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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Blame the victims

Blame the victims

the "protesters" are the ones who seem to think the thug is responsible when the financier,thug

and willing to sign on the line "victim" all share responsibility for the mess.

Wow are you for real?

Blame the victims you must be a troll tryin ta wind us up

you really believe every person who got forclosed on had no intent to pay back these loans, or did they just decide life would be better after forclosure so lets jump into something that will get us there.

Let me tell a true story

A family buys an old house to fix up. The friendly bank of the friendly seller loans them the money to buy the property
and part of the money for the work, with a review in 6 months after progress was made they could get another appraisal and the bank would loan us the money to complete.

6 months later no approval no more cash 6 more months the 40k loan is due in full we were told



about 1 month after the 40k was past due plus another 60k not in default but owed

we got that knock but it wasn't the cops it was dudes in suits...

I couldn't believe nor will you when he said

I apologize for the man who was previously in my position. It wasn't correct for our bank not to loan you the money the last time you requested it, so i'm here to see if we can't sort things out.

To be honest the bank didn't loan me enough to finish the job but i never paid a dime of default and ole mr Santos is alrite by me. We lived in an unfinished house for 1.5 years while i did what i could in the end i sold the house for 300k

It cost 80k so it's not like i didn't know what i was doin and there was ever a risk of the property not earning money.

The only thing that held me back was $$$

I could have been forclosed on and truly fucked and there was no reason for it.

MANY MANY stories like this i'm not unique oh yea i am coz i didn't get fuked in the end but most do.

I was workin for my bit just like you but they didn't want me to have any instead they wanted to fuk with a small Family.

i never worked with cement b4 but i rendered those walls and built that fireplace and all the stone walls meters and meters of beautiful stone all brought back to life before the 6 month appraisal so i hadn't been fuckin about.


who fought back

b4 an after shot both taken from same spot.


the banker and the seller had a nice litte deal goin, i did most of the work and they clean up for the cream who cares about the VICTIM...

That prick who sold me the house and tried to rob me had more than 100 million on books public knowledge, was known and respected by the whole community now he has the same rep as Mr Madoff

Same shit goin on with student loans but guess what, no gettin forclosed on your student loan, that shit even goes beyond the grave to your relatives.

Just wait til that shit storm come ta life.

Anyway those loans are such a small tip of a massive iceberg how the fuck can you blame the little guy.

Oh because he's the first ta fall and needs your help, wait til your world crumbles and it will...

InJoy Your Day


weed fiend
I don't believe limiting Kock brother income is appropriate. I think they ought to have RICO thrown at em. :booked:


Three months after the Smalley verdict, Koch settled the five-year-old EPA case for pipeline leaks, along with a second EPA case brought in 1997. The company paid $35 million to resolve those cases, which covered more than 300 oil spills in six states.
For six decades around the world, Koch Industries has blazed a path to riches -- in part, by making illicit payments to win contracts, trading with a terrorist state, fixing prices, neglecting safety and ignoring environmental regulations. At the same time, Charles and David Koch have promoted a form of government that interferes less with company actions...

“My overall concept is to minimize the role of government and to maximize the role of the private economy and maximize personal freedoms,” David Koch told the National Journal in May 1992.

5 criminal convictions since 1999 and counting. Mueller and Holder ought to dedicate respective Kock brother divisions and bring these two to justice. Their pennies-on-the-dollar fines ought to exceed their illegally gained profits.

That's just on the business end.

The FEC should investigate the Kocks' organized political-activities, contributions and any collusion with lawmakers. Any lawmakers directly implicated should receive the same degree of scrutiny. After all, they're crooked as hell on the business side. No reason to assume they're legit with their political maneuvers.


weed fiend
(Robert Greenwald)... In the aggregate, the Koch brothers are the personification of what's driving hundreds of people to occupy Boston, Los Angeles and elsewhere, and the thousands of protesters and sitting-in outside Wall Street in Lower Manhattan.

... The Koch brothers' defenders in friendly media outlets lump the brothers in with the excess of dozens of corporations that regularly violate laws and skirt punishments. This is simply more grist and motivation propelling the protestors who are occupying our cities.



weed fiend
(Josh Silver)... What does a democracy reform agenda look like? Concrete answers are notably absent at the Wall Street rallies, so let me suggest this starting point: we must support an omnibus democracy agenda that both reduces the role of money in elections and politics, and enfranchises and protects voters so that our democracy enjoys full participation.

The actual policies that will save our democracy are wonky, and the list is long -- I will save that for a subsequent post. In the meantime, remember: before any lasting structural reform will advance, we must build a diverse movement of millions that cannot be ignored. Americans from the right and left must abandon the polarizing rhetoric from our leaders and our TV screens, and join hands in support of a 21st century democracy reform agenda that reclaims our government from moneyed special interests.



General Inquiries: [email protected]
Press Inquiries: [email protected]
Watch: This 10-Min Documentary http://vimeo.com/29513113

The UPS Store
Re: Occupy Wall Street
118A Fulton St. #205
New York, NY 10038
Money orders only please, cannot cash checks yet. Non-perishable goods only. We can accept packages of any size. We're currently low on food.
If you can, Send the brothers and sisters out in the cold and rain a care package or ten. Show some support or donate(On website). They will be there for a while!http://occupywallst.org/

Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
NYPD Arresting a Child At #OccupyWallStreet Brooklyn Bridge Protest

700 arrested at Occupy Wall Street protest as demonstrators and NYPD shut down Brooklyn Bridge

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local...brooklyn_bridge_shut_down_.html#ixzz1ZdB8PlIE


I saw it yesterday on the german tv-news and my heart was full of joy, the real tea party!!! Best wishes and solidarity, we shall overcome! :wave:


The Clash-Know Your Rights

This is a public service announcement
With guitar
Know your rights all three of them

Number 1
You have the right not to be killed
Murder is a CRIME!
Unless it was done by a
Policeman or aristocrat
Know your rights

And Number 2
You have the right to food money
Providing of course you
Don't mind a little
Investigation, humiliation
And if you cross your fingers

Know your rights
These are your rights

Know these rights

Number 3
You have the right to free
Speech as long as you're not
Dumb enough to actually try it.

Know your rights
These are your rights
All three of 'em
It has been suggested
In some quarters that this is not enough!

Get off the streets
Get off the streets
You don't have a home to go to

Finally then I will read you your rights

You have the right to remain silent
You are warned that anything you say
Can and will be taken down
And used as evidence against you

Listen to this


Active member
man, you guys think this is the start an Egypt style uprising? Or will this be over in a month?

Was about to join the military too!


reading the posts in this thread made me feel like vomitting

no offense to anyone i love you all

to be fair I am really sick, caught some kind of flu or virus


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
man, you guys think this is the start an Egypt style uprising? Or will this be over in a month?

Was about to join the military too!
I think as economic conditions continue to deteriorate this will become more mainstream. Whether this becomes an Egypt style event is less likely although not impossible IMO. Egypt style resistance implies civil war.

Any "spring" event referencing the middle east implies civil war. Many countries in the middle east have devolved into civil war. The .01% yields power over all political and economic institutions and has for 100+ years. Power will be pried from their hands in only the most extreme of circumstances.

I hope the movement is smart enough not to be franchised by the establishment as the Tea Party was. It must remain true to it's grass roots movement or it will just be absorbed and turned into another tool of divide and conquer.


the "protesters" are the ones who seem to think the thug is responsible when the financier,thug and willing to sign on the line "victim" all share responsibility for the mess.

I think what dagnabit ment is something along the lines of, if people are willing to just lay down and take it, they are just as responsible as the ones committing the wrongs against others. If something is wrong and you dont say anything, dont do anything to stop it, your just as bad as those doing it. Something LIKE that, keep in mind I am not some super pro philosopher just trying to make sense of shenanigans.
i wonder...

what concession does "wall street" need to make to satisfy the "protesters"?

Don't think theres anything they can or will do.


Game Bred
A family buys an old house to fix up. The friendly bank of the friendly seller loans them the money to buy the property
and part of the money for the work, with a review in 6 months after progress was made they could get another appraisal and the bank would loan us the money to complete.

when you choose to sign this kind of shady ass deal you cease to become a victim..

we have become a credit culture who wants to live above it's means.
that is greed!

no one should buy a home w/o 30% down and credit to qualify for a 15 year fixed.

you cant be a victim of credit card companies if you dont have a credit card.

you cant be the victim of an arm adjustment if you dont sign an arm..

look at the amount of private debt we incur in an effort to buy the latest gadgetry?

this guy SPECULATED in the housing market,and came out ahead. all the while relying on other peoples money being loaned to him and claims to be a "victim".

are there true victims of fraudulent lending? sure.
are there greedy idiots who knew exactly what they were signing? sure.

blame the banks for loaning money to people who could not afford to pay the loan? i think the borrower deserves some of that blame as well.

i know how much money i can afford to add to my monthly budget.
do you?

if you do: would you sign a loan doc that shows a possible monthly payment more than what you can afford?

if you sign the contract you deserve what you get.


yes to an income cap but no to a figure?


btw DB: "demands" rarely have a question mark ;)


Game Bred
I think what dagnabit ment is something along the lines of, if people are willing to just lay down and take it, they are just as responsible as the ones committing the wrongs against others. If something is wrong and you dont say anything, dont do anything to stop it, your just as bad as those doing it. Something LIKE that, keep in mind I am not some super pro philosopher just trying to make sense of shenanigans.

close but more like;

if we werent greedy enough to sign loans that were dependent on getting another loan in 6 months with an arm a balloon and sixteen credit cards all maxed out because "the situation" has a new ab workout machine we just have to have now....

if we were a little smarter than we are the bankers would never have been able to make "victims" of us...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
i wonder...

what concession does "wall street" need to make to satisfy the "protesters"?
Wall Street will hand itself over on a silver platter. The sovereign debt banking crisis is here. European banks are going to collapse. Dexia already has. The dominoes are coming here. There will be no more backstop this time to "save" the banks.

I wonder what the crowds will look like when pensions and 401K are wiped out by the same people who crashed the system in 08 and then promised everything was going to be fine. What are the people going to do when they find out this "recovery" story was a lie and this time around the socialized losses will be realized by everyone as life savings disappear.

I'm afraid the concession may be blood. I hope it remains peaceful, but a nation full of robbery victims who just learned they've all been lied to may not.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
if we were a little smarter than we are the bankers would never have been able to make "victims" of us...
I'm all about personal responsibility. This was obviously not just an American issue. There was a global boom. The Celtic Tiger Boom in Ireland, the "Miracle of Europe" in Spain, etc, etc. This was a global expansion of credit and easy money. This credit bubble was nothing short of monetary madness.

Responsibility does fall on the people who took the loans, but responsibility must also fall on those shoulders who perpetuate the criminal enterprise known as "modern-economics" (ie Neo-Keyensian, ie fascism).

This is why centrally planned states fail. And when they do the central planners must be punished for their crimes.


These protesters are just leftists. Where are the anti war protesters now that we have ramped up Afghanistan and are still in Iraq and now in Lybia, and Yemen. Where is code pink? The wars rage on. Why aren't these kids in class?? They are the sons and daughters of the wealthy attending NYU and are desperate to not miss their generations Vietnam protests. They should be, along with me and likeminded folks, in DC demanding and end to crony-capitalism and drastically shrinking government at all levels before it completely strangles all business but the "chosen" few.
Gramps is right though. Government can backstop banks but banks cannot backstop the Sovereigns. Once the Greek bond goes below par, then the exposure of all banks all across the globe will become unmanageable and quite possibly the dominoes could fall as quickly as an afternoon or overnight. We could go to bed happy and well fed and in the morning have no money, no access to goods and services and nowhere to turn for help.
This is why they are so determined to save Greece debt. Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, Italy, are all lined up right behind Greece to put their heads on the chopping block. We are in that line too.


weed fiend
... are there true victims of fraudulent lending? sure.
are there greedy idiots who knew exactly what they were signing? sure.

That's a pretty good assessment.

Laughing at others' misfortune is uncool. Don't know where you get your advice but 30% down is typically required for conventional loans. FHA requires far less down but PMI is added to the monthly payment. If you have the down payment, conventional means lower monthly payments than FHA.


Occupy the "Fed"

"A private corporation

The first thing that must be understood is that the Federal Reserve Corporation is not a government agency, as most people think. It is a private corporation controlled by the Bankers, and therefore it is operated for the financial gain of the Bankers over the people, rather than for the good of the people.

When our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution of the United States back in the 1700's, they specifically stated in Article 1 of this Constitution: "Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value Thereof."

It was the wish of the Founding Fathers that the power to create and control the money be in the hands of the Federal Congress, and not in the hands of private Bankers who could charge enormous amounts of interest, and who could actually then control the country by controlling the money. They understood the tricks of the Bankers, for what did Mayer Anselm Rothschild, the great European Banker, once say: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws...” It was their belief that all citizens should share in the profits of its creation, not just private Bankers, and therefore the national Government must be the only creator of money.

So what happened! For several years after the Constitution was signed, the money in the country was handled both legally and illegally, the Bankers having devised all kinds of tricks to try to take control of the nation's money."

Read more: http://www.michaeljournal.org/fedreserve.htm

Here is also a video explaining this in greater depth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U71-KsDArFM

BTW JP Morgan funded the mass arrest of 700 people: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCDXXgtN_Ko

I have a feeling shit is going to get ugly soon.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The Occupy the Fed is what I'm really interested in. This is targeting the true enemy IMO. The Fed is Wall Streets bank's political arm. It lies at the heart of our centrally planned prison. A large majority of our problems come from the fact that bankers instead of the citizens control issuance of our currency.

If the people rise up against the central banks then we are moving in the right direction IMO. This has the ability to cross the two party paradigm divide in the country making it less susceptible to an establishment take over of the movement.
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