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OBSoul33t's Smut Shack


Well-known member
OBSoul.....those are some of the most incredible plants i've ever seen
absolutly badass brotha!!!! yowza!!!

OBSoul33t said:
chem likes the powder mildew , it would be a battle

dont i know that.........i just had to harvest mine early cuz of the PM
i never could get rid of it...the whole grow , it kept comming back on em

it had been staying on the leaves but at about 7 or 8 weeks(cant remember)
i saw some on a bud ......thats when i yanked em
fookin PM sux big


Kailua Kid

Active member
Amazing garden man, it took a lot of work to make a grow like that. :respect:

edit: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to OBSoul33t again.
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absolutely amazing OB. The hard work and dedication you put into the plants is clearly showing man. Those are some of the most inspiring outdoor photos I've ever seen. You've got the skills to say the least. I love the strain selection too. I'm sure it won't be long before everyone's fighting over half of that shit. All props go to you bro. You're killing it!


Active member
Wow wow wow. What can i say? That is the most well maintained outdoor garden I have ever seen. You must feel like a champ walking through there. So impressive from the freakin atomizer down to the giant cannabis beasts. How much do you think you'll pull off a plant from the larger of the yielders?


Thats some of the most beautiful pics I've seen yet, Thank you for posting them.


Amazing that these came from clones! Takes great timing and alot of skill!! :rasta:


Great thread, super pics, now send me care package with instructions and I will start my own :puppydoge . Lol


Active member
Breathtaking outdoor display, OBS!!! The Cudster always said you were in a "League of your Own"...that's no doubt! :respect:

Now ya gotta share with us how ya combat those damn Caterpillars! They've ruined a Double Sour Diesel I had flowering on the my deck! :cuss: I saw you used SM-90 & neem for indoors...what do ya use for yer trees?

Look forward to seein the Harvest! Take care & stay safe!

Oh yeah...if ya talk to Cuddy, tell em KBB sends his best!

Peace KBB


KillBillbuds said:
Breathtaking outdoor display, OBS!!! The Cudster always said you were in a "League of your Own"...that's no doubt! :respect:

Now ya gotta share with us how ya combat those damn Caterpillars! They've ruined a Double Sour Diesel I had flowering on the my deck! :cuss: I saw you used SM-90 & neem for indoors...what do ya use for yer trees?

Look forward to seein the Harvest! Take care & stay safe!

Oh yeah...if ya talk to Cuddy, tell em KBB sends his best!

Peace KBB


will tell cuddz when i see him.

for worms i use safer caterpillar killer but not during late flower . most of the time they come from oak trees near by .
they spin silk and float from the trees down on to your plant where they feed .

during late flower i get rid of them by hand , meaning peel open ever cola and look for the tale tale signs . little black specs of worm fecal matter , leaf structure eaten , dying colas and worms.

i wont use any chemical or sprays late flower , i normally allow for some worm damage .

if you plant globe amaranth in your garden it should attract mason bees , mason bees will cruise around the oak trees and eat the worms .

another thing to do next season is spray your near by trees with safer caterpillar killer early during the season .


and thank to everyone that stopped by the party , keep on keepin on



Obs....truly awe inspiring bro!!!!! I'm sure you make chem proud with plants like those man!!!!!!! Soon as I hit 50.......you'll be getting some rep :headbange



You will not be forgotten
Absolutely beautiful garden Obsoul33t!

Much respect and i have really enjoyed hearing your tips and thoughts :joint:
I need to go dig back up the thread you started in the outdoor forum with your tips on a successful outdoor season.

i was wondering, How late into flower will you use Safer BT caterpillar killer? i just spotted my first (and hopefully last) caterpillar today and i was hopeing to get your imput.

i did spread diatomaceous earth around the garden but want to make sure i dont lose any colas to the lil bastards.

Really enjoying the show and your great genetics, looking forward to watching everything mature. Peace


i try not to spray anything within 3 weeks of harvest .
the only thing i will spray late is h202 mixed @3% up to day of harvest to clean off anything .



Most excellent OBS

Love that atomizer. :)

Its also nice to see folks admit the use of Peroxide real late. Over the past few years though I have found a peroxide relative, oxidate, to be a tad more effective.

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ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Awesome grow you have going there, OBSoul!
What an ideal, to wake up to those sunrise shots! :D
Digging the atomizing, you just got it all covered, and, man, does it ever show!

Much :respect:

Good call on the oxidate, Elkslayer :yes: