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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Game Bred
'course it's the same rolodex they call...

Merrill Lynch $375,895
JPMorgan Chase & Co $343,505
Citigroup Inc $338,202
Morgan Stanley $271,902
Goldman Sachs $240,295

who's contributors are they anyway?


Game Bred
We'll chalk that response up to self-acknowledging initial obfuscation.
you can chalk your que any way you like ;)

The answer is within the onion, you eat the skin.
diced and sweated with minced garlic and fresh greenbeans tonight.

Considering we have executives...
drawing $1 salary so their actual income is diverted to cap gain rates, then parking gains in offshore, tax-free havens
paying themselves lavish bonuses whether their prospecti meet shareholder expectations, sometimes with failing expectations being directly attributable to lavish bonuses
playing the system to personally gain at macro expense...

the answer could be yes.
what should the cap be?


weed fiend
They could always form non-public aka secret organizations of legislators, would-be legislators (aka lackeys) and corporate executives. Legislators and lackeys would get a break on membership fees and execs would pay as much as 25k to influence special-interest legislation.

See, special-interest means that by-and-large, it ain't your interest.

But then that would be too much like Alec and the Kock brothers. Not to mention the fact that two individuals have contributed as much as $100,000,000.00 to right-wing causes since 1973.

Instead, we have folks like Soros. This demon actually publishes his policy initiatives. Donations include publication of whom and how much they contribute.

Transparent government activism:chin: ...novel concept. But oh so evil.:bigeye:


Game Bred
you get no argument from me concerning the republikunts...

i realize both parties are whores.
coin operated wholly owned subsidiaries of their corporate masters.

the bailout recipients were also in both '08 candidates top 5 donors..
but wait it was the same in '04?!?!?
GS,ML and citigroup all in both candidates top 5? you betcha!
couldn't be the same in '00 though right?
care to take a guess?

pattern recognition is a sign of "higher thinking"


weed fiend
#17 on the contributer scale General Electric $529,855

course thats behind GS,JP and citigroup...

What was your point? That's right, you never made one.

you can chalk your que any way you like ;)

diced and sweated with minced garlic and fresh greenbeans tonight.

what should the cap be?

Here's an idea. Get you a piece of cardboard and a marker. Write "LIMITLESS EXECUTIVE BONUSES FTW" and protest the protesters.


Game Bred
so what should the cap be?

i didn't see a number in your "advice"

maybe an acute sudden onset one time Synesthesia brought on by prolonged exposure to partisan cheerleading?


Game Bred
it's like protesting the johns at a whorehouse..
kill every single john today and tomorrow your protesters will be in line with their duckets in fist for hand jobs.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
JP Morgan just donated $4.6 million dollars to the NYPD. Protection money to the NYPD thugs. The institutional corruption is just so amazingly blatant these days.


weed fiend
you get no argument from me concerning the republikunts...

i realize both parties are whores.
coin operated wholly owned subsidiaries of their corporate masters.

the bailout recipients were also in both '08 candidates top 5 donors..
but wait it was the same in '04?!?!?
GS,ML and citigroup all in both candidates top 5? you betcha!
couldn't be the same in '00 though right?
care to take a guess?

So you want unlimited special-interest influence yet expect your lawmakers to be immune from this influence.

You've gotta get off this business vs government as if they're arch enemies. It's really messing with your ability to reason.

For example, you hire a thug to shake people down and then expect those same people not to revile you - because you finance the thug.

It takes decades but you're finally able to convince ~20% of the folks you rip off that you and the thug are actually arch enemies. In fact, you tell this 20% it's not your funding that ultimately rips em all off, it's the thug forcing your hand... the thug that couldn't walk and chew gum w/o your money.


Active member
where are those re-enforcments from the marines? i really think it would kick things off for the better.


weed fiend
so what should the cap be?

i didn't see a number in your "advice"

It's not advice to the guy that can't escape sound-bite logic. It's example to demonstrate the difference between spin and reason.

maybe an acute sudden onset one time Synesthesia brought on by prolonged exposure to partisan cheerleading?
I get it, you're all rubber now. You need to pay attention, otherwise you risk irrelevance. I'm arguing macro economics, not socioeconomics. Apparently you can't tell the difference between politics and a calculator.


Game Bred
So you want unlimited special-interest influence yet expect your lawmakers to be immune from this influence.
do you?
i don't remember suggesting such?

You've gotta get off this business vs government as if they're arch enemies. It's really messing with your ability to reason.
whores and their johns are far from enemies.
i suggest collusion from both parties not enmity.

For example, you hire a thug to shake people down and then expect those same people not to revile you - because you finance the thug.

It takes decades but you're finally able to convince ~20% of the folks you rip off that you and the thug are actually arch enemies. In fact, you tell this 20% it's not your funding that ultimately rips em all off, it's the thug forcing your hand... the thug that couldn't walk and chew gum w/o your money.
my point exactly.
except the thug can walk talk chew gum and run a ponzi scheme or 100 at the same time...

the "protesters" are the ones who seem to think the thug is responsible when the financier,thug and willing to sign on the line "victim" all share responsibility for the mess.


Game Bred
It's not advice to the guy that can't escape sound-bite logic. It's example to demonstrate the difference between spin and reason.

I get it, you're all rubber now. You need to pay attention, otherwise you risk irrelevance. I'm arguing macro economics, not socioeconomics. Apparently you can't tell the difference between politics and a calculator.

again i must have missed the cap?

where should the cap be?
1M per annum?


weed fiend
i don't remember suggesting such?]

Yes. You always wiggle away from prior posts. You wouldn't be asking others to equate if you didn't have an argument against executive pay limits.

whores and their johns are far from enemies.
i suggest collusion from both parties not enmity.
Get the big money out of politics = less collusion

my point exactly.
except the thug can walk talk chew gum and run a ponzi scheme or 100 at the same time...
Exactly?:nono: You're actually diametrically opposed. This thug can't slap his ass with both hands w/o special interest money.

the "protesters" are the ones who seem to think the thug is responsible when the financier,thug and willing to sign on the line "victim" all share responsibility for the mess.

You apply zero proportion and you're wrong again. Follow the money. Get money out of politics and they're no different than us. Then we don't have to point the finger at each other while we solve problems. The corporate vs gov't koolade is poisoning the discussion.

again i must have missed the cap?

where should the cap be?
1M per annum?

You miss much more.


Game Bred
so no cap..

got it ;)

again you and i agree money out of politics is a great thing.

id go a step further and cap campaign spending as well as lobbying money all together.

then we might actually get 2 or 3 parties instead of the 1 we have now.

the only one here drinking the govt. vs. bus. flavr aid (it was grape flavr aid bastard was to cheap for kool aid)seems to be you.

i suggest they are in bed together and you harp on about how im touting the opposite.

h^2 O

they're trying to shed light on the fact that America's economic policies only benefit the top 1% of Americans - the filthiest of the rich. And it's true.
A lot of veterans are getting involved now, pointing out the fact that people are dying in Afghanistan so that filthy rich pigs can make more money...on top of the vast quantities of money they already have.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I don't know what good more parties would do.. they're all politicians after all. They all suck


weed fiend
so no cap..

got it ;)

I answered your question in post 120. I didn't quantify because you're more into totality than dynamic underpinnings afford.

again you and i agree money out of politics is a great thing.

id go a step further and cap campaign spending as well as lobbying money all together.

then we might actually get 2 or 3 parties instead of the 1 we have now.
No better example. You've gone from creaking toward no executive pay limits to waxing lobbying money altogether. Little regard toward degree or intent. Lobbying keeps government dynamic. Only part of it is involved w/ special interests at our expense. You can't knee-jerk this end of the spectrum any more than the other.

he only one here drinking the govt. vs. bus. flavr aid (it was grape flavr aid bastard was to cheap for kool aid)seems to be you.

i suggest they are in bed together and you harp on about how im touting the opposite.
You seem to be a mix of meandered principles and word mincing. Last several years of posts suggest you're a free market constitutionalist. We start here with you questioning executive pay limits (and repeatedly demanding how much,) as if somebody here has a statistical value. You're arguing principle, plain and simple. And if you have additional context, I just wonder why we didn't get it before.
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