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Obama ‘Open For Questions’ About The Economy Ask Him To Support Taxing And Regulati


A spokesman for Obama’s campaign blamed confusion over the meaning of decriminalization for the inconsistencies, and said that while Obama does not support decriminalization, "we are sending far too many first-time, nonviolent drug users to prison for very long periods of time, and that we should rethink those laws."


You trust an unnamed campaign spokesman, I trust Obama. Life goes on.

His actions through Holder are all the proof I need that his views on decrim are genuine.
Did you go to college with Obama? Are you his close friend? Do you keep in touch with him?

If not, I can't see any reason why you would trust him, or have faith in him.

If you did not see his conference, he LAUGHED at the fact that so many people genuinely NEED these absurd MJ laws to change. A lot of people thought Bush would be a good president, before he took office, because of the things he said. Are you ignorant? Politicians say what they have to say in order to get elected.

Now that he has been in office, nothing has changed. Dispensaries in Cali are still getting raided. Innocent non violent cannabis users are still getting locked up, and having their lives ruined. Some "change".

Dirt Magirt

I don't see how most people here are in favor of taxing. Is it for the incentive? I think we should be fighting for what we really want.

I think that one of the number one issues concerning all Americans is crime and punishment. If not only MJ was legal but all drugs. Crime would be cut drastically... violent and petty. And the money it would save our legal and penile systems would help in these tough economic times. Now that is an issue I think my President should be behind.

Edit: Obama is not what He appears to be...


Active member
You trust an unnamed campaign spokesman, I trust Obama. Life goes on.

His actions through Holder are all the proof I need that his views on decrim are genuine.

The spokesman has a name. But go ahead, don't believe what a spokeperson for Obama says, lol.

At first, Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said that the candidate had "always" supported decriminalizing marijuana, suggesting his 2004 statement was correct. Then after the Times posted copies of the video on its Web site today, his campaign reversed course and declared he does not support eliminating criminal penalties for marijuana possession and use.
"If you're convicted of a crime, you should be punished, but that we are sending far too many first-time, non-violent drug users to prison for very long periods of time, and that we should rethink those laws," Vietor said. The spokesman blamed confusion over the meaning of decriminalization for the conflicting answers.

Even if they would just decriminalize growing for personal use, that would do wonders for the country. People wouldn't have to rely on the violent Mexican drug Cartels, just to get some weed to smoke a damn bowl and relax. They wouldn't have to worry about gangs, and being ripped off. They wouldn't have to drive 45 minutes out of town, into dangerous cities, just to be able to get a good deal, on some decent Cannabis. They wouldn't have to drive back in fear of being pulled over, and having their lives turned upside down, over a PEACEFUL PLANT.


Yea that's exactly what I said, and yes it only takes one simple action for all the bad to go away. :no:

good job putting words in my mouth. I didn't say one simple thing would make all bad go away, I said one simple thing would make marijuana legal.

It amazes me how ANYONE here could be defending obama at this point, he belitted and laughed at us all.


New member
In my honest opinion...The MJ issue should be takin away from the federal gov't entirely and be given to the states to decide. The fed gov't was created to refrain from dictating social policies and now it seems like that all it's here for...As for the issues over seas, you have to understand that there isn't any draft, the ppl of our wonderful military arent dragged over seas against there will...If you join the military that is your choice...people know what they are signing on for...they love protecting this nation...once you sign that dotted line you are "gov't issue"...sure we dont need thousands more troops in the middle east but theres not much point of having such a powerful military if it's not put to good use....Plus the gov't didnt create these economic issues, the ppl did, the greed of major corps. and the ignorance of citizens, like for ex." you applying for a loan that you don't even qualify for and end up receiving it any way even though you know you can't afford it"... none of this happened over night...every1 with the intelligance who saw these issues coming didn;t do any thing to change things for the better...but anyway, im no better or smarter than most ppl, this is just my opinion :)


ICMag Donor
Before jumping the President, you need to get things taken care of on the State side.

So what if Obama did make weed legal? What good would that do? If it's not legal in your state you're still going to be prosecuted by the State you live in.

And Obama's stated that he will not get involved in the issue if the State legalizes. So what good would it really do if Obama legalized? It's a mute point.....


New member
i see your point i think the states still lower penalties..and since we are starting to have more deomocratic states than replican states, the views of ppl changing as they become more educated, and lets not forget the actual benefits concerning hemp for fuel/energy, textiles, food/biological advantages, and future medical breakthrouhgs that I think things would start to change drastically for the better in the end.


gets some
From a town hall meeting today:


3-26-09 9:17am
Obama opposes legalizing marijuana

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama had some fun with at least one question at his online town hall, saying he doesn't think legalizing marijuana is a good strategy for turning around the economy.

Obama told the audience Thursday that one of the most popular questions was whether legalization of the illicit drug would help pull the nation out of the recession. The president jokingly said: "I don't know what this says about the online audience."

In a serious response, he said he didn't think that was a good economic policy.

Are yall Obama supporters gonna wake up yet?

He just mocked you.


ICMag Donor
What's that got to do with anything?

Obama never said he was going to legalize marijuana. What he has stated that I liked was he was going to leave it up to the States to decide what they want to do. I see that as a good thing personally. It has to be done anyways in order for marijuana to be legal in the State you live in.....

When I see him back off that stance then I'll get riled....


The Hopeful Protagonist
LOL....No, he never said he would.....He just led people to believe, through his "top-cop",that they were going to stop pursuing dispensaries and personal use growers.

We see how that's worked out.


good cop - bad cop its been used for years problem is
their still cops things will happen just not sure I'll be here
to see them I do look for it to be a little better here but
maybe not
Before jumping the President, you need to get things taken care of on the State side.

So what if Obama did make weed legal? What good would that do? If it's not legal in your state you're still going to be prosecuted by the State you live in.

And Obama's stated that he will not get involved in the issue if the State legalizes. So what good would it really do if Obama legalized? It's a mute point.....

Uhhh... federal prosecution is a moot point? Federal Tax dollars is a moot point?


From a town hall meeting today:


Are yall Obama supporters gonna wake up yet?

He just mocked you.

You are SOOOO right. All of you that held out hope that a sitting American President would (despite his race, age, or background) run the political risk of legalizing weed are pretty gullible. Yeah, like he's going to risk being the FIRST black President AND gambling that legalizing weed will provide a few extra BILLION in revenue.

We're down TRILLIONS, so unless y'all turn on every American citizen...this is not likley to be a cogent argument.

Obama should, if he's smart, leave this up to the states to decide...This is a states rights' issue. Fed should have NO say.


ICMag Donor
Federal legalization is a moot point if it's illegal in the state you live in. The State will still prosecute you with State law....