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of all the things you've lost... do you miss your mind the most?


heh, starting to think my middle path might just be a nice padded room with an uncomfortable jacket...

That ol song "I am slowly going crazy" is runnign through my head :blowbubbles:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
a change of scenery (country, continent) always works for me when my brain is reaching critical overload......

...you would be surprised how well travel therapy works.....when you can see the world from a different perspective and thru the eyes of those worse off than you will ever be....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
a change of scenery (country, continent) always works for me when my brain is reaching critical overload......

...you would be surprised how well travel therapy works.....when you can see the world from a different perspective and thru the eyes of those worse off than you will ever be....

*go to a crazier place than where your mind is at.......then realize how sane you really are in comparison......


Garden Nymph
I was going to suggest going to your local dump and breaking stuff with a hammer..but maybe Gypsy's advice about traveling is a better idea lol

Perpetual Nooch

Active member
Think it's official... Lost my mind...

No... I have not lost my mind...

Well then why start the thread then? I'm confused. First you say you've lost your mind then you say you haven't.

Yes, I do think you have mental problems. What do they call it, bipolar?

Anyway, I'm not going to debate about the health care system but private (ie. for profit) health care is exactly what's wrong with the American system. As I said you are free to seek treatment anywhere you want and it will 99% of the time be covered by the gov't as long as it is an accepted treatment and not quackery.


Think it's official... Lost my mind... Stress lately has been insane... Ended up admitting myself to the hospital psych ward last week... As my brain just stopped working right...

So Now I'm seriously high on some ativan - trying to calm the nerves a bit... Friend brought buy a bowl of some wild ass kush strain... Have hardly been able to move since...

And I still can't relax... Trying to chill on the couch, lil GNR in the background...dogs piled on top... and i'm vibrating....

How the hell is one supposed to relax after they've hit the breaking point???

to find yourself you have to go out of your mind,

its from now on how you collect yourself together after a breakdown that is gonna make you,


Active member

that sounds like the truth

I am feeling much better now

a good thing to remember when shit is bad, that you will get through eventually

(you have to right ?)
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Hey Heph been driving down well any main road in your city is enough to drive a guy mad....Goddamned city of no left turns......but sorry to hear that you've been that..........restless........yes restless i will call it......i find that an good exercise regime and healthy eating could be just enough to help you feel better....

Red Fang

Active member
I have often wondered if I am long since insane, like 30 years from early childhood, or if just recently, or if just overeacting and all is ok still. anyway, don't know quite what I was going to say but I wish you luck man!
edit: whiterabbit and cork you seem everywhere I am seems we have a lot in common! :)


Crank on the ipod and go hit the gym for an hour daily if your able to, I too have dealt with anxiety since as long as I can remember and the weight-lifting really helps. And I dread going to the gym, but once I'm done I feel great.


Active member
"the only truly crazy people are the ones who repeat their actions and expect a different outcome"-albert einstein ,just change your routine it helps alot ive been to the physc hospital more than a few times and this technique has worked for me not that it'll take away your problems but your less likley to dwell on them.ride a bike go, fishing ,play paintball thats a huge stress releif,anything you want just get out of the daily grind.


I think somethink in my brai nhas gone too, i feel low for no reason, im on the verge of tears half the time. I have started to mess my friends about for no reason other than i get a kick out of it, like yesterday i arranged to go help a friend trim his plants & he said i can keep all the trim for myself. I arranged to meet him, but i dint show & then sat & laughed as i watched him ring my cell phone all afternoon, which i didnt answer. After 4.5 hours he stopped & sent a text saying he was going home so i gave it 30 mins & sent one back sayin "sorry, i left my phone in my mums car by accident, not gonna be round for a few days cos i`m going to stay with my sister."
WTF did i do that? WTF is wrong with me? I just kissed goodbye to 12 plants worth of trim & some bud when its dry just to entertain myself!
I am on my 3rd day without a smoke, i dont know if this is helping or making it worse!