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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Game Bred
sorry DB...

you have become a 1 trick pony...

"bush,beck,limbaugh,evil republican,greed,blah blah blah"

when offered to elevate is the only time you give a direct answer...
weird how that is the only question you have a ready answer for...


Active member
It's not guns that kill people. Its bullets fired from guns held by people that kill people. Guns only exploit what is killable.

wait are u calling system bullets? I am saying that corporations exploit system, because system isnt doing well.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
wait are u calling system bullets? I am saying that corporations exploit system, because system isnt doing well.

I'm saying that if a guy rapes me and then points at the system and says "technically, the system is what is at fault here, I just took advantage of the loophole" I still hold him accountable for the rape.

The system needs to change, I agree.

However, I reserve my right to be angry at the people who took advantage of the system to fuck me.


Active member
Ever look at what comprises some executive bonuses? You have to book profit to justify expenses. When you book proceeds that aren't profit or you trade through subsidiaries that neither establish nor generate value, how much isn't the question I care to argue.

Your knee jerk side should easily understand this. If it's obtained fraudulently, I don't waste time on where the cap is. I'd make the argument to regulate accounting practices that Sarbanes Oxley was supposed to stop.

If executives get their books right, I don't give a flip how much they pay themselves. They've already proved they'll do whatever it takes to rip folks off. No need for me to get in that stew. When we get enough reformers in DC to make a difference, we'll get the reforms we need.

wow dude, you really think it will take politicians to make difference? If anything - capital flow will make huge difference. Money talks you know....


Active member
I'm saying that if a guy rapes me and then points at the system and says "technically, the system is what is at fault here, I just took advantage of the loophole" I still hold him accountable for the rape.

The system needs to change, I agree.

However, I reserve my right to be angry at the people who took advantage of the system to fuck me.

its either you exploit or get exploited. simple as that. I would do the same, and so would 99% of 99%ers if given the chance.

but ofcourse blame the messenger. it's always simpler, than doing some hard work with thinking.

You think I will justify my actions if I rape you? I couldnt care less if I am that person.

HEre is the thing:

Nobody needs to justify shit in this system. Everyone is just acting on their predatory instincts.

You can just walk around doing some noise complaining about everyone who took his share out of you.


You can act according to your own moral code to make difference in your own life.

trust me, its very unlikely you will meet a person who does both things at once.


Crooked Bankers

It's a nice distraction to cover the guise of the underwhelming inhabitants on the left.

Eat shit


Sorcerer's Apprentice
its either you exploit or get exploited. simple as that. I would do the same, and so would 99% of 99%ers if given the chance.

I wish to opt out of such a system. I am unwilling to exploit others (insofar as is possible without living on a raft in the middle of the ocean.)

but ofcourse blame the messenger. it's always simpler, than doing some hard work with thinking.

You can be a douche if you want, but I wasn't blaming "the messenger." I was pretty plain about where my anger is directed and it wasn't at the messenger. Why are you talking to me like I'm your little brother?

You think I will justify my actions if I rape you? I couldnt care less if I am that person.

As the rapee, I reserve the right to be angry whether you care or not.

You can act according to your own moral code to make difference in your own life.

As I do. And my moral code says that part of making that difference is to vehemently oppose attempts to rationalize the oppression.


Active member
care to progress?

yup I DO!

How about these reforms:

Getting rid of fiat currency thus getting rid of Fed?

You guys talking of reforms and it just makes me laugh.

wtf are you talking abouT?

its like: hey this dude is dying, cause he is old and not functional. Heeey lets change his birthdate on paper and grant him another 50 years!


Active member
I wish to opt out of such a system. I am unwilling to exploit others (insofar as is possible without living on a raft in the middle of the ocean.)

I am not saying to exploit 1 person.

Look do you suggest a company exploits you as a person? Its nothing personal, man. Its you who is taking it personal and yes its your right to be angry.

look. It's just my point of view.

Yet. Why I go against the common opinion about how its all the fault of corporations?
Because its a false assumption that leads us nowhere and only slows things down.

If you are outthere to hold a poster in your hands, atleast do some thinking and researching before writing anything on it. Because your wrong assumptions may create a common trend of opinions. Which has already happened.


weed fiend
yup I DO!

How about these reforms:

Getting rid of fiat currency thus getting rid of Fed?

What's getting rid of fractional reserve gonna to do to your bottom line? What would it do to the country when the rest of the world trades more than we do? Nationalism wouldn't support our economy unless you want to militarize.

The argument depends on the idea that the current system will bust with little prognostication about the outcome otherwise. I get the idea it's more romance than pragmatism.

You guys talking of reforms and it just makes me laugh.

wtf are you talking abouT?

It's already posted here. All you have to do it click the filter.

its like: hey this dude is dying, cause he is old and not functional. Heeey lets change his birthdate on paper and grant him another 50 years!

Is that your dag impression? IPS is far more creative with 'eat shit'. And oh so refreshing.


weed fiend
I am not saying to exploit 1 person.

Look do you suggest a company exploits you as a person? Its nothing personal, man. Its you who is taking it personal and yes its your right to be angry.

look. It's just my point of view.

Lol. Kiss on the cheek and a knife in the back.

Yet. Why I go against the common opinion about how its all the fault of corporations?
Because its a false assumption that leads us nowhere and only slows things down.

If you are outthere to hold a poster in your hands, atleast do some thinking and researching before writing anything on it. Because your wrong assumptions may create a common trend of opinions. Which has already happened.

... its like: hey this dude is dying, cause he is old and not functional. Heeey lets change his birthdate on paper and grant him another 50 years!

Darn those common opinions and wrong assumptions.


Active member
What's getting rid of fractional reserve gonna to do to your bottom line? What would it do to the country when the rest of the world trades more than we do? Nationalism wouldn't support our economy unless you want to militarize.

1st. I didn't say a word on Fractional reserve in that quote.
I meant the fiat currency. It's the currency value of which is decided by anyone, but the mr.market.
It has happened before, and always proven to bring catastrophy at the end. How else do you think Rome fell?

Second, I couldnt care less about USA. Imo it's the most facist country in the world today. And the end of it sadly draws near.
Sadly, because it was raised on that culture and when it dies, a huge part of me dies with it.


Game Bred
who is the rapee in the rape analogy?


derivatives regulation seems important no?
do we attempt to eliminate CDS altogether?
what about other financial derivatives?

repeal nafta,cafta,gatt,andean nations free trade,preferred status for oman and china?

real job creation?
tax restructure?

or just more bitching?

what do we need?


weed fiend
1st. I didn't say a word on Fractional reserve in that quote.
I meant the fiat currency. It's the currency value of which is decided by anyone, but the mr.market.

What do you have against interest on bond sales? We sell bonds and put part of it back into the system as cash. QE is defense, not an economic strategy.

BTW the stuff you call fiat currency is generated through fractional reserve. Investment and commercial banks generate currency through fractional reserve. Is their capital fiat too?

It has happened before, and always proven to bring catastrophy at the end. How else do you think Rome fell?
I think the have less to do with each other than you're willing to admit.

Second, I couldnt care less about USA. Imo it's the most facist country in the world today. And the end of it sadly draws near.
Sadly, because it was raised on that culture and when it dies, a huge part of me dies with it.
You were raised on fascism? That word's much easier to type than parallel.


I'm more than willing to identify any and all wrongdoing on the presumed right.

Unfortunately, it won't be the utopia they seek as a consequence


Left vs Right, a nice distraction to cover the guise of our crooked cronyism.


weed fiend
I think the idea of utopia is unrealistic. I've always considered perfect is the enemy of good a very weak argument.

Just replacing the regulations that were removed or watered down between 1988 and 1999 would force fraudulent bankers to consider prison time before they wreck global economies. Getting unlimited, anonymous money out of politics would be another good step in the right direction. Then we might be in a better position to address some of the aspects dag recommends.

We just match wits here, IPS. If that makes you want to tell folks to eat shit then have at it.
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