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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Game Bred
That would be the thread title... opposite end of the rep message


So no you can't point out any bigoted statements..

Bluff called hand empty
Shoulda folded little guy.

oWS better shore up the shortcomings I point out.
The little things like unreported income will be their demise.

That and the extremely polar and false dichotomy of the 99 vs the 1

I AM THE 19.4%


What went down in Oakland is so fucking disgusting, the pig responsible should get a good asshole reaming.

As sick as it is to say I think the whole thing works in favor of the people and exposes the pigs for what they really are. Maybe being a veteran will also have a greater effect on the military turning their back to their war mongering slave masters.

It's so sad in his case that he is a veteran of foreign war, comes home and gets this kind of treatment from his own people. The behavior of these police should bring great shame to police forces all across the country, this is not how the police as supposed to act. Protect and serve, more like beat up and arrest.
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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
this is not how the police as supposed to act. Protect and serve, more like beat up and arrest.
I agree that it's not how they are supposed to act. Protect and serve it just another double speak slogan of the state. This is exactly how the police are supposed to act when they become militarized to the extent they have here. It's unfortunately exactly how you'd expect them to act being citizens of statist dictatorship.

It's been like this for a while though. Bonus Army 2.0 may be coming down the road. The military, lead by MacArthur no less, has attacked it's own citizens before and won't hesitate to do it again IMO.


Active member
fuck Im too baked on this hash to follow this thread in this pace! got this little lump yesterdayIt's pretty fucking powerful stuff.


Andinismo Hierbatero

video is beyond epic. this video needs to be spread around.....

if you are on FB, please post, everyone needs to see this.....

great video. I do wonder though, with all the video evidence, how many lawsuits can these guys get going against the cops?

also, for all those defending the pigs for having killed all those animal species in danger of extinction, re-value what went down and what could have been done to save them.

cowboy bullshit


Its at the point where we people are letting them beat us so we can get it on camera and not fight back and maybe win a lawsuit? LOL FOOLS, imo the war was lost before you were even born, those protesters care more about what people think about them then their own free will! Make sure you film me good put it on twitter! LOL

I am in sort of a negative mood right now, but this really is my belief, this shit was planned for long ago and if worse comes to worst they do have the weaponry to stop it, and people are so selfish they will never take a bullet for a cause now adays. Even if a few are, the ones in control are more then willing to give it to them, because they know that there will always be enough selfish people who will back down and go back to work for them.


weed fiend


I haven't been solicited by these folks. They just want your signature for a petition for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and declare corporations are not people. Several hundred thousand sigs have been collected and they want several million.

Here's one of the periodic e-mails you'll get, covering the latest info (which is usually something to do with spreading the word.) If you don't want the updates you can click the unsubscribe link.

Dear ****,

As I sit down to write this, we've received hundreds of emails from folks across America asking: "What's next? What can I do to help?" Before we can answer these questions, I want to give everyone a brief but concise update what is happening in regard to our efforts to pass a constitutional amendment to Get Money Out of our politics.

Dylan, myself, and many others are referring to this period as a sort of "calm before the storm." We have been meeting with countless people: in person, by phone, by email, even by Skype. Since I wrote you a week ago, we've dedicated our time to learn about and listen too, interesting, and often similar "movements" happening across America.

We are cooperating and learning able smart folks like John Bonifaz, Cenk Uygur, Lawrence Lessig, many diverse others from Texas to Hollywood, from finance to education. While we all may not completely agree with some ideas and mechanics in the process, we are all striving to achieve a shared mutual objective: to get money out of politics.

We will continue to post on www.GetMoneyOut.com many of the other amendments and the intentions of these shared legislative proposals. Dylan has assured me he will continue each week to host different guests on his show that with those that want to achieve the same goal.

What can we do right now?

Keep telling people you know about the collective goal we are trying to achieve, tell them that millions of other Americans are doing the same thing and what we are doing. Remind people. Tell your parents. Tell your parents' parents. Tell your officemate or your next door neighbor. We are over 230,000 people strong on a petition, but we are millions in America who agree to these principles. It's definitely the calm before the storm. And I'm awed and excited about this storm.

Send me your ideas and suggestions: [email protected] (and yes, I read your emails).

Jimmy Williams


stone fool
I continue to be impressed with the movement here and nationwide. Tomorrow, occupations of the state capitols is gong to happen. I'm in baby.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I haven't been solicited by these folks. They just want your signature for a petition for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and declare corporations are not people. Several hundred thousand sigs have been collected and they want several million.

Here's one of the periodic e-mails you'll get, covering the latest info (which is usually something to do with spreading the word.) If you don't want the updates you can click the unsubscribe link.

i sign up and the site crashes right after....


i sign up and the site crashes right after....
The documentary 'The Corporation' was pretty good. Was so interesting to see how corporations got the same rights as individuals and pretty messed up! Guess I'll sign the petition after they fix what Krunch did.


weed fiend
Remember Jackoff Abram, I mean Jack Abramoff?

Remember Jackoff Abram, I mean Jack Abramoff?

Jack Abramoff, In New Book, Decries Endemic Corruption In Washington

Posted: 10/28/11 06:32 PM ET

WASHINGTON -- Former superlobbyist and ex-con Jack Abramoff describes himself in his forthcoming book as a creature of a corrupted system.

"I wasn't the only villain in Washington," he writes in the book set for release on Nov. 1. Abramoff cops to the de facto bribery of public officials -- but writes that such conduct is "the way the system works."

The book, "Capitol Punishment: The Hard Truth About Washington Corruption From America's Most Notorious Lobbyist," was published by WND Books -- a division of the "birther" website WorldNetDaily.com. The Huffington Post received an advance copy.

Abramoff describes how he "lavished contributions, meals, event tickets, travel, golf and jobs on innumerable federal public officials with the expectation or understanding that they would take official actions on my behalf or on behalf of my clients."

"As a lobbyist, I thought it only natural and right that my clients should reward those members who saved them such substantial sums with generous contributions," he writes. "This quid pro quo became one of hallmarks of our lobbying efforts."

He also describes wooing congressional staffers -- particularly chiefs of staff -- with the lure of future employment. "After a number of meetings with them, possibly including meals or rounds of golf, I would say a few magic words: 'When you are done working for the Congressman, you should come work for me at my firm.'

"With that, assuming the staffer had any interest in leaving Capitol Hill for K Street -- and almost 90 percent of them do, I would own him and, consequently, that entire office. No rules had been broken, at least not yet. No one even knew what was happening, but suddenly, every move that staffer made, he made with his future at my firm in mind."

Abramoff points out that he was "not alone in this method" and that "it continues today, unabated by reform campaigns or public ire at the Congress."

Abramoff was the central figure in a wide-ranging public corruption and influence-peddling scandal. He pleaded guilty in January 2006 to fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials, and served three years and seven months in prison before his release last June.

His business partner, Kevin Ring, was sentenced to 20 months in prison just this past Wednesday -- the 21st person, including one congressman and two Bush White House officials, to either plead guilty or be found guilty in the scandal.

In the book, Abramoff mocks the ethics reforms adopted by Congress in the wake of his downfall.

"Is corruption in Washington really ended by insisting congressmen eat their food with their fingers standing up, rather than seated with forks and spoons? Yet, this is the kind of reform which Congress proposes, passes, and then congratulates itself about," he writes.

That's not to say reform bills aren't good for anything. "No bill is more likely to pass than a reform bill," he writes, "so smart lobbyists always keep an eye out for reform bills."

But Abramoff reserves his most scathing criticism for the members of Congress who never complained when he showered them and their staff with money and gifts -- then self-righteously hung him out to dry.

Abramoff famously remained silent -- taking the Fifth -- when he was called to testify before the Senate Indian Affairs Committee in September 2004. In his book, he hints at what he might have said had he opened up.

"Most of these legislators had taken thousands of dollars from my clients and firms, and now they were sitting as impartial judges against me. Washington hypocrisy at its best," he writes.

"Members swim in a swamp of corruption, and thrive in it, but they are able -- with a straight face no less -- to accuse others at will and sanctimoniously punish what they see as malfeasance."

And finally Abramoff shares his own plan -- concocted as he "paced the track ... day after day" at Cumberland Federal Prison in Maryland -- to end the undue influence of special interests. (Although, he writes: "I know that, barring a torch and pitchfork uprising, no real changes will occur.")

He proposes that anyone who lobbies the government, receives federal contracts or benefits from public funds should be entirely prohibited from making campaign contributions or giving any gifts at all to public officials.

To end the revolving door, "the lure of post-public service lobbying employment needs to be eliminated," he writes. So: "If you chose to serve in Congress or on a congressional staff, you should be barred for life from working for any company, organization, or association which lobbies the federal government. "

He also supports term limits. (As a lobbyist, "I didn't want to have to build relationships with new members constantly," he writes.) He furthur proposes that senators no longer be elected directly -- but rather by their state houses -- and that no representative be allowed to propose, lobby for or even vote on projects in their own districts.

But Abramoff still remains very much a movement conservative, and he puts the fundamental blame for corruption not on flawed laws or weak people -- but on big government.

"The reason there are tens of thousands of lobbyists is because the ever-expanding federal government creates ever-increasing opportunities for abuse," he writes. "The more the federal government does, the more lobbyists there will be to protect special interests at the expense of the common interest."

For years, Abramoff has routinely been described as "disgraced" -- the walking embodiment of political corruption. But he is being feted with a book party at the home of Daily Caller editor Tucker Carlson in November -- potentially a sign that, at least in some political circles, redemption is at hand.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I continue to be impressed with the movement here and nationwide. Tomorrow, occupations of the state capitols is gong to happen. I'm in baby.
If this movement begins to target both power corridors, Wall Street and the puppet government they own, then this could get interesting.

Occupy the Fed.
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