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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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stoned agin ...
"(Although, he writes: "I know that, barring a torch and pitchfork uprising, no real changes will occur.")"

that's what's (metaphorically) happening today. a leader and manifesto aren't necessary. big, big turnouts of pissed-off people (the great majority of who can vote) will scare 'em into reading the signs (figuratively and literally). shine a light on the vermin, the back-room dealing rats selling out the peeps for PAC funds and graft. prosecute wall street creeps selling "secure investments" to us when amongst themselves they laugh about the stuff being shit.

when you can't afford an education, can't get a job, can't care for your kids, it don't matter what the cause is. you are just angry, angry, angry, and you want things to change, and you're gonna MAKE things change, somehow, some way.


Active member
i get so many CC offers..im about to do that. with a nice middle finger picture as well!

did yall see the egypt protests? a bunch of them were holding OWS OAKLAND signs...its good that in the middle east they are seeing that americans arent all colluding with our governments plan of oppression, and that we the people are equally as mad as they are....we arent getting tortured and shot in the streets, but the underlying message prevails..


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad

As the events that led to Oakland protester Scott Olsen's head injury continue to unfold and investigations begin, we thought it important to offer some perspective.

This comment is from a former Marine with special operations in crowd control.

He points out that shooting canisters such as those that likely hit Scott Olsen is prohibited under rules of engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan. Regardless of any political position on the Occupy protests, these are some Interesting insights:

Before gas goes into a crowd shield bearers have to be making no progress moving a crowd or crowd must be assaulting the line. Not with sticks and stones but a no bullshit assault. 3 warnings must be given to the crowd in a manner they can hear that force is about to be used. Shield bearers take a knee and CS gas is released in grenade form first to fog out your lines because you have gas masks. You then kick the canisters along in front of your lines. Projectile gas is not used except for longer ranged engagement or trying to steer the crowd ( by steering a crowd I mean firing gas to block a street off ). You also have shotguns with beanbags and various less than lethal rounds for your launchers. These are the rules for a WARZONE!!

How did a cop who is supposed to have training on his weapon system accidentally SHOOT someone in the head with a 40mm gas canister? Simple. He was aiming at him.

I'll be the first to admit a 40mm round is tricky to aim if you are inexperienced but anyone can tell the difference between aiming at head level and going for range.

The person that pulled that trigger has no business being a cop. He sent that round out with the intention of doing some serious damage to the protestors. I don't care what the protestors were doing. I never broke my rules of engagement in Iraq or Afghanistan. So I can't imagine what a protester in the states did to deserve a headshot with a 40mm. He's damn lucky to be alive and that cop knows he was using lethal force against a protester he is supposed to be protecting.

Additionally: Jesse Davis mentions "The methods prohibited in war, and actions after the fact are also against war zone policy." Check out his infographic here.

Specifically these two transcribed directly from US Army Law of War/Law of Armed Conflict training.

The Military manual states:
…have a duty to collect and care for the wounded. Prioritize treatment according to injuries. Make NO treatment distinction based on nationality. All soldiers, enemy or friendly, must be treated the same.

Second, the officer threw a flash-bang directly into a group of people trying to carry him away for medical treatment. Here's the Military guidance on that decision:
Medical Personnel Considered out of combat if they exclusively engaged in medical duties. (GWS, art. 24.) Doctors, surgeons, nurses, chemists, stretcher-bearers, medics, corpsman, and orderlies, etc..., who are “exclusively engaged” in the direct care of the wounded and sick.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/mari...prohibited-in-war-zones-2011-10#ixzz1c8n9czJS

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I used to take those credit card return envelopes and stuff all my junk mail in it, and once I stuffed it with smushed pine cones in my driveway. lol


Game Bred
you da nut hugger

Tight undies?

Vegas trip coming to a close and I think I should bump from 19.4 to at least top 10%...
it'll be more fun

You say you got a real solution
Well you know
We'd all want to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well you know
We're all doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate


I continue to be impressed with the movement here and nationwide. Tomorrow, occupations of the state capitols is gong to happen. I'm in baby.

Tell us more Haps been waitin for a front line report.

How bout that sleep over:dance013:

Thanks for the excellent vids Krunch.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Its at the point where we people are letting them beat us so we can get it on camera and not fight back and maybe win a lawsuit? LOL FOOLS, imo the war was lost before you were even born, those protesters care more about what people think about them then their own free will! Make sure you film me good put it on twitter! LOL

I am in sort of a negative mood right now, but this really is my belief, this shit was planned for long ago and if worse comes to worst they do have the weaponry to stop it, and people are so selfish they will never take a bullet for a cause now adays. Even if a few are, the ones in control are more then willing to give it to them, because they know that there will always be enough selfish people who will back down and go back to work for them.

I do hope for real that there will be no need to take bullets for the cause, specially in a place like the U.S. I understand why in the arab countries people took many bullets, but the cultural differences are quite large between these countries and the U.S.

the protests in Israel for example, that started about two or three months earlier than ows, did not have any sort of complication with the cops; afterall, all protesters are ex-soldiers as well as the cops, and no one wants to fuck with each other. huge cultural difference between U.S as well as the arab countries... and if a cop were to violate the rights of a protester in Israel, they will hit them were it hurts like mad: the pocket :D

so the same applies in the U.S too, take the cop's money, enforce the laws, the constitution, there's really no loop-holes they can hide behind.

also, controlling the world and planning shit "from way back" is not really possible; shit, it is hard enough to try to plan for tomorrow :D

sue everyone, take them to court, lawyers will not want to miss take a big chunck of the prize, for sure.


Krunch that business reply vid is priceless!

Squished and dried dog shit would fit perfectly in one of those envelopes. :jump:


Crotchety Cabaholic
I think these guys need some corporate sponsorship to survive the upcoming winter.
Maybe The North Face or Columbia will be threatened by the administration to supply the hypocrites with sleeping bags and coats or risk a DOJ investigation into their sources of spun polyproplyene, ala Gibson Guitar.
Enjoy the snow.


Bent Member
I guess some of them want to talk back


Someone in the Chicago Board of Trade dropped this printed rant on top of “Occupy Chicago” protesters this Wednesday, as demonstrators and union workers gathered in the city's financial center:

We are Wall Street. It’s our job to make money. Whether it’s a commodity, stock, bond, or some hypothetical piece of fake paper, it doesn’t matter. We would trade baseball cards if it were profitable. I didn’t hear America complaining when the market was roaring to 14,000 and everyone’s 401k doubled every 3 years. Just like gambling, its not a problem until you lose. I’ve never heard of anyone going to Gamblers Anonymous because they won too much in Vegas.

Well now the market crapped out, & even though it has come back somewhat, the government and the average Joes are still looking for a scapegoat. God knows there has to be one for everything. Well, here we are.

Go ahead and continue to take us down, but you’re only going to hurt yourselves. What’s going to happen when we can’t find jobs on the Street anymore? Guess what: We’re going to take yours.
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