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OG Kush from BOG's genetics????????


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I hate to break it to you guys but OG Kush is actually grown out of seeds from wild bird feed. They are supposed to be sterile but you can grow them out and many will germinate, they are all pure OG Kush, that's the strain they use but commercially it's well known as *removed* go try it, you'll see! :joint:


I hate to break it to you guys but OG Kush is actually grown out of seeds from wild bird feed. They are supposed to be sterile but you can grow them out and many will germinate, they are all pure OG Kush, that's the strain they use but commercially it's well known as *removed* go try it, you'll see! :joint:

really? sweet i already have a bunch of those going, now i know im growing REAL OGkush. Thanks SOTF420!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Yeah, I read it in high times awhile back! :joint:



that makes perfect sense cuz those guys really know there stuff...i mean its not like they reprint countless useless articles or shamelessly promote bullshit products or re print pictures with different captions ( or same pics with diff strain names) or show buds picked WAAAAAAAY to early and say its done or try and get bad icky people to move to California

no......high times is legit


donut engineer
I've never met BOG, but if he's like the other breeders I've met, he'll tell tall tales.

His genetics are undeniable. I have my finger on the trigger for some BogBubble. But this shit ain't OG Kush. If it had come from BOG's stuff, it would yield more ;)

IMVHO, OG Kush just is an outstanding mutant Indica cross of some sort.


Active member
I didn't want to miss out on the circus-frenzy here :) The similarities in growth patterns between OG/Bubba Kush and Sour Bubble are due to the fact that they all have Pakistani Indica genetics in them (AKA Old World Paki AKA OWP). I believe that Sour Bubble originates from a select pheno of one of his bubblegum lines (I think it was Bog Bubble) that was crossed with Old World Paki.



In search of Genetics
I Personally think most of these breeders are just finding gems in other breeders packs and claiming it as there own, or using someone else's *Gem* Elite clone crossing it to hell and back making new hybrid crosses every week and reselling it with there name on it.
Most of the time they still have to put in some effort regardless if the plant is doing all the work.

Does it matter where it comes from, No!~ It only matters where its going.

These guys are doing exactly what any of us would in there position when your not being the hero you can either be the sidekick or the villian, hating on them out of spite or jealousy will do you no good, it only makes them stronger!

Good luck,
Wish you well

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
OG has some resemblence to Sour Bubble, but the growth patterns are completely different. OG is tall and lanky, and Sour Bubble is the complete opposite. Doesn't mean that they dont have a common ancester somewhere in there.

Here is an OG that has a Sour Bubble resemblence, but it's 6' tall.



Active member
OG has some resemblence to Sour Bubble, but the growth patterns are completely different. OG is tall and lanky, and Sour Bubble is the complete opposite. Doesn't mean that they dont have a common ancester somewhere in there.

Here is an OG that has a Sour Bubble resemblence, but it's 6' tall.

that would mean all slightly colored high crystal strains are related?
o.g. has no relation to the pre 98 bubba or the bubble gum line from sensi's white lablel... and if you do the research, its well documented.

that is not to dis the quality of sour bubble. it is a great strain on its own. ---------but o.g. the true ocean grown, or larry's cut, or the tahoe cut , or the abisive ,totally different ballgame alltogether.

its also of value to keep the stories straight. its good to be able to verify a strains lineage. helps us to keep it all catagorized. thats one of the most important bennefits of this community , its history. it serves as a written record of history.how the rumors started, and are they rumors or facts.and a way of finding out.
among other things, its a virtual hospital/infirmary , virtual how to manual, and a virtual tech gear guide, as well as its just general communication/community value.
just my 2 cents

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
that would mean all slightly colored high crystal strains are related?
o.g. has no relation to the pre 98 bubba or the bubble gum line from sensi's white lablel... and if you do the research, its well documented.

Maybe it's true that OG has no relations to the Bubblegum side, but Sour Bubble has a very strong kush side to it, and who is to say that there is not a relationship with that side of the plant.

I could be wrong but I dont think there is not alot of documentation on the origins of OG Kush, and I am not saying I have first hand knowledge of who originally bred it and what they used, but the very potent kush side does stand out in both plants. Depending on the plant, the highs can be very similar also.


Active member
Maybe it's true that OG has no relations to the Bubblegum side, but Sour Bubble has a very strong kush side to it, and who is to say that there is not a relationship with that side of the plant.

I could be wrong but I dont think there is not alot of documentation on the origins of OG Kush, and I am not saying I have first hand knowledge of who originally bred it and what they used, but the very potent kush side does stand out in both plants. Depending on the plant, the highs can be very similar also.

(for reference. they do know who procured the o.g. and where it came from(chemdog). they just dont know what the parents came from.and all of this was pre bog/sourbubble)

the problem here is that the sour bubble resembles very much the bubba....not the o.g. nothing like it...
the bubba has nothing to do with the o.g. they too are completely different family's. they grow nothing alike, and they smell and taste completely different. the bubba is a so-cal native and comes from the master kush line.almost 100% indica.short stout fat leaves.
the o.g. has way more sativa influence/dominance. tall lanky , skinny leaves a true multi hybrid.and has origins out east, steming from the chem dog line.
the sour bubble resembles only the bubba/master line. has no o.g. whatsoever. bog doesnt have an o.g., but he wants one bad. i would too...lol
bog had his hands on some pre 98 bubba cuts before he made s.b.
he also had his nl5 male...hmmmmm.... the nl5 is a short stout smell less indica with a fat leaf profile, very true breeding. the bubba not so true, but together a great pair... thats also why not all s.b. seeds come out the same. some are more fragrant and some color up(dark/purples) a little more, as well as finish a little quicker. his keeper cut is a winner for sure.and you can actually find his pheno in a ten pack.
if there was any og in it at all ....well first off most of the phenos wouldnt smell/taste of kush. also the pheno search would be way larger, way more phenos. as o.g. is a true polyhybrid and isnt very true breeding at all.we know that from experience. many folks have tried to cross the o.g.... also many folks have been sold "o.g." cuts from collectives that are only bubba relatives. if its short stout and fat leaved its not an o.g. period....
just the other day after smoking some (hollywood/its an o.g.) kush, he claimed he believes they might have made it from his sour bubble....lol
just for a reference so-cal and the east coast have had all these kush(cut only) phenos since before bog ever posted on overgrow his first time as a newbie.before he ever left his montana cave, before he ever had his nl5 male.that is a fact and just a little simple internet research can prove it.
and here we go again, and thats why he doesnt have, and cant get any of his neighbors to give him an og...lol
in his defense, i believe he just uses his sour bubble as a reference point. when he encounters a good kush it reminds him of what he has and loves in his own stable. he relates it to sour bubble.
not in his defense, him not admitting where it came from, or who gave it to him, and these claims of his progeny being the parentage in all these many nonrelated strains....outright lies/stories/myths...
his is the progeny of the original master kush line in so cal.
master is the parent of the bubba, which is the parent of the sour bubble.period. and if people would just read a little more than his posts and his sons as well... you will easily come to a similar conclusion.
if youve never grown a bubba , a master , or a true o.g. then you have no reference whatsoever.and maybe then all those "stories" are believable..lol
funny how this keeps coming up...over and over....lol


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
I have the utmost respect for ~

Tom Hill

DJ Short



these fellas are as real as it gets.

~ Jenn

Ever looked at what DJ Short or Chimera does?

Some of C's strains are straight crosses, but they're actually labeled as such.