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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Active member
You are correct.
our 99% are the worlds 1%

Occupy every american household!

how dare we hoard all this wealth?!?!

This is on Obama's check list. Look no further than his first speech as president. He said, (not exactly) "we will start with America, then change the world." He meant what he said all right. America is in the shit hole and the world is also.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Ok so

Who creates jobs in your way of thinking?

haven't you heard?

who needs jobs, when all we need to do is make a "revolution" and take anything we want from those who have?

easy as eating pie!

get on with the program comrade, where is your che guevara t-shirt anyways? lol


weed fiend
why would a social movement that claims to be seeking positive social change have to channel their anger towards any of the social stratus?

Why would the "stratus" seek disparity in historic-record proportion at the detriment of the 99%?

Sounds like loathing.

to begin with, if the so-called social movement was moved by anger, it would only bring about bad things.
Sounds like fear. Wow, fear and loathing. Sounds like something out of a Hunter S Thompson novel.

what about channeling their efforts at creating goods and services that will result in wealth for themselves and anyone willing to put in wholesome work?
Sounds like a recipe to allow the wholesome top to suck more wholesome cream from the 99%.

think about it.

think to what have come all the countries where the wealthy have been targetted as the cause of all social ills; what kind of good has this mentality brought to these countries?
Yeah it kind of puts the kibosh on apathy. What kind of good does supply side policy provide when the Fortune 1000 workforce has shrank over the last 30 years.

You're welcome to make this a class warfare argument because the top has waged the war of greed for decades. (Here's a secret... We know it's no coinkydink.) Just kidding about the secret part.

those are the facts, not some conjured up fear-mongering, but what has actually happened in those countries.
Not a fact in that haystack of opinionated rhetoric. 4 questions and a vague reference to fear is IMO no facts. It's a point of view that could be supported by fact - accept the support doesn't appear to effervesce.

corruption, povery and misery became the 'great-equalizer'; which is not the kind of social change anyone looking towards to a wholesome lifestyle is seeking, no doubt.
actually qualifies as philosophy - all of it.
The talking points and buzzwords are tiresome, but to indict the person's entire argument/character for using them is even more tiresome. Bleating partisans turn meaningful concepts/words into cliches through repetition and then beat each other over the head with them. Any good points crafted carefully enough to elude the PC (political cliche) police, result in a change of subject.

Death to the Mulephant (and all who follow it).


weed fiend
DB likes to troll out the same lines again and again...

As opposed to projection.

You just have to ignore him when he goes back to the well that's been proven dry.

se lavi

His whole "top down has proven a failure" rhetoric makes for great sound bytes but has been complete hokum from the start...

Ooh, receiving personal credit for decades of research from economic scholars. You generous guy, you.

Just ask him if tax breaks for companies. That go green will create jobs and watch him squirm.

Just don't ask if that's a couple of sentence fragments.

Point out Clinton and the messiah support tax cuts on job creators and see the cheerleader get all weepy and personal.

We don't need to reference Clinton. We gots the guy with real-estate licenses in 5 states to supply all the messianic, creationist, cheerleading, weepy, personal - crap.

Everyone but the most polar morons realize some parts of supply side are undeniably successful at growing the economy.

And pales in comparison to historic record-income disparity.

Your supply side argument not-only isn't supported by history, as many as three-quarters of the public, including more than half of registered Republicans want tax increases on the top.

Babble all the polar baloney you want. I don't expect even higher rates on the top to dissuade your delusions. The argument just gets quieter, father away and pretty soon, it's like the occasional fly buzzing around. Arguably irritating yet obviously ignorable.


Andinismo Hierbatero

darn!!! not even I get that upset when people bring up chavez and shit lol...

for the record, I'm not a teabagger nor a right-wing dude, nor a center dude, much less a leftie.

I'm in what in my country used to be termed as a ni-ni. not this nor that.

politricks is a dirty game, no matter which side you play on.

social reform, imo, comes from each individual doing good works that benefits the individual as well those around said individual.

I'd probably support some kind of new political ideology that had nothing to do with leftie non-sense or right-wing stiffness; but until then, count me as one who will mock your political stance, whether left or right, if it is stupid, like the ows.


Game Bred
As opposed to projection.
displaying dejection?

no habla

Ooh, receiving personal credit for decades of research from economic scholars. You generous guy, you.
writing off charitable donations..
perfect example of supply side.
i am generous ;)

Just don't ask if that's a couple of sentence fragments.
when in doubt flog the droid's auto correct..
so how 'bout it DB?
would tax incentives for corporations going green create jobs?
now squirm...

We don't need to reference Clinton.
no need to reference those who disagree with DB?

We gots the guy with real-estate licenses in 5 states to supply all the messianic, creationist, cheerleading, weepy, personal - crap.
you supply i just point out ;)
do you have a problem with my chosen profession?
you forgot to mention my land surveyor's licensees and my M.O.T. certifications...

And pales in comparison to historic record-income disparity.

just for fun...

if you raise the cost of making widget A does the price of widget A increase?

it's a simple question please answer?
darn!!! not even I get that upset when people bring up chavez and shit lol...

for the record, I'm not a teabagger nor a right-wing dude, nor a center dude, much less a leftie.

I'm in what in my country used to be termed as a ni-ni. not this nor that.

politricks is a dirty game, no matter which side you play on.

social reform, imo, comes from each individual doing good works that benefits the individual as well those around said individual.

I'd probably support some kind of new political ideology that had nothing to do with leftie non-sense or right-wing stiffness; but until then, count me as one who will mock your political stance, whether left or right, if it is stupid, like the ows.

Maybe try freemarket anarchy? Me likes.



weed fiend
The talking points and buzzwords are tiresome, but to indict the person's entire argument/character for using them is even more tiresome. Bleating partisans turn meaningful concepts/words into cliches through repetition and then beat each other over the head with them. Any good points crafted carefully enough to elude the PC (political cliche) police, result in a change of subject.

Death to the Mulephant (and all who follow it).

For shit and giggles, how about offering one example of a meaningful concept? It may have pragmatic application - application that may historic implications. It may have statistical analysis that measures mathematical value.

Here's the shit's and giggles part. See what you get back in rebuke. I'll reference my crystal ball and predict the future.

You'll get rhetoric and :chin: wait... just had a Rick Perry moment. :chin: Nope, rhetoric is all you'll get because these guys don't have statistics, historical significance or anything that amounts to mathematical value. It's all words.

It doesn't necessarily have to veer toward buzzword, tiresome, bleating partisan, cliche, repetition, beat each other over the head, whatever. It's just the only place they have left to go.


weed fiend
darn!!! not even I get that upset when people bring up chavez and shit lol...

running outta gas?

for the record, I'm not a teabagger nor a right-wing dude, nor a center dude, much less a leftie.
So what's your point? Apparently, no support for your economic argument. Never mind you appear to be classic supply side and we all know which direction that comes from.

And uh, for the record - teabagger is another pejorative. It denotes the sex act of orally servicing the scrotum. Tea Party sympathizes consider it a little over-the-top.

I'm in what in my country used to be termed as a ni-ni. not this nor that.
Do they all argue opinion as fact?

politricks is a dirty game, no matter which side you play on.

social reform, imo, comes from each individual doing good works that benefits the individual as well those around said individual.

I'd probably support some kind of new political ideology that had nothing to do with leftie non-sense or right-wing stiffness
I'd bet it also wouldn't reference economic indicators, historical references or anything of measurable value.

but until then, count me as one who will mock your political stance, whether left or right, if it is stupid, like the ows.
will probably just count you as present

All your arguments come from one place - SOTF. Do yourself a favor, lose the extraneous explanations. It's a very simple concept and it's one of the first lessons we learn. In time, some of us realize it's not the primary element in macro-economic equations.


weed fiend
writing off charitable donations..
perfect example of supply side.
i am generous ;)

Charitable donations don't make a dent in historic, record-income disparity.

Charities see donations drop as need spikes

Major philanthropies expect more unfulfilled pledges in face of recession, but also see uptick in volunteerism.

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Charities are just as vulnerable, if not more so, to economic weakness as are corporations.

"The way the economy goes determines how charity goes," said Melissa Brown, associate director of research at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University in Indianapolis.

Total giving figures for last year will not be available until June, but "many charities are reporting lower income from donations," she said.

Surveys of the largest 100 United Ways in December and January suggest a decline of 2% to 5.6% in giving this year.

More than half of the United Ways - 58% - are expecting a drop this year, said Sally Fabens, a spokeswoman for the charity.

In addition, 82% are anticipating higher rates of uncollectible pledges, she said.

Some areas have been hit harder than others. For example, the United Way in Elkhart, Indiana, expects a 50% drop in donations, she said. The city, which was visited Monday by President Barack Obama, has a 15% unemployment rate.

Donating time

But the nation's economic travails have coincided with an increase in volunteerism, said Fabens, who added that even if the predicted declines prove true, the United Way is still likely to raise more than $4 billion this year.

It will be needed, since demand has spiked, she said - with calls to the United Way's hotline increasing for financial assistance to cover basic needs like food, shelter and clothing.

United Way's biggest drop in donations occurred in 1932, when they fell by 24%, followed by two more years of increasingly smaller declines until 1935, when growth resumed.

The United Way's 1,300 affiliates are led by Brian Gallagher, whose salary was $475,967 in 2007. That salary was ranked 20th by The Chronicle of Philanthropy's Executive Compensation report of charities for 2007, said Fabens.

Giving less

For some, the downturn may not have hit yet. The Salvation Army, the nation's second-largest charity, does not yet have projections for the year, but last year's Christmas Internet donations were up more than 25%, from $7.9 million to $10.1 million, said Melissa Temme, the organization's public relations director.

"More people are giving, but the size of the donation is going down," she said, noting that the average donation dropped from $225 in 2007 to $190 last year.

Still, more than 93% of fundraisers said the economy is affecting their jobs negatively, "including 28.5% who reported a very negative impact," said Una Osili, interim director of research at the Center on Philanthropy, in a news release. "However, just over 21% of those surveyed expect the economic impact to be positive six months from now."

The Salvation Army's equivalent of a CEO, Commissioner Israel Gaither, had a salary of $108,088, which included housing and food and which he received jointly with his wife, Commissioner Eva Gaither, national president of women's ministries, Temme said.

The organization, which started in London in 1865 and began its U.S. operations in 1882 in New York City, has dealt with bad economic times before. It turned its community centers into homeless shelters during the Great Depression, Temme said. "They got pretty creative," she said, noting that staffers lived and ate with the homeless, got food handouts from restaurants and used orange crates as bassinets.

Banking on creativity

Such creativity may prove key to charities' survival. Brown of the Center on Philanthropy noted that the Nature Conservancy announced layoffs this week, and a number of religious congregations have laid off staff and cut programming "because the offering plate is thinner than they're used to."

In the last six months of last year, the number of $1 million charitable gifts dropped by a third, she said.

Brown said data from the Giving USA Foundation, whose records go back to 1955, show that educational and religious institutions tend to suffer the most during recessions.

No groups appear to be immune to downturns. During the 16 months of recession that began in 1973 and ended in 1975, "almost every subsector saw a 5% or more drop," she said.
But, she said, though the current malaise is the worst most people alive have ever seen, "Don't expect the world to end either. People do continue to give."

In fact, in any one year, some 70% of Americans give to charity, and they tend to give about 3% of their income, unless they've lost their jobs entirely, Brown said.

Secondhand stores shine in weak retail market

when in doubt flog the droid's auto correct..
keep sputtering, I don't give a flip

so how 'bout it DB?
would tax incentives for corporations going green create jobs?
now squirm...
Why don't you consider measurable worth of investment instead of voicing personal opinion differences? While you're at it, check out the Civilian Conservation Corp.

After that, recognize you'll flout to infinity. Which asks the question why you even waste you.re time unless you're a SOCIOPATH.

if you raise the cost of making widget A does the price of widget A increase?

it's a simple question please answer?
Rhetorical question. Too many variables you don't delineate.

It's useless to humor your stupid compulsions. Splitting bullshit hairs doesn't address thirty years of contracting workforce, opportunity and upward mobility.

Wave yer SOTF flag and STFU already.


Game Bred

squirm some more :jerkit:

ill help you out:
does raising the cost of producing widget A increase the price of widget A? yes it does.
see how hard was that.

kinda like asking if enemy combatants deserve civilian trials...
it's easy to answer direct questions when you are not cheering for a team.

here is another one:
would tax incentives for corporations going green create jobs? yes it would.

wanna try a third? fourth?
have aspects of "supply side" hurt our overall economy? yes they have.
have other aspects provided benefit? sho nuff.

here is a good one:
did government intervention help create a moral hazard leading to the current economic crisis? yes it did.

why is directly answering questions so hard for you?


weed fiend

squirm some more :jerkit:

ill help you out:
does raising the cost of producing widget A increase the price of widget A? yes it does.
see how hard was that.

Not as easy as you're attempting. If price increase depletes market share, the no-price increase may stay in effect. You assumption that the price must increase is your own manufactured aspect, even though supply and demand isn't rocket science. In other words, you don't necessarily have to point out the obvious unless you plan to go somewhere with it.

kinda like asking if enemy combatants deserve civilian trials...
it's easy to answer direct questions when you are not cheering for a team.
Interesting concept. Or at least it appears your economic argument is based on uh, terrorists.

here is another one:
would tax incentives for corporations going green create jobs? yes it would.
And precisely why I suggested you check out measurable worth, even gave an example for you to consider.

wanna try a third? fourth?
have aspects of "supply side" hurt our overall economy? yes they have.
have other aspects provided benefit? sho nuff.

here is a good one:
did government intervention help create a moral hazard leading to the current economic crisis? yes it did.

why is directly answering questions so hard for you?
Answering questions isn't hard.

Misstate a fact , you correct it - big fucking deal.

Only thing is, you challenge ZERO facts. You rebuttals depend on bickering opinion-as-fact. You don't bring anything except the space between your ears, along with the assumption it dispels quantifiable data.

Try something new. Imagine you'll never change any opinions and pretend your quantifiable information speaks more than empty rhetoric. Feel free to correct factual misstatement but
















Or keep up the dumb ass troll shit.
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