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obZen's Cabinet (Stealth - NGB / Dr. Bud Style)



Original Plans:
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(4x) 23w Warm White CFL :: Flower
(1x) 23w Daylight CFL :: Veg / Clone

Dayton 265
(2x) PC Fans :: 80mm - 1/2 Speed
(16x) PVC Elbows :: 90 Degrees - Lightproofed with Black Paint

Soil Mix
Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Happy Frog Fruit & Flower Dry Fertilizer (5-8-4)

20oz Bottles & 32 oz Bottles - Recycled! :joint:

Inside :: Flat White Paint
Outside :: Glossy Black Paint
Doors ::
(2x) Door Handles
(2x) Door Locks
(4x) Door Hinges
Lots of Weatherstripping!


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Status: 24/0 - Revegging!
23w Daylight CFL (2x or 3x - depending on temps.)

Still using the old cabinet for now - just for revegging.
I removed the Carbon Filter - no need for it right now.
Trying to get everything together to start building.

The "Monster" Mother Revegging
-----> this is the one in the V8 splash container.

Another - Bonsai Mom Revegging

The "Seedlings" are doing great!

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Smoke it if ya got it!!
obZen said:
Do you think that a Dayton 265 will be overkill or not enough for this cabinet?
I'd like to buy the Dayton and check out the Can Filter before I start.
I need dimensions. I've tried to make them oversize in the mock-up.
The Bonsai Moms + Clones will fit in with the Dayton. I hope. :joint:
Area Size :: 2' 4" tall x ~1' wide x ~1.5' deep
A 265 cfm is perfect for your setup. you shouldn't need anymore than that.

I think the main problem with old NGB style cabinets was:
Air gets hot traveling through the veg chamber so temps are hard to control.
I got rid of that problem with my design.
I'll be putting all the intake pipes on the bottom of the flower chamber.
Has anyone else experimented with this kind of design?
---With the right ventalation (which you have) you will only get like a 2-4 degree temp chang. not bad at all. Your design will work too so do it how you do homi.

Lets get the growing on!


Connoisseur300 ! Thanks for the input!

Good to hear from someone already running an NGB style cab.

Your setup was an inspiration - very clean.

I have some mothers revegging right now - had to abort when my old cabinet door BROKE!
Good thing I caught the problem quickly and switched them to 24/0 ASAP.
Hopefully they didn't herm and I'll have some good genetics to start with!

As soon as I get the cash I'll be heading to the Hydro Shop + Home De Pot! =]
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i've heard that the soft white from home dePOT were indeed the same as warm whites...i dont have any proof to back it up with but maybe someone will come along that can give better light to the subject


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yes the soft whites are fine the main thing to look for is 2700K thats how you will know if it's the red spectrum I believe Home Depots lighting goes...
Warm White/Soft White=2700K Cool White =4100K Daylight = 6500K
hope that helps you a bit...


Looks like some good plans obzen. A few recomendations is to maybe get one more light for your veg room and to figure out all the dimensions of the pieces to your cabinet before you go into homedepot because they have a nice big saw that makes perfect cuts.

Good luck man I can't wait to see everything up and running. I'll deffinately be following this thread. :wave:


Welcome mg00c, Feel free to pull up a beanbag chair and have a smoke! :joint:

I'm planning on getting the Dayton before I do any set measurements of the cabinet.
I'll also be looking at compatible Can Filters and getting the dimensions of those.
(I'll buy the filter when I have more cash / really need it!)

Then I need to decide on what kind of wood I'm going to use for the cabinet...
After I get all those dimensions I'll be able to do a better plan with a calculator + graph paper.

I'll most likely be using a few smaller daylight bulbs in the veg area - depending on how much room I have. They won't need much light, they're going to be very small bonsai mothers with cuttings taken every few weeks.


Active member
hey there obZen! im currently building a new cab as well and i would highly recommend using the Baltic Birch cabinet wood. both lowes and homedepot carries it and it is a very nice looking wood. could use it like is or would look great with a nice stain as well. slightly more expensive than regular plywood at $35 a sheet for 3/4" but well worth it. good luck with the build!


I'm amazed at all this positive feedback. Thanks everybody.

Baltic Birch? Sounds sexy. I'm a little strapped for cash (aren't we all?) but if it looks good I might be able to get away with not painting the outside. We'll have to see what m'lady thinks I guess. Lol.



Nice going so far obZen good luck on building it...I have some experience with the happy frog line but not the fruit and flower,i use the all purpose and the bulb food and they work great so far.


More pics coming up tonight! Stay tuned!

The revegging is going good - lots of little round "mutant" leaves.

None of them look like they're trying to die... yet.

Smoke and hope for some good karma! :joint:

EDIT: Dead Camera Batteries! LOL! I hate it when that happens.
Pics coming soon - as soon as I can take them.
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Can't wait to see what is going on here. :wink:

Always a pleasure to see new things being done. I will keep an eye out for those pics. :joint:


Mrs.Greengenes said:
Can't wait to see what is going on here. :wink:

Always a pleasure to see new things being done. I will keep an eye out for those pics. :joint:

Welcome, any relation to Dr. Bud? :joint:

I can't wait to get started either!
I have all the money ready to go -
I'm just waiting for stupid bank stuff to go through so I can touch it!

Then... well, you'll find out.