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obZen's Cabinet (Stealth - NGB / Dr. Bud Style)


Mrs.Greengenes said:
Yes silly ........ he is my husband. :joint:

I assumed so, but you never know with these crazy internet nicknames.

So, how did he convince you to go live in the cabin with him?

No offence, but that looked like enough to drive most women crazy!

I guess with that much quality ganja, it wasn't much of a problem.

I would love to move out and live off the land -
but my lady is probably too much of a city girl.

Speaking of... Let me go bug her to take some good pictures!


blackfoot said:
Is my Mary Jane two timing us? :D looking forward to the pics. peace


I don't know how she does it.
Maybe I'm too high?

Scroll up to Post #4 to see the pictures.
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blackfoot said:
What size bulbs will you use when you start them to flower? Are you going to top and clone the seedlings or flower the little plants? They look beautiful and healthy, and ready to be toped for clones.

I'm probably going to be using 23w "Soft White" CFLs from Home Depot.
I'll see what they have when I get there. I'll get bigger ones if they have them.

Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Seedlings.

When I build the new cabinet - I'll probably keep revegging the few mothers for cloning later.
Then I'll top / clone the seedlings & switch to 12/12 to see who gives me flowers!

They are definitely ready - but I'm not - so they can wait a little longer and give me lots of cuttings!


blackfoot said:
I got 42 watt CFL's from wall-mart they are around $ 9-10 and 40 watt CFL's at another local hardware store for around the same price. They work well for me. If you top the seedlings and then put the seedlings in to flower you'll get two main top buds are you going for a SOG or a SCROG type grow?

Wal-Mart is Evil. I've been looking for 42w but I can't seem to find them locally. I can always upgrade later - great thing about CFLs.

I'm not going to be flowering the topped seedlings - I'm going to be flowering the clones.
I'm going for a Perpetual SOG - Dr. Bud Style - with Single Cola "Budsicles" :joint:
obZen said:
I assumed so, but you never know with these crazy internet nicknames.

So, how did he convince you to go live in the cabin with him?

No offence, but that looked like enough to drive most women crazy!

I guess with that much quality ganja, it wasn't much of a problem.

I would love to move out and live off the land -
but my lady is probably too much of a city girl.

Speaking of... Let me go bug her to take some good pictures!

Hi ObZen..Moving off grid was mutual. I actually was the one that picked out the property on line and we went and saw it . Couln't have gotten more lucky. The view is amazing being close to the top and all.

To be honest with you I loved the peace. I was home alone everyday with my dogs, cats, and chickens. Only missed DrBud as he worked very hard to keep us going. I am very comfortable with a gun which is also very important to feel safe so far away from town. I was a huge social bug in my teens and 20s. Now in my 30s I am way layed back and picky about who I spend my free time with. So the lifestyle fit my nicely. I do agree though that most women would go crazy. I personally learned to cook while living up there cause I was glued to the food network channel 8 hrs a day.... DrBud is not complaining though.

Probably more than you wanted to know but anyway.... gotta go finish packing for Hempfest this weekend. Keep up your good work. Nice chatting with you..... :wink:


Nice looking plans. Always good to watch a refinement build.
*pulling up a seat

good growing


Just Call me Urkle!!
Mrs.BudGreenGenes youre awesome... I'm hoping to find a gal someday to move up to the Mendo/Fort Bragg area where my Grandma lives I loved going up there to the farm deep in the hillside sleeping by the water tank and seeing a brand new house in the middle of the forest!! I know you had a cabin which is fine with me I just can't do it alone I will drive myself nuts!

Obzen hows the grow going?


Sorry about the lack of updates - but there isn't really much to update yet.

Still getting my cash together - going shopping next week (I hope!).

The plants are all revegging nicely - I had to transplant one of the revegging bonsai mothers - she was almost dead. I did some root trimming and put her in a pepsi bottle with a bunch of fresh Ocean Forest. We'll see in a few days if I saved her or not.

Oh, and Mrs. Bud, that's an awesome story. I think you just convinced my girlfriend to move out of the city.

We've been living together for over 3 years now, and we don't want to kill eachother yet, so I think it will probably work out.

In the mean time, I have to water my plants.
It's crazy hot today and they look sweaty.

Next post you see will be me cloning and BUILDING THIS BITCH!

Wish me luck! :joint:



the NGB cabinet idea has been scrapped - or at least put on hold for a very long time.

my plants have been moved to a new location. no more "stealth" apartment anxiety.

new thread coming soon - I have an entire room + closet to play with now. :joint: