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Obama will Prosecute Medical Marijuana Providers

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Original Editor of ICMagazine
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]No More Ambiguity [/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]Obama's DoJ Backs Prosecution of Medical Marijuana Providers [/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]By FRED GARDNER [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Flags flying, soldiers dying
all the politicians lying
–business as usual[/SIZE]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+3]I[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]t's official –under Barack Obama, the Department of Justice will not restrain federal prosecutors targeting medical marijuana providers. Any lingering hopes that the new Administration would implement change in this area were blasted April 17 when U.S. Attorney Thomas O'Brien forwarded to District Judge George Wu a letter from DOJ clarifying ObamAdmin policy.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]The clarification had been requested by Judge Wu. On March 23, responding to widespread media reports of a "policy change" under Obama, Wu had postponed the sentencing of Charles Lynch, 46, a Morro Bay dispensary operator, until the U.S. Attorney could provide a written statement elucidating the present policy. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]The definitive letter, signed by H. Marshall Jarrrett, director of the office that oversees all U.S. Attorneys, is addressed to O'Brien.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]"In response to your request, the Office of the Deputy Attorney General reviewed the facts of this case to determine whether the prosecution of Mr. Lynch comports with the Department of Justice's policies with respect to marijuana prosecutions. Based on the facts of this case, the Office of the Deputy Attorney General concurs with your office that the investigation, prosecution, and conviction of Mr. Lynch are entirely consistent with Department policies as well as public statements made by the Attorney General. Accordingly, you should seek to proceed with the sentencing recommendations which your office has filed with the court."[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Attorney General Holder had proclaimed that DOJ would henceforth approve prosectuion only of those medical marijuana providers who violate state law as well as federal law. (Federal prosecutors and the DEA claim that this has been their approach all along.) Pro-cannabis activists contend that Lynch ran an exemplary operation in Morro Bay. The letter from Deputy AG Jarrett begs the question: in what way did Lynch's dispensary violate state law? No evidence of profiteering by Lynch had been introduced during his trial. Nevertheless, ObamAdmin policy is now unambiguous: California dispensaries are subject to DEA raids, and their operators are subject to prosecution. Gone is the hope of retroactive leniency for Tom Kikuchi, Stephanie Landa, Dustin Costa, and dozens more growers and dispensary operators who are in prison or facing prison terms.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]The few that I've met are intelligent, skilled, decent people who, in a rational society, would be contributing to the welfare of their families and communities. [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Judge Wu will sentence Charles Lynch April 23 at 10:30 a.m. in his Los Angeles courtroom. Supporters will be out in force. Ronnie Naulls is one of those in the pipeline to prison whose fate will be affected by Jarrett's letter. He emails, "This is very upsetting news. We all have to join together and go to court to support Charles. Lord knows I would be there in a heartbeat but because of my house arrest I will be there in spirit."[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Fred Gardner edits O’Shaughnessy’s, the Journal of Cannabis in Clinical Practice. He can be reached at [email protected][/SIZE][/FONT]


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Looks as if the Feds are moving swiftly at this point in time.

Charles Lynch will face the judge for sentencing April 23 in Los Angeles Federal Court. 10:30 am.

Eddy Lepp faces the judge for sentencing on April 27 in San Francisco, 9 am Federal Court on Golden Gate Avenue.


While the Lynch case is certainly BS, the headline and content of the article is misleading.

Obama's and Holder have said they will prosecute MMJ providers only if they break the law, and will lay off otherwise.


Patient Grower
Umm, what part of 'Mr. Lynch was a model dispensary operator under CA state law' don't you understand? We were fed a line of shit by Messrs Obama and Holder. It doesn't matter how thoroughly you chew it, it isn't turning into chocolate.


Active member
I'm just glad that I don't have to read some ridiculous excuses by those who have been duped, where they say "Wait! it hasn't been 100 days yet! Give the man a chance!". There will still be bullshit excuses which certain people will be digging out of their asses and making up, but at least they can't use that one anymore.


Umm, what part of 'Mr. Lynch was a model dispensary operator under CA state law' don't you understand? We were fed a line of shit by Messrs Obama and Holder. It doesn't matter how thoroughly you chew it, it isn't turning into chocolate.

The law is a shitty thing sometimes, but it's not true as the article states that the Obama admin will continue to go after MMJ dispensaries that aren't breaking the law. It's pure, made-up, straight from the ass bullshit.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Very misleading title to say the least and lets see how long before the rest of Greenhead's right wing posse show up ranting. 3...2...1...


Active member
Very misleading title to say the least and lets see how long before the rest of Greenhead's right wing posse show up ranting. 3...2...1...

Watch out for that posse, we're coming for ya'll! And we don't take no prisoners!



Very misleading title to say the least and lets see how long before the rest of Greenhead's right wing posse show up ranting. 3...2...1...

How is it "misleading"? You don't like what it says? Ok? How is the title misleading? How does the content of the article not support the title? The DOJ is on the record as per their "Age of Obama", and it looks like they are saying, "fuck you Obama. Fire us for enforcing the law DUMMY AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS! WE DARE YOU!!:laughing:"
Because it is business as usual as far as they are concerned. So Obama can "say" all the "stuff" he wants, but they apparently don't care. Now the ball is back in Obama's court. What's he gonna do? My bet, nothing. He will just shut up and "forget" about it for a while, like maybe 5 years, until he is retired on a beach in HA.

So now I ask you? How is Obama's administration handling this specific issue differently than any other previous administration since 1996? I mean aside from the difference as where previous ones just flat out told you they would enforce federal law on people protected legally within their state, as compared to this one that "promised, kinda" to help "end the raids". And even went as far to further insult the intelligence of the people, by releasing a prepared "policy position talking point" that was carefully crafted, just as vague as Prop 215 itself LOL. Many took it to mean whatever they wanted, but it was meant literally, that's it. And now the DOJ has made their position known, which is no different than it ever has been. Hey at least they are giving us fair warning! Guess they could just lie to us all and say, "naw, we will let legally protected people in these states to the states." And then come in 9 months later and seize a ton of assests, money, etc... They could of tried to pull some crap like that. At least they are making it known, "your President is full of shit, and we are still going to move forward, business as usual." Everyone stay safe, don't rely on "Hoping" for some kind of vague "Change", you need to look at reality. While some continue to say, "Oh it's only been....." that's great. Tell that to Mr. Naulls, his trial is getting closer and closer, as he sweats it out.

The trick is, "they will only go after ones violating the law PERIOD." So that includes...
Sounds like more of the same to me w/ this issue. Sounds like alot of yous guys bought a line, and are un-able to defend things that have been previously said w/ regard to Obamas positition w/ this specific issue.
It's the biggest goof of all time.:laughing:


Active member
Just so yall know California Cannabis Incorporated is a fantasy, I don't really sell weed.


But then again they claim he sold cannabis to minors, (because they were under 21) and apparently a lot of his herb was found in non patient hands.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]


Active member
Obama's a prosecutor now? who will be president while hes busy prosecuting? I know, the prosecutor could be president while obama does his prosecuting job.


Honestly I do not think this has to do with politics, or how the Obama administration feels about cannabis and here is why:

Attorney General Holder had proclaimed that DOJ would henceforth approve prosecution only of those medical marijuana providers who violate state law as well as federal law.

The key word in that sentence being "henceforth." That means that prosecutions that are already under way are going to continue. I can see why some would find this hypocritical, and I agree it is concerning, but denying retroactivity is standard practice in law. We definitely wouldn't want crimes to be applied retroactively, or we could all be guilty of crimes that weren't crimes until after we committed them. In fact, Article I, section 9 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits such ex post facto laws.

The judicial process was already under way in Lynch's case, and messing with it would mess with our court's integrity. Sure the Attorney General has prosecutorial discretion, but it is not clear if the prosecutor has the right to withdraw his complaint against the defendant after a verdict has be laid down. It would most likely be up to the judge to vacate the sentence in some way(not that I know of such a way). Remember, Lynch is awaiting sentencing not trial, so he has already been found guilty in a court of law.

So really, I don't see any reason to get all up in arms...yet.

I am a law student, so I like to think I know what I am talking about.


Why doesn't it say that the Dept of Justice will prosecute medical marijuana growers? You guys should realize the small issue that medical marijuana is compared to real problems and other things that need to get fixed. Has Obama released a statement?


Active member
Why doesn't it say that the Dept of Justice will prosecute medical marijuana growers? You guys should realize the small issue that medical marijuana is compared to real problems and other things that need to get fixed. Has Obama released a statement?

nope hes a prosecutor now cuz this post say so, i read it right here


Lammen Gorthaur
At the risk of repeating myself.

I told you so...

These people will NOT - N - O - T, help our cause.

The modern liberal movement has NEVER emancipated a single person because once people are no longer seen as "victims" then they start to become responsible, respectable and no longer subject to being bought for pocket change.

If we want pot to be legal we are going to have to swallow our hatred and demagoguery and make peace with the Republicans because they WILL emancipate us. But first, we are going to have to spend YEARS trying to undo the horrifying damage we have done to ourselves because we believed the liberal bullshit line about legalization.

Once and for all time, put down the pipes and look at the reality.


My apologies for shouting online, but I wanted to make sure we are - for once - dealing with reality.


ICMag Donor
I was under the assumption they were going to look at each pending case on a case to case basis.

What was Mr. Lynch convicted of? Like the previous poster I was also told he was charged with selling to minor, non med patients. Is that true or a rumor?


I was under the assumption they were going to look at each pending case on a case to case basis.

What was Mr. Lynch convicted of? Like the previous poster I was also told he was charged with selling to minor, non med patients. Is that true or a rumor?

One of the employees at the clinic was caught selling to a minor in the parking lot. That's where that stems from. Like I said, they will just reach and reach for anything and use their now on the record scapegoat, not that they need to.


Where does it say this?

Aw, ya I see it the title. Yeah, poor choice of words, doesn't change the content of the post though. Maybe more appropriate is, "Obama will Conitue to Look the Other Way While DOJ Continues to Prosecute MMJ Providers and Patients, Even Though Obama Said he Would End This."

Like that better LOL!

Don't get me wrong, I never for 1 second bought into that line, I just like to see what people that did have to say now. I think another poster said it best, "I told you so."
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