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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Active member
Sure they do. Park a tanker full of wheat, oil or commodity of choice in the Gulf of Mexico. Wait until the supply to demand ratio leans in your favor and dish. That's your free market working for you, no limits to exploitation of everyday commodities.

please distinquish interest and profit(which can also be loss u kno)

I make money like millions of others who care little about your economic philosophy.

the funny thing is: those millions u are talking about are barely making a dime out of their so called "well diversified portfolios". those are the 99% remember?
99% controlling only 10% of general so called wealth. and 1% controlling the rest.

You just hit the nail on the head. What do you expect happens to 1/6th of GDP and rising? Sorry, I forget reminding you of reality doesn't favor the soundbite. Healthcare is the least regulated industry in the country. How do you like your laissez fairre now?

sorry it was a quote from one of those vids dag posted.

Just look at Paul's election results. By the time enough voters know what he's all about, he gets two maybe three percent of the vote.

Ron Paul is the most googled and youtubed politician today. He outgoogles obama. 3 percent? think again


Active member
I make money like millions of others who care little about your economic philosophy
You are just giving me too much credit there. The philosophy isn't mine. Any educated, updated and somewhat financially independent economist today being honest will be saying the same things .


Active member
fuck politics. they are confusing and pointless to follow for the most part. They just make the noise for people to be deaf to what really matters


weed fiend
please distinquish interest and profit(which can also be loss u kno)

fair enough

the funny thing is: those millions u are talking about are barely making a dime out of their so called "well diversified portfolios".
That's one of the most erroneous statements you've made.

Ron Paul is the most googled and youtubed politician today. He outgoogles obama. 3 percent? think again
Been watching Ron since 1988. Nothing's changed.


Game Bred
Been watching Ron since 1988. Nothing's changed.

refreshing aint it...



if you dont watch another vid watch this one below..

one man has been the fucking nostradamus!!


weed fiend
Saw that one too, thanks for the link. I'll give this to Ron Paul - if he makes it to the big dance, Paul Brittain will be a household name.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Nice that this discussion has made it 61 pages without flames rising to the level of having the mods shut us all down.


And thank you guys for arguing (for the most part) like civilized adults.


the shit spoon
See guys even dagnabit is against the corporate bribery of politicians!

This is the true issue for the 99%! Bridging all politics...

dagnabit the Supreme Court came up with some BS backing the pseudoconstitutionality of corporate personhood leading to the flood of money corrupting politics even worse than before.

dagnabit would do you support a Constituional amendment that says simply "A corporation is not a person", in the furthurance of ending an official system of bribery?

unless you root out the systemic causes it wont matter who you elect.

they are all bought and payed for by "lobbying" and campaign contributions.
we need to educate the 99% so they can realize there are no parties.


Game Bred
See guys even dagnabit is against the corporate bribery of politicians!

This is the true issue for the 99%! Bridging all politics...

dagnabit the Supreme Court came up with some BS backing the pseudoconstitutionality of corporate personhood leading to the flood of money corrupting politics even worse than before.

dagnabit would do you support a Constituional amendment that says simply "A corporation is not a person", in the furthurance of ending an official system of bribery?

For further explanation:
The design of the constitution (especially the subsequent amendments) is to restrict government. Once in our history was the amendment process used to limit the freedoms of people.
To a certain extent corporations ARE people.
This court ruling gets a lot of attention because "corporations are people" makes for catchy slogans.
I am incorporated. By incorporating do I abdicate my human rights?


the shit spoon

For further explanation:
The design of the constitution (especially the subsequent amendments) is to restrict government. Once in our history was the amendment process used to limit the freedoms of people.
To a certain extent corporations ARE people.
This court ruling gets a lot of attention because "corporations are people" makes for catchy slogans.
I am incorporated. By incorporating do I abdicate my human rights?

No, of course not as that interpretation would be contrary to the rest of the document, thats just a hyperbolic question.

Is Bank Of America a person?

Should they therefore be allowed to dictate finance regulation/investigations through campaign donations?

The Supreme Court already made their split-decision on the issue, so there are not many ways to end this system of bribery besides a Constitutional amendment.

The only other way I can think of off-hand is switching to publicly financed elections. Which is actually way cheaper than our current system, paid for on the backs of taxpayers and consumers because of the ROI-approach to putting money into politics.

Do you support public financing of elections?

Got another solution in mind? By all means, throw it in the pot!


Active member
Do you support public financing of elections?

I am not very well educated in politics, but to me this sounds wrong.

It's like putting a market upon politicians. I think that government and economy should be divided in that sense.

It just feels wrong to have a politician only because he had an access to a bigger capital.

It also feels wrong to get any ROI from investing in such campaings. By ROI here many will consider rivalry privileges that only the investors get.
Otherwise what's the point in financing a campaign of a certain politician?

The iD

police teargassed #Occupy Oakland protestors.


welcome to the USSA. stay frosty,


The iD

ya, all 5...



your attempts to marginalize positive efforts of others based on their beliefs is a sad attempt at boosting your ego. stay frosty,

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