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Obama ‘Open For Questions’ About The Economy Ask Him To Support Taxing And Regulati


Active member
I say if legalization or even decriminalization happens, we fix the economy somewhat, the tax revenues, oh and we got alot more citizens for the war, thats all he has to say , and then it happens, war on drugs can now all be focused on war on iraq, even though its something we dont need


Obama has his war in Afghanistan that will keep his important lobbyists happy.


gets some
Federal legalization is a moot point if it's illegal in the state you live in. The State will still prosecute you with State law....

And that is perfectly, 100% OK! That's how the 10th Amendment is supposed to work. As it stands now, the states have NO say in what is or is not illegal when the Feds control everything from the top down. States can't do squat until the Feds back off. That's the real fight here. Once the Feds back off, states are free to do as they see fit for their citizens.


While I agree it is a states rights issue.
I have to ask, what state would do anything while cannabis is a sched 1? That's not a real choice is it?
"Go ahead states, it's in your hands, you decide, BTW, it's STILL A SCHED 1 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, so whatever you decide, keep that in mind.?"
See where I am going w/ that. It's a false choice. The states DO what they want, but I don't see any that are going to violate federal law. The first step would have to be to remove cannabis as a controlled substance, not resched to a 2, REMOVE IT! Regulate w/ alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. THEN the states could do as they wish. Until that happens nothing will really matter IMO. And how could that happen? HMmmmm?
AG Holder? Not likely. Whom appointed him? Hmmm?
Congress? Not likely. Whom has the majority?
Everyone can go ahead and start shitting in one of their hands, and hope in the other.

BTW, JJ, I agree w/ you 100% about the priority of this issue politically. Unless you look at it through the perspective of "what does the fed gov have the authority to regulate", then I believe that would change the priority. Doesn't put it anywhere near the top, but it does make it much more relevant even to non-cannabis users. Just a thought.


Active member
its their drugs vs the others drugs

pharma pills, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, television(yes) vs everything else (THC and other non addictive psychoactive substances)

it's a matter of control over the minds of the whole...why else work so hard to keep a plant restricted? please tell me this resinates with somebody
Federal legalization is a moot point if it's illegal in the state you live in. The State will still prosecute you with State law....

mind numbing....


Just look at the san fran DEA raids.... Those would come to an end mi amigo. http://www.canorml.org/news/sfdearaid.html

DEA is what you probably refer to as "El Federales." They are Federal Agents, under the control and financed by the Federal Government of the United States. Do you comprende "Federal"?


ICMag Donor
mind numbing....


Just look at the san fran DEA raids.... Those would come to an end mi amigo. http://www.canorml.org/news/sfdearaid.html

DEA is what you probably refer to as "El Federales." They are Federal Agents, under the control and financed by the Federal Government of the United States. Do you comprende "Federal"?

Are you as thick as you pretend to be? How many times do I have to tell you that I'm talking legalization on a State level....

I'm hoping that Obama claiming he will let the States decide that someone will come forward and try it. Our best bet is what's going on in Cali. If they legalize I think you will see others follow suit.

What people need to do is to flood their congressman with letters and demands. If all the people that sent responses to the Presidents town hall would do the same with their Congressmen then we might get somewhere.... Let them know that Obama has said he is going to stay out of it and start getting them moving..... Like I said earlier, it doesn't matter if Obama makes it legal on a Federal level. You're still no better off on your State level. And they are the ones that do the bulk of the prosecuting....
What people need to do is to flood their congressman with letters and demands.

Like I said earlier, it doesn't matter if Obama makes it legal on a Federal level.

Do we need to flood federal politicians with letters and demands or does it not matter if it changes at the federal level?

Look, you obviously can't ignore that federal laws need to change by your own words. It absolutely does matter what Obama does on a Federal level. If Obama does nothing and doesn't need to, then how exactly is that different from Bush? You want Obama to act like Bush? Bush also claimed that he would leave mmj up to the states before his first term, btw. I'm sorry that Obama is a chump drug warrior in order to keep political power, but that is the reality of it.


It was sad to see Obama insult internet users and brush off the #1 question like it's a joke. He should have at least explained why he doesn't think it would help the economy, he owes that to the people cause that's what the people wanted to know.

I'm fine if Obama is against legalizing marijuana but I'm not ok with him not giving details on something the voters wanted details on.

If I was able to go to one of those town hall meetings I would simply ask everyone by a show of hands who has smoked marijuana or known someone who has at least once in their life. Once almost the entire room raised their hand (Obama included) I would then ask "Do you think it's justifiable that everyone in this room is able to get good jobs and live life how they want to but for millions of others can't ever get a decent job because they have a criminal record due to marijuana? Why are you allowed to get the most important job in the world but others have to go to prison when you both did the same thing?"
Like I said earlier, it doesn't matter if Obama makes it legal on a Federal level. You're still no better off on your State level. And they are the ones that do the bulk of the prosecuting....

you're a goddamn idiot. You pay federal taxes right? You just saw the link where they got raided by the DEA right?

Are you a citizen of the united states? ¿Habla Espanol?
in before the ban: I called you an idiot instead of further discussion because you have no ability for logic or reason whatsoever.

Also wanted to say again that you're an idiot because god knows how much marijuana the DEA confiscates each year out in the field.


ICMag Donor
you're a goddamn idiot. You pay federal taxes right? You just saw the link where they got raided by the DEA right?

Are you a citizen of the united states? ¿Habla Espanol?

If you can't debate without name calling you better go somewhere else.

To the others, it would be nice if Obama would legalize, but he's not ready to take that step. But I honestly believe he will eventually mandate law so the Feds won't get involved in any way with dispensories or if a State chooses to legalize. If he doesn't I'll be as mad as anyone else.


New member
Why are people still under the impression that Obama is "one of us". You have to know the Mexican drug cartels got a big smile out of hearing him once again blow off another "legalize pot" question. :nanana:


ICMag Donor
in before the ban: I called you an idiot instead of further discussion because you have no ability for logic or reason whatsoever.

Also wanted to say again that you're an idiot because god knows how much marijuana the DEA confiscates each year out in the field.

I'm logical enough not to expect it to happen overnight. I've dealt with these laws for thirty years. I'll look at the Pres ordering the DEA to stay out of medical issues and allowing states to make their own determinations on legalization as a step forward.
If you can't debate without name calling you better go somewhere else.

To the others, it would be nice if Obama would legalize, but he's not ready to take that step. But I honestly believe he will eventually mandate law so the Feds won't get involved in any way with dispensories or if a State chooses to legalize. If he doesn't I'll be as mad as anyone else.

Obama can't mandate law. Congress can, and he can sign it and the courts can uphold it. Obama can very publicly ask Congress to change current law, but I honestly believe Obama is more interested in protecting his and his political party's power and control than he is doing the right, just, and best thing for the people of this country. All we have from Obama and Holder concerning medical marijuana is empty rhetoric so far. They didn't cut any budgets and in fact increased the budgets of the agencies that run this war on people that like cannabis. Other than words, we have seen no actions from Obama that he is any different than Bush on this issue.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
lol any president has to be against drugs... that's what gets him all those votes from people who are religious... if he were pro marijuana it would go against "our" belief system... and he would outrage many that voted for him... fuck obama, worst puppet yet!


ICMag Donor
Obama can't mandate law. Congress can, and he can sign it and the courts can uphold it. Obama can very publicly ask Congress to change current law, but I honestly believe Obama is more interested in protecting his and his political party's power and control than he is doing the right, just, and best thing for the people of this country. All we have from Obama and Holder concerning medical marijuana is empty rhetoric so far. They didn't cut any budgets and in fact increased the budgets of the agencies that run this war on people that like cannabis. Other than words, we have seen no actions from Obama that he is any different than Bush on this issue.

I believe he could sign an executive order but Congress could over turn it with a 2/3rds vote.