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"Who me? I'm the one who has stated over and over again that marijuana means nothing in this election. I think that anybody who is voting for anybody based solely on their marijuana stance is somewhat naive, IMO."

Excuse me for not readin through 45 pages of back and forth...


Active member
DiscoBisquick said:
Your economy is in the shitter and you're not voting for him over a medicinal marijuana bill?

It'll be even worse if the socialist liberal Obama wins. He's going to tax the fuck out of everything to pay for all his ridiculous ideas, unrealistic promises and his braindead "Change" rhetoric.

:joint: :wave:
"At least you know where he stands, lol."

Mccain changes his stance from month to month... not to appease his voters, but to appease his benefactors.... Last month he was against offshore drilling b/c the oil can't be used for a decade anyway and will not help us...

This month, off-shore drilling is imperitive... I wonder what made him change his mind...

Not all "flip-flopping" is bad.. We've had 8 years of a president who didn't flip flop at all.. His ideas never evolved, never took the opinion of someone other than his personal advisors, he "stayed the course."

Personally i want a president who can adjust his ideas on the run...


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DiscoBisquick said:
His ideas never evolved, never took the opinion of someone other than his personal advisors, he "stayed the course."

I'm not crazy about Bush, but that's actually one of the things that I like about him. When it comes to certain issues (like war), I think it's a good thing to "stay the course", and not waver one single inch.

:joint: :wave:


Active member
DiscoBisquick said:
"At least you know where he stands, lol."

Mccain changes his stance from month to month... not to appease his voters, but to appease his benefactors.... Last month he was against offshore drilling b/c the oil can't be used for a decade anyway and will not help us...

This month, off-shore drilling is imperitive... I wonder what made him change his mind...

Yes, he definitely did change his stance on the drilling issue. I personally think that's a good thing though, because I'm 100% for drilling in the US. I also disagree with the people who claim that it's a decade away before it can be used. And even if it were, then it should be started as soon as possible, as not to waste any more time.

:joint: :wave:
"It'll be even worse if the socialist liberal Obama wins. He's going to tax the fuck out of everything to pay for all his ridiculous ideas, unrealistic promises and his braindead "Change" rhetoric."

Have you ever taken an economics class?

Obama has said it himself: taxes as a whole go up but if you make under $80,000 you will save a $1000 a year on taxes... if you're between 80K and 300K you will bepaying the same you paid during the 90s.. If you make over $300K a year you will be paying about 7%-8% more a year....

This is because the incredibly wealthy will be paying a little extra (that they can afford) to help out the lower classes instead of recieving the tax breaks they recieve now under the flat tax... Are you for killing the middle class? Do you make over 300K a year..

This how the republicans roll... They know the majority of their base has only a high school degree if that... They say broad statements like "raise and lowering taxes" "gas tax holidays" hoping that their under educated voter base won't know how to read between the lines...

I know education is way down under the bush budget (from 35% in the 90's to about 14% in this decade) but I still hope our country is smarter than that...
This is the first war we have ever fought that taxes haven't gone up.... china has paid about $1.3 trillion for this war... China owns us.. you should be proud to pay taxes....
"because I'm 100% for drilling in the US. I also disagree with the people who claim that it's a decade away before it can be used. "

Ummm Mccain said it himself this is when he was advocating it... He said even though the oil will take about 10 years to refine (b/c we don't have adequate refineries) the positive effect will be mostly psychological...

Mccain doesn't even agree with you...
the main reason I choose to vote left is the universal health care idea........ while I know it will be forever and a day away if it ever happens but there is no reason that childern in the great country of america should not have health benefits till the age of 18. A child has no control over how much there parents make or if there parents job offer health benefits. If canada can do it why can't we

And for drilling offshore you have lost your mind.......there isn't a point lets destroy the reefs and marine life off the coast of florida for an unrenewable sorce of energy when we could be creating solar and wind farms to drop the consumption of oil........ the key is to quit depending on oil all together
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Active member
DiscoBisquick said:
Mccain doesn't even agree with you...

And I certainly don't agree with McCain on everything.

I've read other sources that claimed that it could be done in less than 10 years. But like I said, even if it were 10 years or 15 years or even 25 years, then I am still for it, and it should begin as soon as possible.

:joint: :wave:


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Gulf Coast said:
the key is to quit depending on oil all together

Sure, but that time is a long way off, even with a massive effort. In the meantime, plenty of oil is needed, and the US has plenty of oil available, like in Alaska, so drill away is my view. The less we depend on mideast countries, the better.

:joint: :wave:
im not saying refining gas in less than 10 years is impossible but our refineries are firing at between 98-99% right now to deal with the situation we are in right now...

The gas we drill today won't even be able to be refined for a decade... we need to look at alternative fuel sources... something obama is all about...

hes a smart man and hes trying to save us from ourselves...
the only ones who would benefit from drilling offshore are the oil companies, not you and me... they would ensure that their product will be available for decades and our dependence on oil is prolonged well into the century....


(1) The US doesn't have a lot of oil left. Our production peaked in 1970-71, and, aside from the North Slope, we haven't had any major discoveries since the 1950s.

(2) OCS and ANWR drilling--even if successful--will not make it to market for 10 years. This is from the DOE-EIA and they are aligned with oil producers. More importantly, the amount of oil that could be produced, even under the most optimistic scenarios, isn't enough to impact prices in a meaningful way.

(3) More oil is not what's needed. What's needed is a less energy-intensive economy. Above and beyond that, we need an economy that isn't reliant on constant growth to maintain stability.

Unfortunately, both of the candidates for president do not understand this last point, and what's worse is that the majority of the American people do not either (I think they would if properly informed).


gets some
DiscoBisquick said:
Not all "flip-flopping" is bad.. We've had 8 years of a president who didn't flip flop at all.. His ideas never evolved, never took the opinion of someone other than his personal advisors, he "stayed the course."

Personally i want a president who can adjust his ideas on the run...

Not to split hairs but Bush turned out to be one of the biggest flip floppers ever! In 2000, he won the election running on a "small government, lower taxes, no nation-building and no policing of the world, mind our own business" platform. That's a far cry from today's Bush administration.


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ItsGrowTime said:
Not to split hairs but Bush turned out to be one of the biggest flip floppers ever! In 2000, he won the election running on a "small government, lower taxes, no nation-building and no policing of the world, mind our own business" platform. That's a far cry from today's Bush administration.

That is true, I think however that he had a good reason to flip flop in 2001, lol.

:joint: :wave:
Drilling in Alaska and/or off-shore is not a long term solution, OR, a short term solution. It's a complete waist of time and money that would be better INVESTED in long term ecologically-sound energy technology combined with sane, but strict, environmental policy. We should have started this decades ago. Imagine what it would be like now if we had seriously invested in clean energy technology twenty years ago. Instead, we just bent over and asked the oil companies to please use lubricant, which they did, for a while. I don't know about ya'll, but I'm getting pretty sore.

My major problem with the current administration is their obvious ideal of "anything for profit." I'm not surprised about their desire to open protected areas to drilling. In less than eight years they have totally raped 40 years of relatively sound environmental protection/law for the sake of profit for a few large companies. We, and our children have to live with the aftermath; polluted air, polluted water, diminishing wildlife, diminishing natural resources, etc ... Makes me sick.

As a nation, we need to quit bitching about stupid shit and face the fact it's not going to be easy to fix anything--especially under the current system. But, a lot of stuff needs fixing and we just can afford to debate it endlessly any longer.

FWIW, I think we need to make environment and energy independance a "national project" everyone can (must) contribute to and have ownership in. Something along the scale of our efforts in WWll. We're going to have to change. We're going to have to sacrifice. Either we do it proactively, with a plan, or we do it reactively when it's forced upon us by our own inaction. it's going to happen.

Sorry about the rant. I feel better.




gets some
greenhead said:
That is true, I think however that he had a good reason to flip flop in 2001, lol.

:joint: :wave:

That would have been the case if there was a truly declared war against Afghanistan/Taliban, the capture of bin Laden, victory and then a pullout from Afghanistan and that's it. Everything since the Afghanistan invasion has been unnecessary and the mother of all flip-flops.


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I guess we will see what happens in a few months... I'm pretty sure there's more pot heads then U.S. officials though if revolt be needed... It's pretty ridiculous what most of these people will do to keep the filthy rich rolling in the cash... We'd just have to like... do something... lol... it's our country right? not some ass-hat we're paying to make decisions for us... I think it's time we start over... power corruption has infected the system.


All we need is another anti-nwo reverend claiming he might do something like start a revolution, if only he could find time in his busy schedule of playing world of warcraft and eating hot-pockets.

No offense to you, but that seems the general consensus.
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