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obtaining c02


How do all you c02 guys explain the need for straight c02? What are some other uses if the question comes up when you're purchasing it? :chin:

Pure MoFo

Just like anything else, there should be no need for the seller to ask questions. There are huge amounts of legit reasons to buy Co2. If someone asks questions you need to find somewhere else to do buisness.



Active member
i have yet to been asked when getting my tank filled and there where times i would go 3 times a week now i dont go as often cause i dont need as much... PeAcE


My little pony.. my little pony
Get a LP burner. When was the last time anyone asked why you were using a propane tank?


Ha! Just tell them you play paintball. Or use an airshifter in your car. Whatever works. Or just tell them to shut the fuck up and hit them a few times, that could work too.



not to get off topic or anything....
How much does an lp burner raise temps? I've been lookin at them for this very reason and was just wondering if someone could chime in with some experience.

dan kay

restaurant supply. they use co2 tanks for the bev dispensers. i remember a guy at a hydro store telling me they were taking that over for the restaurant supply place in the same shopping center because they had better prices.


Thanks everybody for the strong reply. The reason I asked was this afternoon I went into a welding supply store and asked for a tank of c02. The guys first question was what for? I was sort of stunned and told him for welding. He proceeded to explain to me that I was basically full of shit cause I really have no welding knowlewdge.
I left and I wont be using this company anymore not because they didn't hook me up but this dicks poor atitude. Anyway paintball will be the answer if the ? comes up again. :yeahthats


the keeper of the creeper
I'd would have said, do you want to sell me something today, or do i need to find somebody else to sell me a tank of C02. Beer Kegs also can be hooked up to c02, tell em your having a party.

Acually this gets me thinking, to the guys that run c02. Do you guys rent the bottles or buy them outright??????


you can buy them but they are expensive and most places only do swap outs. ie. you'll be handing over your new empty new cylinder for a full used cylinder (some lingo I picked up on my adventure). i'd say just put down a deposit and rent the thing. i'm looking at a $150 deposit for a fifty lb. tank and a ten dollar monthly rental fee. Costs about 35-40 bucks to fill 'er up.

dan kay

vodka: they don't want your info to rent it? i wouldn't want to give them any info for the rental. as for buying tanks and having to exchange a new one for an old one you should be able to find used tanks somewhere.


good call on buying a used tank. no problem with the info. My grow is 30 miles from where i live and c02 can be used for other things, in other peoples cases I guess personal judgemnet must be used.


My little pony.. my little pony
Dont be too mad at the welding guy, they want to know the gases use for mostly liability reasons or to straighten people out that get punked.

The reason the welding guy asked is because co2 isnt a welding gas by any kind of means. It doesnt combust and it doesnt help any other gas with combustion to make it hotter. When he figured you werent being setup and started with the lies he just called you on it.

After 9/11 everything that has the potential to go boom has changed. You are better off tailoring your excuse to the industry it belongs to. Besides charging liquid for fizzy drinks Im not sure what else you would use a co2 tank for.


i htought they used c02 when the heli arched(sp?) when they need to weld in a enviroment with no oxygen. just like witht he wire feed you can hook gas up to em its jsut to weld in clean enviroments with no perositives.(sp?)


Well-known member
The reason the welding guy asked is because co2 isnt a welding gas by any kind of means

well, co2 is the key gas in MIG welding, thats why they sell it at welding supply stores. I dont know what Verite means by his statement, I think hes answering a question he doesnt know anything about. the co2 inhibits oxidation of the hot weld and the surrounding metal and directs the plasma arc to a more specific location.

welding co2 is what you want. beverage co2 is at least twice as expensive. it does make sense to sort of look like a welder and know a little of the lingo so you dont stand out, if you show up in a tie dye shirt with baby soft hands they might wonder what you are doing, but all sorts of lies are available "my brother in law is helping me with a project and told me to come rent a co2 tank, he's gonna teach me how to weld as we go"

typically you buy or put a deposit on a used full tank, the small ones are 20 lbs and I think the big ones are 50, and then you bring it back when its empty and they swap it out for a full one or fill it. I often have to wait in line with welders getting refills, its very common. there is no 9/11 issue with co2 gas. a 20 lb tank costs $12 here to fill and keeps my room at 1500 ppm for 2 or 3 weeks.

I mostly worry about carrying the tank from the trunk to the space more than buying it.
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Tell anyone at a place that asks that you are an arrend runner at your new job and you're picking shit up for your boss... and you have no idea what the boss man wants it for. Tell the guy who askes that you can try and get your boss on the phone if he really needs to know but he's busy and may not answer. Sell me the shit or not.. hehe.
SunshineWorship, they don't raise temps nearly at all if you get an air-cooled CO2 generator. Maybe a couple of degrees, but not enough to be noticable. I have this one:

I'll post a thread on it with some of the technical specs so I don't clutter up this thread. It's worth it for a number of reasons, one of them being, as Verite pointed out, everyone uses LP. Easy as heck to get it ANYWHERE. :D


My little pony.. my little pony

The choice of a shielding gas depends on several factors, most importantly the type of material being welded and the process variation being used. Pure inert gases such as argon and helium are only used for nonferrous welding; with steel they cause an erratic arc and encourage spatter (with helium) or do not provide adequate weld penetration (argon). Pure carbon dioxide, on the other hand, allows for deep penetration welds but encourages oxide formation, which adversely affect the mechanical properties of the weld. Its low cost makes it an attractive choice, but because of the violence of the arc, spatter is unavoidable and welding thin materials is difficult. As a result, argon and carbon dioxide are frequently mixed in a 75%/25% or 80%/20% mixture, which reduces spatter and makes it possible to weld thin steel workpieces.
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