best on youtube for clarity's sake.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I know there's a bunch of NY Football Giants lovin' fans out there and so I'm just sharing some more of the love, can ya dig it?

I'm not much into hip hop & wouldn't know
a well known hit from some amateur shit.

The video's awesome, mute the music if you desire.


I'm thinking it's become a Manning tradition.......

Pats fans feel free to post up any inspirational videos, I won't be starting any New England glee club posts myself. truth be known if the Patriots were playing any team other than the NY Football Giants then I'd be rooting for NE for sure.

Brady is a great player, Belicheat is another story, a proven cheat and equally poor sport, his genius is lost on a heartless soul; his Yin is in hiding from his Yang.......


Space Toker

Active member
My point exactly, you Giants fans talk too much, you make a little sense then you start slinging shit and cheapen yourself... whereas Patriots fans as a whole are a whole lot more classy and don't stoop to that level. Unfortunately, they don't award the championship based on such merits, you have to play and fight to win. So I say shut up and play! To my team and yours! I will not dignify the rest of that nonsense with a reply.... GO PATRIOTS!!!

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
i will be praying for "Tommy"
his hot wife pleaded for us too.
i guess lil Tommy must be scared, poor fella.
it will all be over sunday night.
JPP will be doing backflips over Matt Light on his way to lil Tommy.
hope we're all getting fired up, weekends almost here!

i'm gonna keep talking smack til the season is done, then all next year til somebody dethrones us.
a lil arrogant? indeed.
Prematurely celebrating? slightly.
come sunday, put on your best and put in work, WiN!

if you can't handle the shit slingshot, maybe your help could be used in the kitchen.
getting them grinders dolled up.


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